#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sgdp4h.h" #define LIM 80 #define NMAX 1024 #define D2R M_PI/180.0 #define R2D 180.0/M_PI #define XKMPER 6378.137 // km #define KG 0.07436680 // earth radii, earth masses, minutes #define C 299792.458 // km/s #define FLAT (1.0/298.257) struct site { int id; double lat,lng; float alt; char observer[64]; } site; struct point { char timestamp[24]; double mjd,freq,v,freq0; float t,f,res; float flux; int flag,site_id,rsite_id; struct site s,r; }; struct data { int n; struct point *p; int fitfreq; double mjdmin,mjdmax,mjd0; double freqmin,freqmax,fluxmin,fluxmax,f0,ffit; char satname[LIM]; } d; orbit_t orb; int fgetline(FILE *file,char *s,int lim); struct data read_data(char *filename,int graves,float offset); double date2mjd(int year,int month,double day); void mjd2nfd(double mjd,char *nfd); struct point decode_line(char *line); double modulo(double,double); double gmst(double); double dgmst(double); void obspos_xyz(double,struct site,xyz_t *,xyz_t *); int velocity(orbit_t orb,double mjd,struct site s,double *v,double *azi,double *alt); double altitude(orbit_t orb,double mjd,struct site s); void deselect_inside(float x0,float y0,float x,float y); void highlight(float x0,float y0,float x,float y,int flag); void deselect_outside(float xmin,float ymin,float xmax,float ymax); void deselect_nearest(float x,float y,float xmin,float ymin,float xmax,float ymax); void save_data(float xmin,float ymin,float xmax,float ymax,char *filename); void equatorial2horizontal(double mjd,struct site s,double ra,double de,double *azi,double *alt); double chisq(double a[]); void versafit(int m,int n,double *a,double *da,double (*func)(double *),double dchisq,double tol,char *opt); double compute_rms(void); void mjd2date(double mjd,int *year,int *month,double *day); void print_tle(orbit_t orb,char *filename); void search(void); double fit_curve(orbit_t orb,int *ia); double mjd2doy(double mjd,int *yr); double doy2mjd(int year,double doy); int identify_satellite_from_visibility(char *catalog,double altmin); // Get observing site struct site get_site(int site_id) { int i=0,status; char line[LIM]; FILE *file; int id; double lat,lng; float alt; char abbrev[3],observer[64]; struct site s; char *env,filename[LIM]; env=getenv("ST_DATADIR"); sprintf(filename,"%s/data/sites.txt",env); file=fopen(filename,"r"); if (file==NULL) { printf("File with site information not found!\n"); exit(0); } while (fgets(line,LIM,file)!=NULL) { // Skip if (strstr(line,"#")!=NULL) continue; // Strip newline line[strlen(line)-1]='\0'; // Read data status=sscanf(line,"%4d %2s %lf %lf %f", &id,abbrev,&lat,&lng,&alt); strcpy(observer,line+38); // Change to km alt/=1000.0; // Copy site if (id==site_id) { s.lat=lat; s.lng=lng; s.alt=alt; s.id=id; strcpy(s.observer,observer); } } fclose(file); return s; } // Select diagonal void diagonal_select(float x0,float y0,float x1,float y1,int flag) { int i; float v; float ymin,ymax; printf("%f %f %f %f\n",x0,y0,x1,y1); for (i=0;i0.0 && v<1.0 && d.p[i].f>ymin && d.p[i].f1e-9) { sprintf(bstar,"%11.4e",10*orb.bstar); sbstar[0] = bstar[0]; sbstar[1] = bstar[1]; sbstar[2] = bstar[3]; sbstar[3] = bstar[4]; sbstar[4] = bstar[5]; sbstar[5] = bstar[6]; sbstar[6] = bstar[8]; sbstar[7] = bstar[10]; sbstar[8] = '\0'; } // Print lines sprintf(line1,"1 %05dU %2d%012.8f .00000000 00000-0 %8s 0 0",orb.satno,orb.ep_year-2000,orb.ep_day,sbstar); sprintf(line2,"2 %05d %8.4f %8.4f %07.0f %8.4f %8.4f %11.8f 0",orb.satno,DEG(orb.eqinc),DEG(orb.ascn),1E7*orb.ecc,DEG(orb.argp),DEG(orb.mnan),orb.rev); // Compute checksums for (i=0,csum=0;i0) { printf("Identified %d candidate(s), best fitting satellite is %05d.\n",i,satno); read_twoline(fp,satno,&orb); rms=fit_curve(orb,ia); } else { printf("No candidates found.\n"); satno=-1; } fclose(fp); return satno; } int identify_satellite_from_visibility(char *catalog,double altmin) { int i=0,flag=0,nalt,nsel; FILE *fp; int satno=0,imode; double alt,frac; // Open catalog fp=fopen(catalog,"rb"); if (fp==NULL) fatal_error("File open failed for reading %s\n",catalog); // Loop over TLEs while (read_twoline(fp,0,&orb)==0) { // Initialize imode=init_sgdp4(&orb); if (imode==SGDP4_ERROR) printf("Error\n"); if (orb.rev<10.0) continue; // Loop over observations for (i=0,nalt=0,nsel=0;ialtmin) nalt++; } } frac=(float) nalt/(float) nsel; if (nsel==nalt) printf("%5d %d/%d %.4f\n",orb.satno,nalt,nsel,frac); } rewind(fp); fclose(fp); return satno; } void usage() { printf("dpplot -d -c [tle catalog] -i [satno] -h\n\ndata file: Tabulated doppler curve\ntle catalog: Catalog with TLE's (optional)\nsatno: Satellite to load from TLE catalog (optional)\n\n"); printf("rffit: fit RF observations\n\n"); printf("-d Input data file with RF measurements\n"); printf("-c Catalog with TLE's [optional]\n"); printf("-i NORAD ID of satellite to load\n"); printf("-s Site ID\n"); printf("-g GRAVES data\n"); printf("-m Frequency offset to apply [Hz]\n"); printf("-h This help\n"); return; } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int i,j,flag,redraw=1,plot_curve=1,plot_type=1,residuals=0,elset=0; int imode,year,style,color; char xlabel[64],ylabel[32],text[64],freqlist[128]; int site_id=4171; float xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; float xminsel,xmaxsel,yminsel,ymaxsel; float x0,y0,x,y; double mjd,v,v1,azi,alt,rms=0.0,day,mjdtca=56658.0,altmin=0.0; float t,f,vtca,foffset=0.0; char c,nfd[32]="2014-01-01T00:00:00"; int mode=0,posn=0,click=0; char *catalog,*datafile,filename[64],string[64],bstar[10]=" 00000-0"; int arg=0,nobs=0; FILE *fp,*std,*fpres; char line0[72],line1[72],line2[72]; int ia[]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; float dx[]={0.1,0.1,0.35,0.35,0.6,0.6,0.85},dy[]={0.0,-0.25,0.0,-0.25,0.0,-0.25,0.0}; int satno=-1,status; struct site s0,s1; int site_number[16],nsite=0,graves=0; char *env; // Get site env=getenv("ST_COSPAR"); if (env!=NULL) { site_id=atoi(env); } else { printf("ST_COSPAR environment variable not found.\n"); } env=getenv("ST_DATADIR"); // Decode options while ((arg=getopt(argc,argv,"d:c:i:hs:gm:"))!