#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rftime.h" #include "rfio.h" #include "rftrace.h" #define LIM 128 #define NMAX 64 struct select { int flag,n; float x[NMAX],y[NMAX],w; }; void dec2sex(double x,char *s,int f,int len); void time_axis(double *mjd,int n,float xmin,float xmax,float ymin,float ymax); void usage(void); void plot_traces(struct trace *t,int nsat); struct trace locate_trace(struct spectrogram s,struct select sel,int site_id); void filter(struct spectrogram s,int site_id) { int i,j,k,l,jmax,zmax; float s1,s2,avg,std,dz; FILE *file; double f; int *mask; float sigma=5; mask=(int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*s.nchan); // Open file file=fopen("filter.dat","w"); // Loop over subints for (i=0;isigma*std) { mask[j]=0; l++; } } } // Reset mask for (j=0;jsigma*std) mask[j]=1; else mask[j]=0; } // Find maximum when points are adjacent for (j=0;j=0;j--) { if (mask[j]==1 && mask[j-1]==1) { if (s.z[i+s.nsub*j]1.0) fprintf(file,"%lf %lf %f %d\n",s.mjd[i],f,s.z[i+s.nsub*j],site_id); cpgpt1((float) i+0.5,(float) j+0.5,17); } } } fclose(file); free(mask); return; } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { struct spectrogram s; float tr[]={-0.5,1.0,0.0,-0.5,0.0,1.0}; float cool_l[]={-0.5,0.0,0.17,0.33,0.50,0.67,0.83,1.0,1.7}; float cool_r[]={0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.6,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0}; float cool_g[]={0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.6,0.0,1.0}; float cool_b[]={0.0,0.3,0.8,1.0,0.3,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0}; float xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax=8.0; int i,j,k,flag=0,isel=0; int redraw=1,mode=0,posn=0,click=0; float dt,zzmax,s1,s2; int ix=0,iy=0,isub=0; int i0,j0,i1,j1,jmax; float width=1500; float x,y,x0,y0; char c; char path[128],xlabel[64],ylabel[64],filename[32],tlefile[128]; int sec,lsec,ssec; char stime[16]; double fmin,fmax,fcen,f; FILE *file; int arg=0,nsub=3600,nbin=1; double f0=0.0,df0=0.0; int foverlay=1; struct trace *t,tf; int nsat,satno,status; struct select sel; char *env; int site_id=0; // Get site env=getenv("ST_COSPAR"); if (env!=NULL) { site_id=atoi(env); } else { printf("ST_COSPAR environment variable not found.\n"); } env=getenv("ST_TLEDIR"); sprintf(tlefile,"%s/bulk.tle",env); // Read arguments if (argc>1) { while ((arg=getopt(argc,argv,"p:f:w:s:l:b:z:hc:C:"))!=-1) { switch (arg) { case 'p': strcpy(path,optarg); break; case 's': isub=atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': nsub=atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': nbin=atoi(optarg); break; case 'f': f0=(double) atof(optarg); break; case 'w': df0=(double) atof(optarg); break; case 'z': zmax=atof(optarg); break; case 'h': usage(); return 0; case 'c': strcpy(tlefile,optarg); break; case 'C': site_id=atoi(optarg); break; default: usage(); return 0; } } } else { usage(); return 0; } // Read data s=read_spectrogram(path,isub,nsub,f0,df0,nbin); printf("Read spectrogram\n%d channels, %d subints\nFrequency: %g MHz\nBandwidth: %g MHz\n",s.nchan,s.nsub,s.freq*1e-6,s.samp_rate*1e-6); // Exit on empty data if (s.nsub==0) return 0; // Compute traces t=compute_trace(tlefile,s.mjd,s.nsub,site_id,s.freq*1e-6,s.samp_rate*1e-6,&nsat); printf("Traces for %d objects for location %d\n",nsat,site_id); cpgopen("/xs"); cpgctab(cool_l,cool_r,cool_g,cool_b,9,1.0,0.5); cpgsch(0.8); cpgask(0); // Default limits xmin=0.0; xmax=(float) s.nsub; ymin=0.0; ymax=(float) s.nchan; zmin=0.0; // Set trace