/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @file simple.c @author N. Devillard @date Jan 1999 @version $Revision: 1.18 $ @brief Simple FITS access routines. This module offers a number of very basic low-level FITS access routines. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* $Id: simple.c,v 1.18 2005/07/20 14:31:22 yjung Exp $ $Author: yjung $ $Date: 2005/07/20 14:31:22 $ $Revision: 1.18 $ */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Includes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "simple.h" #include "fits_p.h" #include "expkey.h" #include "cache.h" #include "fits_std.h" #include "qerror.h" #include "xmemory.h" /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global variables -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * The following global variables are only used for regular expression * matching of integers and floats. These definitions are private to * this module. */ /** A regular expression matching a floating-point number */ static char regex_float[] = "^[+-]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[.][0-9]+)([eEdD][+-]?[0-9]+)?$"; /** A regular expression matching an integer */ static char regex_int[] = "^[+-]?[0-9]+$"; /** A regular expression matching a complex number (int or float) */ static char regex_cmp[] = "^[+-]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[.][0-9]+)([eEdD][+-]?[0-9]+)?[ ]+[+-]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[.][0-9]+)([eEdD][+-]?[0-9]+)?$"; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function codes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Retrieve the value of a key in a FITS header @param filename Name of the FITS file to browse @param keyword Name of the keyword to find @return pointer to statically allocated character string Provide the name of a FITS file and a keyword to look for. The input file is memory-mapped and the first keyword matching the requested one is located. The value corresponding to this keyword is copied to a statically allocated area, so do not modify it or free it. The input keyword is first converted to upper case and expanded to the HIERARCH scheme if given in the shortFITS notation. This function is pretty fast due to the mmapping. Due to buffering on most Unixes, it is possible to call many times this function in a row on the same file and do not suffer too much from performance problems. If the file contents are already in the cache, the file will not be re-opened every time. It is possible, though, to modify this function to perform several searches in a row. See the source code. Returns NULL in case the requested keyword cannot be found. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char * qfits_query_hdr (char *filename, const char *keyword) { return qfits_query_ext (filename, keyword, 0); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Retrieve the value of a keyin a FITS extension header. @param filename name of the FITS file to browse. @param keyword name of the FITS key to look for. @param xtnum xtension number @return pointer to statically allocated character string Same as qfits_query_hdr but for extensions. xtnum starts from 1 to the number of extensions. If xtnum is zero, this function is strictly identical to qfits_query_hdr(). */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char * qfits_query_ext (char *filename, const char *keyword, int xtnum) { char *exp_key; char *where; char *start; char *value; char test1, test2; int i; int len; int different; int seg_start; int seg_size; long bufcount; size_t size; /* Bulletproof entries */ if (filename == NULL || keyword == NULL || xtnum < 0) return NULL; /* Expand keyword */ exp_key = qfits_expand_keyword (keyword); /* * Find out offsets to the required extension * Record the xtension start and stop offsets */ if (qfits_get_hdrinfo (filename, xtnum, &seg_start, &seg_size) == -1) { return NULL; } /* * Get a hand on requested buffer */ start = falloc (filename, seg_start, &size); if (start == NULL) return NULL; /* * Look for keyword in header */ bufcount = 0; where = start; len = (int) strlen (exp_key); while (1) { different = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (where[i] != exp_key[i]) { different++; break; } } if (!different) { /* Get 2 chars after keyword */ test1 = where[len]; test2 = where[len + 1]; /* If first subsequent