=-1) { switch(arg) { case 'd': datafile=optarg; break; case 'c': catalog=optarg; break; case 'i': satno=atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': usage(); return 0; break; case 'm': foffset=atof(optarg)/1000.0; break; case 's': site_id=atoi(optarg); break; case 'g': graves=1; break; default: usage(); return 0; } } // Read data d=read_data(datafile,graves,foffset); d.fitfreq=1; // Set graves frequency if (graves==1) { d.fitfreq=0; d.ffit=143050.0; } // Count number of sites and assign colors for (i=0;i=16) { printf("Too many observing sites.\n"); return 0; } } // Set default observing site site=get_site(site_id); // Read TLE if (satno>=0) { fp=fopen(catalog,"rb"); if (fp==NULL) fatal_error("File open failed for reading %s\n",catalog); status=read_twoline(fp,satno,&orb); if (status==-1) { printf("No elements found for %5d\n",satno); satno=-1; } fclose(fp); } if (freopen("/tmp/stderr.txt","w",stderr)==NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Failed to redirect stderr\n"); cpgopen("/xs"); cpgask(0); xmin=d.mjdmin-d.mjd0-0.005; xmax=d.mjdmax-d.mjd0+0.005; if (graves==0) { ymin=-12.0*d.f0/C; ymax=12*d.f0/C; } else if (graves==1) { ymin=-20.0*d.f0/C; ymax=20*d.f0/C; } // ymin=d.freqmin; // ymax=d.freqmax; day=mjd2doy(d.mjd0,&year); sprintf(xlabel,"MJD - %5.0f (%02d%03.0f)",d.mjd0,year-2000,floor(day)); sprintf(ylabel,"Frequency - %.0f kHz",d.f0); // For ever loop for (;;) { if (redraw==1) { // Plot buttons cpgpage(); cpgsvp(0.1,0.95,0.0,0.2); cpgswin(0.0,1.0,-0.5,0.5); // Buttons cpgtext(0.12,-0.05,"Inclination"); cpgtext(0.372,-0.05,"Eccentricity"); cpgtext(0.62,-0.05,"Mean Anomaly"); cpgtext(0.87,-0.05,"B\\u*\\d"); cpgtext(0.12,-0.3,"Ascending Node"); cpgtext(0.37,-0.3,"Arg. of Perigee"); cpgtext(0.62,-0.3,"Mean Motion"); // Toggles for (i=0;i<7;i++) { cpgpt1(dx[i],dy[i],19); if (ia[i]==1) { cpgsci(2); cpgpt1(dx[i],dy[i],16); cpgsci(1); } } // Sky plot cpgsvp(0.715,0.95,0.5,0.99); cpgwnad(-90.0,90.0,-90.0,90.0); cpgbox("BC",0.,0,"BC",0.,0); cpgsfs(2); cpgcirc(0.0,0.0,90.0); cpgpt1(0.0,0.0,2); // Plot orbit if (satno>0 && plot_curve==1) { // Initialize imode=init_sgdp4(&orb); if (imode==SGDP4_ERROR) break; cpgsci(15); // for (mjd=d.mjd0,i=0;mjd0) { if (vtca*v<0.0) { mjdtca=mjd; } } x=(90-alt)*sin(azi*D2R); y=-(90-alt)*cos(azi*D2R); if (i==0 || alt<0.0) cpgmove(x,y); else cpgdraw(x,y); vtca=v; } mjd2nfd(mjdtca,nfd); cpgsci(1); cpgsls(1); // Plot points for (i=0;i0 && plot_curve==1 && residuals==0) { // Plot tle format_tle(orb,line1,line2); cpgmtxt("T",2.0,0.0,0.0,line1); cpgmtxt("T",1.0,0.0,0.0,line2); // Initialize imode=init_sgdp4(&orb); if (imode==SGDP4_ERROR) break; // Loop over sites for plotting model for (j=0;j0.0) { cpgsls(1); cpgsci(color); } else { cpgsls(2); cpgsci(14); } if (i==0) cpgmove(t,f); else cpgdraw(t,f); } cpgsci(1); cpgsls(1); } } // Plot selected points for (i=0;i=1 && c-'0'<8) { if (ia[c-49]==0) ia[c-49]=1; else if (ia[c-49]==1) ia[c-49]=0; redraw=1; } // Change if (c=='c') { printf("(1) Inclination, (2) Ascending Node, (3) Eccentricity,\n(4) Arg. of