tf.n=0; // Set selection isel=0; sel.n=0; sel.w=50.0; // Forever loop for (;;) { if (redraw==1) { // cpgeras(); cpgpage(); cpgsci(1); cpgsvp(0.1,0.95,0.1,0.95); cpgswin(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax); cpgimag(s.z,s.nsub,s.nchan,1,s.nsub,1,s.nchan,zmin,zmax,tr); // Pixel axis cpgbox("CTSM1",0.,0,"CTSM1",0.,0); // Time axis cpgbox("B",0.,0,"",0.,0); time_axis(s.mjd,s.nsub,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax); // Freq axis fmin=s.freq-0.5*s.samp_rate+ymin*s.samp_rate/(float) s.nchan; fmax=s.freq-0.5*s.samp_rate+ymax*s.samp_rate/(float) s.nchan; fmin*=1e-6; fmax*=1e-6; cpgswin(xmin,xmax,fmin,fmax); if (foverlay==1) { cpgsci(3); plot_traces(t,nsat); cpgsci(1); } // Human readable frequency axis fcen=0.5*(fmax+fmin); fcen=floor(1000*fcen)/1000.0; sprintf(ylabel,"Frequency - %.3f MHz",fcen); fmin-=fcen; fmax-=fcen; cpgswin(xmin,xmax,fmin,fmax); cpgbox("",0.,0,"BTSN",0.,0); sprintf(xlabel,"UT Date: %.10s",s.nfd0); cpglab(xlabel,ylabel," "); cpgswin(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax); // Plot selection if (sel.n>0) { cpgsci(7); // Plot points for (i=0;i=(int) xmax) break; if (j0<0) j0=0; if (j1>=s.nchan) j1=s.nchan-1; zzmax=0.0; jmax=0; for (j=j0;jzzmax) { zzmax=s.z[i+s.nsub*j]; jmax=j; } } printf("%d\n",jmax); cpgpt1((float) i,(float) jmax,17); } i0=(int) x; jmax=(int) y; for (i=i0;;i--) { j0=(int) floor(jmax-10); j1=(int) ceil(jmax+10); if (i<(int) xmin) break; if (i>=(int) xmax) break; if (j0<0) j0=0; if (j1>=s.nchan) j1=s.nchan-1; zzmax=0.0; jmax=0; for (j=j0;jzzmax) { zzmax=s.z[i+s.nsub*j]; jmax=j; } } printf("%d\n",jmax); cpgpt1((float) i,(float) jmax,17); } continue; } // Mark single point if (c=='D') { file=fopen("mark.dat","a"); i=(int) floor(x); j=(int) floor(y); f=s.freq-0.5*s.samp_rate+(double) j*s.samp_rate/(double) s.nchan; if (s.mjd[i]>1.0) { fprintf(file,"%lf %lf %f %d\n",s.mjd[i],f,s.z[i+s.nsub*j],site_id); printf("%lf %lf %f %d\n",s.mjd[i],f,s.z[i+s.nsub*j],site_id); } fclose(file); } // Mark if (c=='m') { i0=(int) floor(xmin); i1=(int) ceil(xmax); j0=(int) floor(ymin); j1=(int) ceil(ymax); if (i0<0) i0=0; if (i1>=s.nsub) i1=s.nsub-1; if (j0<0) j0=0; if (j1>=s.nchan) j1=s.nchan-1; file=fopen("out.dat","w"); // Loop over image for (i=i0;izzmax) { zzmax=s.z[i+s.nsub*j]; jmax=j; } } f=s.freq-0.5*s.samp_rate+(double) jmax*s.samp_rate/(double) s.nchan; if (s.mjd[i]>1.0) fprintf(file,"%lf %lf %f %d\n",s.mjd[i],f,zzmax,site_id); cpgpt1((float) i,(float) jmax,17); } fclose(file); } // Mark if (c=='a') { i0=(int) floor(xmin); i1=(int) ceil(xmax); j0=(int) floor(ymin); j1=(int) ceil(ymax); if (i0<0) i0=0; if (i1>=s.nsub) i1=s.nsub-1; if (j0<0) j0=0; if (j1>=s.nchan) j1=s.nchan-1; printf("Provide filename: "); status=scanf("%s",filename); file=fopen(filename,"a"); // Loop over image for (i=i0;izzmax) { zzmax=s.z[i+s.nsub*j]; jmax=j; } } f=s.freq-0.5*s.samp_rate+(double) jmax*s.samp_rate/(double) s.nchan; if (s.mjd[i]>1.0) fprintf(file,"%lf %lf %f %d\n",s.mjd[i],f,zzmax,site_id); cpgpt1((float) i,(float) jmax,17); } fclose(file); } // Center if (c=='c') { xmin=x-width; xmax=x+width; ymin=y-width; ymax=y+width; redraw=1; continue; } // Toggle overlay if (c=='p' || c=='X') { if (foverlay==0) foverlay=1; else if (foverlay==1) foverlay=0; redraw=1; } // Width if (isdigit(c)) { width=1000.0/(c-'0'); xmin=x-width; xmax=x+width; ymin=y-width; ymax=y+width; redraw=1; continue; } // Zoom if (c=='+' || c=='=') { width/=1.5; xmin=x-width; xmax=x+width; ymin=y-width; ymax=y+width; redraw=1; continue; } // Unzoom