# STRF **strf** is the satellite tracking toolkit for radio observations (RF). The software is designed to allow tracking of satellites from radio observations, using Doppler curves to identify satellites and/or determine their orbits. This repo is a downstream port of STRF from proprietary pgplot to libre giza. # Setup Thus. ``` sudo apt install giza-dev git make gcc gfortran libpng-dev \ libx11-dev libgsl-dev libfftw3-dev dos2unix unzip git clone https://spacecruft.org/spacecruft/strf cd strf/ make sudo make install ``` # Use Example. With a `./tmp/` directory with filenames like this: `2023-01-20_000099.bin` Run: ``` ./rfplot -p ./tmp/2023-01-20 ``` # Upstream See `README-upstream.md`. STRF, GPLv3. * https://github.com/cbassa/strf Upstream has ported many of the tools to Python. See also: * https://github.com/cbassa/sattools * https://github.com/cbassa/stvid * https://github.com/cbassa/asm * https://github.com/cbassa/stphot Giza, GPLv2. * https://danieljprice.github.io/giza # License Same as upstream `strf`, GPLv3. *Copyright (C) 2023, Jeff Moe*