Perigee, (5) Mean Anomaly, (6) Mean Motion,\n(7) B* drag, (8) Epoch, (9) Satellite ID\n\nWhich parameter to change: "); status=scanf("%i",&i); if (i>=0 && i<=9) { printf("\nNew value: "); if (fgets(string,64,stdin)==NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Failed to read string\n"); status=scanf("%s",string); // if (i==0) strcpy(d.satname,string); if (i==1) orb.eqinc=RAD(atof(string)); if (i==2) orb.ascn=RAD(atof(string)); if (i==3) orb.ecc=atof(string); if (i==4) orb.argp=RAD(atof(string)); if (i==5) orb.mnan=RAD(atof(string)); if (i==6) orb.rev=atof(string); if (i==7) orb.bstar=atof(string); if (i==8) { orb.ep_year=2000+(int) floor(atof(string)/1000.0); orb.ep_day=atof(string)-1000*floor(atof(string)/1000.0); } if (i==9) orb.satno=atoi(string); if (i==0) { printf("%f\n",d.ffit); d.ffit=atof(string); d.fitfreq=0; } redraw=1; } printf("\n================================================================================\n"); } // Move if (c=='m') { printf("Provide frequency offset (kHz): "); status=scanf("%lf",&v); // Loop over points for (i=0;i0) { redraw=1; plot_curve=1; } printf("\n================================================================================\n"); } // Identify if (c=='I') { printf("Above altitude (deg): "); status=scanf("%lf",&altmin); satno=identify_satellite_from_visibility(catalog,altmin); printf("\n================================================================================\n"); } // Parameter search // if (c=='S') { // search(); // redraw=1; // } // Write TLE if (c=='w') { printf("TLE filename to write: "); status=scanf("%s",filename); print_tle(orb,filename); printf("\n================================================================================\n"); } // Reread tle if (c=='R') { // Read TLE fp=fopen(catalog,"rb"); if (fp==NULL) fatal_error("File open failed for reading %s\n",catalog); read_twoline(fp,satno,&orb); print_orb(&orb); printf("\n================================================================================\n"); fclose(fp); d.ffit=d.f0; redraw=1; } // Diagonal select if (c=='k') { printf("Selecting diagonal\n"); diagonal_select(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,2); redraw=1; } // Toggle residuals if (c=='j') { fpres=fopen("residuals.dat","w"); for (i=0;ix) ? x0 : x; ymin=(y0y) ? y0 : y; click=0; mode=0; redraw=1; } else if (click==2 && mode==2) { xminsel=(x0x) ? x0 : x; yminsel=(y0y) ? y0 : y; deselect_inside(xminsel,yminsel,xmaxsel,ymaxsel); click=0; mode=0; redraw=1; } else if (click==3 && mode==2) { xminsel=(x0x) ? x0 : x; yminsel=(y0y) ? y0 : y; printf("%f %f %f %f\n",xminsel,xmaxsel,yminsel,ymaxsel); click=0; mode=0; redraw=1; } else { click=0; mode=0; redraw=1; } } // Highlight if (c=='s') { highlight(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,2); for (i=0,nobs=0;i3) elset=0; print_orb(&orb); printf("\n================================================================================\n"); click=0; redraw=1; continue; } /* // Default tle if (c=='t') { orb.satno=99999; orb.eqinc=0.5*M_PI; orb.ascn=0.0; orb.ecc=0.0; orb.argp=0.0; orb.mnan=0.0; orb.rev=14.0; orb.bstar=0.0; orb.ep_day=mjd2doy(0.5*(d.mjdmin+d.mjdmax),&orb.ep_year); satno=99999; print_orb(&orb); printf("\n================================================================================\n"); click=0; redraw=1; continue; } */ // Unzoom if (c=='r') { xmin=d.mjdmin-d.mjd0; xmax=d.mjdmax-d.mjd0; if (graves==0) { ymin=-12.0*d.f0/C; ymax=12*d.f0/C; } else if (graves==1) { ymin=-20.0*d.f0/C; ymax=20*d.f0/C; } mode=0; click=0; redraw=1; continue; } // Help if (c=='h') { printf("Usage:\n================================================================================\nq Quit\np Toggle curve plotting\n1 Toggle fitting parameter (Inclination)\n2 Toggle fitting parameter (RA of ascending node)\n3 Toggle fitting parameter (Eccentricity)\n4 Toggle fitting parameter (Argyment of perigee)\n5 Toggle fitting parameter (Mean anomaly)\n6 Toggle fitting parameter (Mean motion)\nc Change parameter\nm Move highlighted points in frequency\nl Select points on flux limit\nf Fit highlighted points\ng Get TLE from catalog\ni Identify satellite from catalog based on Doppler curve\nI Identify satellite from catalog based on visibility\nw Write present TLE\nR Reread TLE from catalog\nX Delete nearest point (right mouse button)\nz Start box to zoom\nd Start box to delete points\nA Zoom/delete points (left mouse button)\nh Highlight points in present window\nx Deselect all except highlighted\nI Invert selection\nD Delete highlighted points\ns Save highlighted points into file\nU Deselect all points\nu Deselect highlighted points\nt Load template tle\nr Reset zoom\nh This help\n================================================================================\n\n"); } // Save x0=x; y0=y; } cpgclos(); // Free free(d.p); fclose(stderr); return 0; } // Read a line of maximum length int lim from file FILE into string s int fgetline(FILE *file,char *s,int lim) { int c,i=0; while (--lim > 0 && (c=fgetc(file)) != EOF && c != '\n') s[i++] = c; if (c == '\t') c=' '; if (c == '\n') s[i++] = c; s[i] = '\0'; return i; } // Decode line struct point decode_line(char *line) { int year,month,iday,hour,min,sec,fsec; double day; struct point p; int site_id,rsite_id,nread,status; // Get timestamp if (line[5]=='.') { site_id=-1; rsite_id=-1; nread=sscanf(line,"%lf %lf %f %d %d",&p.mjd,&p.freq,&p.flux,&site_id,&rsite_id); } else { strncpy(p.timestamp,line,19); p.timestamp[19]='\0'; // Get MJD, freq, flux site_id=-1; status=sscanf(line,"%2d/%2d/%2d %2d:%2d:%2d.%1d %lf %f %d",&year,&month,&iday,&hour,&min,&sec,&fsec,&p.freq,&p.flux,&site_id); day=iday+hour/24.0+min/1440.0+(sec+0.1*fsec)/86400.0; p.mjd=date2mjd(2000+year,month,day); } // Decode site p.s=get_site(site_id); p.site_id=site_id; if (rsite_id!