if (c=='x' || c=='-') { width*=1.5; xmin=x-width; xmax=x+width; ymin=y-width; ymax=y+width; redraw=1; continue; } // Recompute traces if (c=='R') { t=compute_trace(tlefile,s.mjd,s.nsub,site_id,s.freq*1e-6,s.samp_rate*1e-6,&nsat); redraw=1; continue; } // Reset if (c=='r') { xmin=0.0; xmax=(float) s.nsub; ymin=0.0; ymax=(float) s.nchan; isel=0; sel.n=0; redraw=1; continue; } // Zoom if (c=='z') { click=1; mode=2; } // Pan if (c=='\t') { // Set area x=width*(ix+0.5); y=width*(iy+0.5); xmin=x-0.75*width; xmax=x+0.75*width; ymin=y-0.75*width; ymax=y+0.75*width; // Increment iy++; if (width*ix>(float) s.nsub) { ix=0; iy=0; } if (width*iy>(float) s.nchan) { ix++; iy=0; } redraw=1; continue; } // Execute zoom, or box delete if (c=='A') { if (click==0) { click=1; } else if (click==1 && mode==2) { xmin=(x0x) ? x0 : x; ymin=(y0y) ? y0 : y; click=0; mode=0; redraw=1; } else { click=0; mode=0; redraw=1; } } // Save x0=x; y0=y; } cpgend(); // Free free(s.z); free(s.mjd); if (tf.n>0) { free(tf.mjd); free(tf.freq); free(tf.za); } for (i=0;imjdmax) mjdmax=mjd[i]; } } dt=(float) 86400*(mjdmax-mjdmin); // Choose tickmarks if (dt>43000) { lsec=10800; ssec=3600; } else if (dt>21600) { lsec=10800; ssec=3600; } else if (dt>7200) { lsec=1800; ssec=300; } else if (dt>3600) { lsec=600; ssec=120; } else if (dt>900) { lsec=300; ssec=60; } else { lsec=60; ssec=10; } // Extrema tmin=86400.0*(mjdmin-floor(mjdmin)); tmax=tmin+dt; tmin=lsec*floor(tmin/lsec); tmax=lsec*ceil(tmax/lsec); // Large tickmarks for (t=tmin;t<=tmax;t+=lsec) { mjdt=floor(mjdmin)+t/86400.0; if (mjdt>=mjdmin && mjdt=mjd[i] && mjdt=mjdmin && mjdt=mjd[i] && mjdt Input path to file /a/b/c_??????.bin\n"); printf("-s Number of starting subintegration [0]\n"); printf("-l Number of subintegrations to plot [3600]\n"); printf("-b Number of subintegrations to bin [1]\n"); printf("-z Image scaling upper limit [8.0]\n"); printf("-f Frequency to zoom into (Hz)\n"); printf("-w Bandwidth to zoom into (Hz)\n"); printf("-C Site ID\n"); printf("-c TLE catalog\n"); printf("-h This help\n"); return; } void plot_traces(struct trace *t,int nsat) { int i,j,flag,textflag; char text[8]; // Loop over objects for (i=0;i0 && t[i].za[j-1]>90.0 && t[i].za[j]<=90.0) cpgtext((float) j,(float) t[i].freq[j],text); // Plot line if (flag==0) { cpgmove((float) j,t[i].freq[j]); flag=1; } else { cpgdraw((float) j,t[i].freq[j]); } // Below horizon if (t[i].za[j]>90.0) flag=0; else flag=1; } } return; } // Locate trace struct trace locate_trace(struct spectrogram s,struct select sel,int site_id) { int i,j,k,l,sn; int i0,i1,j0,j1,jmax; double f; float x,y,s1,s2,z,za,zs,zm,sigma; struct trace t; FILE *file; // Set up trace t.satno=99999; t.n=(int) ceil(sel.x[sel.n-1]-sel.x[0]); t.mjd=(double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*t.n); t.freq=(double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*t.n); t.za=(float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*t.n); // Open file file=fopen("out.dat","w"); // Loop over selected regions for (k=0,l=0;k=s.nchan) j1=s.nchan; // Find maximum and significance zm=0.0; jmax=0; s1=0.0; s2=0.0; sn=0; for (j=j0;jzm) { zm=z; jmax=j; } } za=s1/(float) sn; zs=sqrt(s2/(float) sn-za*za); sigma=(zm-za)/zs; // Store if (sigma>5.0 && s.mjd[i]>1.0) { f=s.freq-0.5*s.samp_rate+(double) jmax*s.samp_rate/(double) s.nchan; fprintf(file,"%lf %lf %f %d\n",s.mjd[i],f,sigma,site_id); cpgpt1((float) i,(float) jmax,17); t.mjd[l]=s.mjd[i]; t.freq[l]=f; t.za[l]=0.0; l++; } } } t.n=l; // Close file fclose(file); return t; }