character is the equal sign, bingo. */ if (test1 == '=') break; /* If subsequent char is equal sign, bingo */ if (test1 == ' ' && (test2 == '=' || test2 == ' ')) break; } /* Watch out for header end */ if ((where[0] == 'E') && (where[1] == 'N') && (where[2] == 'D') && (where[3] == ' ')) { /* Detected header end */ fdealloc (start, seg_start, size); return NULL; } /* Forward one line */ where += 80; bufcount += 80; if (bufcount > seg_size) { /* File is damaged or not FITS: bailout */ fdealloc (start, seg_start, size); return NULL; } } /* Found the keyword, now get its value */ value = qfits_getvalue (where); fdealloc (start, seg_start, size); return value; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Counts the number of extensions in a FITS file @param filename Name of the FITS file to browse. @return int Counts how many extensions are in the file. Returns 0 if no extension is found, and -1 if an error occurred. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int qfits_query_n_ext (char *filename) { return qfits_query (filename, QFITS_QUERY_N_EXT); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Counts the number of planes in a FITS extension. @param filename Name of the FITS file to browse. @param exnum Extensin number @return int Counts how many planes are in the extension. Returns 0 if no plane is found, and -1 if an error occurred. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int qfits_query_nplanes (char *filename, int extnum) { char *sval; int next; int naxes; int nplanes; /* Check file existence */ if (filename == NULL) return -1; /* Check validity of extnum */ next = qfits_query_n_ext (filename); if (extnum > next) { qfits_error ("invalid extension specified"); return -1; } /* Find the number of axes */ naxes = 0; if ((sval = qfits_query_ext (filename, "NAXIS", extnum)) == NULL) { qfits_error ("missing key in header: NAXIS"); return -1; } naxes = atoi (sval); /* Check validity of naxes */ if ((naxes < 2) || (naxes > 3)) return -1; /* Two dimensions cube */ if (naxes == 2) nplanes = 1; else { /* For 3D cubes, get the third dimension size */ if ((sval = qfits_query_ext (filename, "NAXIS3", extnum)) == NULL) { qfits_error ("missing key in header: NAXIS3"); return -1; } nplanes = atoi (sval); if (nplanes < 1) nplanes = 0; } return nplanes; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Clean out a FITS string value. @param s pointer to allocated FITS value string. @return pointer to statically allocated character string From a string FITS value like 'marvin o''hara', remove head and tail quotes, replace double '' with simple ', trim blanks on each side, and return the result in a statically allocated area. Examples: - ['o''hara'] becomes [o'hara] - [' H '] becomes [H] - ['1.0 '] becomes [1.0] */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PRETTY_STRING_STATICBUFS 8 char * qfits_pretty_string (char *s) { static char pretty_buf[PRETTY_STRING_STATICBUFS][81]; static int flip = 0; char *pretty; int i, j; /* bulletproof */ if (s == NULL) return NULL; /* Switch between static buffers */ pretty = pretty_buf[flip]; flip++; if (flip == PRETTY_STRING_STATICBUFS) flip = 0; pretty[0] = (char) 0; if (s[0] != '\'') return s; /* skip first quote */ i = 1; j = 0; /* trim left-side blanks */ while (s[i] == ' ') { if (i == (int) strlen (s)) break; i++; } if (i >= (int) (strlen (s) - 1)) return pretty; /* copy string, changing double quotes to single ones */ while (i < (int) strlen (s)) { if (s[i] == '\'') { i++; } pretty[j] = s[i]; i++; j++; } /* NULL-terminate the pretty string */ pretty[j + 1] = (char) 0; /* trim right-side blanks */ j = (int) strlen (pretty) - 1; while (pretty[j] == ' ') j--; pretty[j + 1] = (char) 0; return pretty; } #undef PRETTY_STRING_STATICBUFS /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Identify if a FITS value is boolean @param s FITS value as a string @return int 0 or 1 Identifies if a FITS value is boolean. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int qfits_is_boolean (char *s) { if (s == NULL) return 0; if (s[0] == 0) return 0; if ((int) strlen (s) > 1) return 0; if (s[0] == 'T' || s[0] == 'F') return 1; return 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Identify if a FITS value is an int. @param s FITS value as a string @return int 0 or 1 Identifies if a FITS value is an integer. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int qfits_is_int (char *s) { regex_t re_int; int status; if (s == NULL) return 0; if (s[0] == 0) return 0; if (regcomp (&re_int, ®ex_int[0], REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB) != 0) { qfits_error ("internal error: compiling int rule"); exit (-1); } status = regexec (&re_int, s, 0, NULL, 0); regfree (&re_int); return (status) ? 0 : 1; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Identify if a FITS value is float. @param s FITS value as a string @return int 0 or 1 Identifies if a FITS value is float. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int qfits_is_float (char *s) { regex_t re_float; int status; if (s == NULL) return 0; if (s[0] == 0) return 0; if (regcomp (&re_float, ®ex_float[0], REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB) != 0) { qfits_error ("internal error: compiling float rule"); exit (-1); } status = regexec (&re_float, s, 0, NULL, 0); regfree (&re_float); return (status) ? 0 : 1; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Identify if a FITS value is complex. @param s FITS value as a string @return int 0 or 1 Identifies if a FITS value is complex. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int qfits_is_complex (char *s) { regex_t re_cmp; int status; if (s == NULL) return 0; if (s[0] == 0) return 0; if (regcomp (&re_cmp, ®ex_cmp[0], REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB) != 0) { qfits_error ("internal error: compiling complex rule"); exit (-1); } status = regexec (&re_cmp, s, 0, NULL, 0); regfree (&re_cmp); return (status) ? 0 : 1; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Identify if a FITS value is string. @param s FITS value as a string @return int 0 or 1 Identifies if a FITS value is a string. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int qfits_is_string (char *s) { if (s == NULL) return 0; if (s[0] == '\'') return 1; return 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Identify the type of a FITS value given as a string. @param s FITS value as a string @return integer naming the FITS type Returns the following value: - QFITS_UNKNOWN (0) for an unknown type. - QFITS_BOOLEAN (1) for a boolean type. - QFITS_INT (2) for an integer type. - QFITS_FLOAT (3) for a floating-point type. - QFITS_COMPLEX (4) for a complex number. - QFITS_STRING (5) for a FITS string. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int qfits_get_type (char *s) { if (s == NULL) return QFITS_UNKNOWN; if (qfits_is_boolean (s)) return QFITS_BOOLEAN; if (qfits_is_int (s)) return QFITS_INT; if (qfits_is_float (s)) return QFITS_FLOAT; if (qfits_is_complex (s)) return QFITS_COMPLEX; return QFITS_STRING; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Retrieve offset to start and size of a header in a FITS file. @param filename Name of the file to examine @param xtnum Extension number (0 for main) @param seg_start Segment start in bytes (output) @param seg_size Segment size in bytes (output) @return int 0 if Ok, -1 otherwise. This function retrieves the two most important informations about a header in a FITS file: the offset to its beginning, and the size of the header in bytes. Both values are returned in the passed pointers to ints. It is Ok to pass NULL for any pointer if you do not want to retrieve the associated value. You must provide an extension number for the header, 0 meaning the main header in the file. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int qfits_get_hdrinfo (char *filename, int xtnum, int *seg_start, int *seg_size) { if (filename == NULL || xtnum < 0 || (seg_start == NULL && seg_size == NULL)) { return -1; } if (seg_start != NULL) { *seg_start = qfits_query (filename, QFITS_QUERY_HDR_START | xtnum); if (*seg_start < 0) return -1; } if (seg_size != NULL) { *seg_size = qfits_query (filename, QFITS_QUERY_HDR_SIZE | xtnum); if (*seg_size < 0) return -1; } return 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Retrieve offset to start and size of a data section in a file. @param filename Name of the file to examine. @param xtnum Extension number (0 for main). @param seg_start Segment start in bytes (output). @param seg_size Segment size in bytes (output). @return int 0 if Ok, -1 otherwise. This function retrieves the two most important informations about a data section in a FITS file: the offset to its beginning, and the size of the section in bytes. Both values are returned in the passed pointers to ints. It is Ok to pass NULL for any pointer if you do not want to retrieve the associated value. You must provide an extension number for the header, 0 meaning the main header in the file. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int qfits_get_datinfo (char *filename, int xtnum, int *seg_start, int *seg_size) { if (filename == NULL || xtnum < 0 || (seg_start == NULL && seg_size == NULL)) { return -1; } if (seg_start != NULL) { *seg_start = qfits_query (filename, QFITS_QUERY_DAT_START | xtnum); if (*seg_start < 0) return -1; } if (seg_size != NULL) { *seg_size = qfits_query (filename, QFITS_QUERY_DAT_SIZE | xtnum); if (*seg_size < 0) return -1; } return 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Query a card in a FITS (main) header by a given key @param filename Name of the FITS file to check. @param keyword Where to read a card in the header. @return Allocated string containing the card or NULL */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char * qfits_query_card (char *filename, char *keyword) { char *exp_key; int fd; char *buf; char *buf2; char *where; int hs; char *card; /* Bulletproof entries */ if (filename == NULL || keyword == NULL) return NULL; /* Expand keyword */ exp_key = qfits_expand_keyword (keyword); /* Memory-map the FITS header of the input file */ qfits_get_hdrinfo (filename, 0, NULL, &hs); if (hs < 1) { qfits_error ("error getting FITS header size for %s", filename); return NULL; } fd = open (filename, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) return NULL; buf = (char *) mmap (0, hs, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (buf == (char *) -1) { perror ("mmap"); close (fd); return NULL; } /* Apply search for the input keyword */ buf2 = malloc (hs + 1); memcpy (buf2, buf, hs); buf2[hs] = (char) 0; where = buf2; do { where = strstr (where, exp_key); if (where == NULL) { close (fd); munmap (buf, hs); free (buf2); return NULL; } if ((where - buf2) % 80) where++; } while ((where - buf2) % 80); where = buf + (int) (where - buf2); /* Create the card */ card = malloc (81 * sizeof (char)); strncpy (card, where, 80); card[80] = (char) 0; /* Free and return */ close (fd); munmap (buf, hs); free (buf2); return card; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Replace a card in a FITS (main) header by a given card @param filename Name of the FITS file to modify. @param keyword Where to substitute a card in the header. @param substitute What to replace the line with. @return int 0 if Ok, -1 otherwise Replaces a whole card (80 chars) in a FITS header by a given FITS line (80 chars). The replacing line is assumed correctly formatted and containing at least 80 characters. The file is modified: it must be accessible in read/write mode. The input keyword is first converted to upper case and expanded to the HIERARCH scheme if given in the shortFITS notation. Returns 0 if everything worked Ok, -1 otherwise. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int qfits_replace_card (char *filename, const char *keyword, char *substitute) { char *exp_key; int fd; char *buf; char *buf2; char *where; int hs; /* Bulletproof entries */ if (filename == NULL || keyword == NULL || substitute == NULL) return -1; /* Expand keyword */ exp_key = qfits_expand_keyword (keyword); /* * Memory-map the FITS header of the input file */ qfits_get_hdrinfo (filename, 0, NULL, &hs); if (hs < 1) { qfits_error ("error getting FITS header size for %s", filename); return -1; } fd = open (filename, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) { return -1; } buf = (char *) mmap (0, hs, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (buf == (char *) -1) { perror ("mmap"); close (fd); return -1; } /* Apply search and replace for the input keyword lists */ buf2 = malloc (hs + 1); memcpy (buf2, buf, hs); buf2[hs] = (char) 0; where = buf2; do { where = strstr (where, exp_key); if (where == NULL) { close (fd); munmap (buf, hs); free (buf2); return -1; } if ((where - buf2) % 80) where++; } while ((where - buf2) % 80); where = buf + (int) (where - buf2); /* Replace current placeholder by blanks */ memset (where, ' ', 80); /* Copy substitute into placeholder */ memcpy (where, substitute, strlen (substitute)); close (fd); munmap (buf, hs); free (buf2); return 0; } /* vim: set ts=4 et sw=4 tw=75 */