=-1) { p.r=get_site(rsite_id); p.rsite_id=rsite_id; } else { p.rsite_id=0; } // Change to kHz p.freq*=1E-3; // Set flag p.flag=1; return p; } // Read data struct data read_data(char *filename,int graves,float offset) { int i=0; char line[LIM]; FILE *file; struct data d; double c; float sum,ssum,w,df; // Open file file=fopen(filename,"r"); if (file==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open %s\n",filename); exit(1); } // Count lines while (fgetline(file,line,LIM)>0) i++; d.n=i; // Allocate d.p=(struct point *) malloc(sizeof(struct point)*d.n); // Rewind file rewind(file); // Read data i=0; while (fgetline(file,line,LIM)>0) d.p[i++]=decode_line(line); // Close file fclose(file); // Add frequency offset for (i=0;i0) { if (d.p[i].mjdd.mjdmax) d.mjdmax=d.p[i].mjd; if (d.p[i].freqd.freqmax) d.freqmax=d.p[i].freq; if (d.p[i].fluxd.fluxmax) d.fluxmax=d.p[i].flux; } } c=0.1*(d.mjdmax-d.mjdmin); d.mjdmin-=c; d.mjdmax+=c; c=0.1*(d.freqmax-d.freqmin); d.freqmin-=c; d.freqmax+=c; c=0.02*(d.fluxmax-d.fluxmin); d.fluxmin-=c; d.fluxmax+=c; // Center time and frequency d.mjd0=floor(0.5*(d.mjdmax+d.mjdmin)); d.f0=floor(0.5*(d.freqmax+d.freqmin)); if (graves==1) d.f0=143050.0; // Compute times for (i=0;ix=gc*cos(s.lat*D2R)*cos(theta*D2R)*XKMPER; pos->y=gc*cos(s.lat*D2R)*sin(theta*D2R)*XKMPER; pos->z=gs*sin(s.lat*D2R)*XKMPER; vel->x=-gc*cos(s.lat*D2R)*sin(theta*D2R)*XKMPER*dtheta; vel->y=gc*cos(s.lat*D2R)*cos(theta*D2R)*XKMPER*dtheta; vel->z=0.0; return; } // Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time double gmst(double mjd) { double t,gmst; t=(mjd-51544.5)/36525.0; gmst=modulo(280.46061837+360.98564736629*(mjd-51544.5)+t*t*(0.000387933-t/38710000),360.0); return gmst; } // Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time double dgmst(double mjd) { double t,dgmst; t=(mjd-51544.5)/36525.0; dgmst=360.98564736629+t*(0.000387933-t/38710000); return dgmst; } // Return x modulo y [0,y) double modulo(double x,double y) { x=fmod(x,y); if (x<0.0) x+=y; return x; } // Deselect inside box void deselect_inside(float x0,float y0,float x,float y) { int i; float xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; xmin=(x0x) ? x0 : x; ymin=(y0y) ? y0 : y; for (i=0;ixmin && d.p[i].tymin && d.p[i].fx) ? x0 : x; ymin=(y0y) ? y0 : y; for (i=0;ixmin && d.p[i].tymin && d.p[i].fxmax || d.p[i].fymax) d.p[i].flag=0; return; } // Deselect nearest point void deselect_nearest(float x,float y,float xmin,float ymin,float xmax,float ymax) { int i,imin,flag; float r,rmin; float dx,dy; for (i=0,flag=0;i0) { dx=(x-d.p[i].t)/(xmax-xmin); dy=(y-d.p[i].f)/(ymax-ymin);; r=sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); if (flag==0) { imin=i; rmin=r; flag=1; } if (rxmin && d.p[i].tymin && d.p[i].f=1.0) a[2]=0.999; if (a[5]<0.05) a[5]=0.05; // Set parameters orb.eqinc=RAD(a[0]); orb.ascn=RAD(modulo(a[1],360.0)); orb.ecc=a[2]; orb.argp=RAD(modulo(a[3],360.0)); orb.mnan=RAD(modulo(a[4],360.0)); orb.rev=a[5]; orb.bstar=a[6]; // Initialize imode=init_sgdp4(&orb); if (imode==SGDP4_ERROR) printf("Error\n"); // Loop over highlighted points for (i=0,sum1=0.0,sum2=0.0;i0) rms=sqrt(rms/(float) n); return rms; } // Compute Date from Julian Day void mjd2nfd(double mjd,char *nfd) { double f,jd,dday; int z,alpha,a,b,c,d,e; int year,month,day,hour,min; float sec,x; jd=mjd+2400000.5; jd+=0.5; z=floor(jd); f=fmod(jd,1.); if (z<2299161) a=z; else { alpha=floor((z-1867216.25)/36524.25); a=z+1+alpha-floor(alpha/4.); } b=a+1524; c=floor((b-122.1)/365.25); d=floor(365.25*c); e=floor((b-d)/30.6001); dday=b-d-floor(30.6001*e)+f; if (e<14) month=e-1; else month=e-13; if (month>2) year=c-4716; else year=c-4715; day=(int) floor(dday); x=24.0*(dday-day); x=3600.*fabs(x); sec=fmod(x,60.); x=(x-sec)/60.; min=fmod(x,60.); x=(x-min)/60.; hour=x; sec=floor(1000.0*sec)/1000.0; sprintf(nfd,"%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02.0f",year,month,day,hour,min,sec); return; } // Compute Date from Julian Day void mjd2date(double mjd,int *year,int *month,double *day) { double f,jd; int z,alpha,a,b,c,d,e; jd=mjd+2400000.5; jd+=0.5; z=floor(jd); f=fmod(jd,1.); if (z<2299161) a=z; else { alpha=floor((z-1867216.25)/36524.25); a=z+1+alpha-floor(alpha/4.); } b=a+1524; c=floor((b-122.1)/365.25); d=floor(365.25*c); e=floor((b-d)/30.6001); *day=b-d-floor(30.6001*e)+f; if (e<14) *month=e-1; else *month=e-13; if (*month>2) *year=c-4716; else *year=c-4715; return; } // Print TLE void print_tle(orbit_t orb,char *filename) { int i,n; FILE *file; double mjdmin,mjdmax; int year,month; double day; char line1[70],line2[70]; // Count number of points for (i=0,n=0;imjdmax) mjdmax=d.p[i].mjd; n++; } } // Write TLE file=fopen(filename,"w"); format_tle(orb,line1,line2); fprintf(file,"%s\n%s\n",line1,line2); mjd2date(mjdmin,&year,&month,&day); fprintf(file,"# %4d%02d%05.2lf-",year,month,day); mjd2date(mjdmax,&year,&month,&day); fprintf(file,"%4d%02d%05.2lf, %d measurements, %.3lf kHz rms\n",year,month,day,n,compute_rms()); fclose(file); return; } // Parameter search void search(void) { int i,j,n; double a[7],da[7]; FILE *file; double xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; int nx,ny,status; // Get input printf("Provide mean motion estimate: "); status=scanf("%lf",&a[5]); printf("Provide inclination estimate: "); status=scanf("%lf",&a[0]); printf("Provide mean anomaly range, steps [min max nstep]: "); status=scanf("%lf %lf %d",&xmin,&xmax,&nx); printf("Provide ascending node range, steps [min max nstep]: "); status=scanf("%lf %lf %d",&ymin,&ymax,&ny); // Count highlighted points for (i=0,n=0;i0) versafit(n,7,a,da,chisq,0.0,1e-5,"n"); // Return parameters orb.eqinc=RAD(a[0]); orb.ascn=RAD(modulo(a[1],360.0)); orb.ecc=a[2]; orb.argp=RAD(modulo(a[3],360.0)); orb.mnan=RAD(modulo(a[4],360.0)); orb.rev=a[5]; orb.bstar=a[6]; // print_tle(orb); rms=compute_rms(); return rms; } // MJD to DOY double mjd2doy(double mjd,int *yr) { int year,month,k=2; double day,doy; mjd2date(mjd,&year,&month,&day); if (year%4==0 && year%400!=0) k=1; doy=floor(275.0*month/9.0)-k*floor((month+9.0)/12.0)+day-30; *yr=year; return doy; } // DOY to MJD double doy2mjd(int year,double doy) { int month,k=2; double day; if (year%4==0 && year%400!=0) k=1; month=floor(9.0*(k+doy)/275.0+0.98); if (doy<32) month=1; day=doy-floor(275.0*month/9.0)+k*floor((month+9.0)/12.0)+30.0; return date2mjd(year,month,day); }