#include #include #include #include #include "sgdp4h.h" #include "satutl.h" #include "rftime.h" #include "rftrace.h" #include #include #define LIM 80 #define D2R M_PI/180.0 #define R2D 180.0/M_PI #define XKMPER 6378.135 // Earth radius in km #define XKMPAU 149597879.691 // AU in km #define FLAT (1.0/298.257) #define C 299792.458 // Speed of light in km/s struct point { xyz_t obspos,obsvel; xyz_t grpos,grvel; }; struct site { int id; double lng,lat; float alt; char observer[64]; }; // Return x modulo y [0,y) double modulo(double x,double y) { x=fmod(x,y); if (x<0.0) x+=y; return x; } // Read a line of maximum length int lim from file FILE into string s int fgetline(FILE *file,char *s,int lim) { int c,i=0; while (--lim > 0 && (c=fgetc(file)) != EOF && c != '\n') s[i++] = c; // if (c == '\n') // s[i++] = c; s[i] = '\0'; return i; } // Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time double gmst(double mjd) { double t,gmst; t=(mjd-51544.5)/36525.0; gmst=modulo(280.46061837+360.98564736629*(mjd-51544.5)+t*t*(0.000387933-t/38710000),360.0); return gmst; } // Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time double dgmst(double mjd) { double t,dgmst; t=(mjd-51544.5)/36525.0; dgmst=360.98564736629+t*(0.000387933-t/38710000); return dgmst; } // Observer position void obspos_xyz(double mjd,double lng,double lat,float alt,xyz_t *pos,xyz_t *vel) { double ff,gc,gs,theta,s,dtheta; s=sin(lat*D2R); ff=sqrt(1.0-FLAT*(2.0-FLAT)*s*s); gc=1.0/ff+alt/XKMPER; gs=(1.0-FLAT)*(1.0-FLAT)/ff+alt/XKMPER; theta=gmst(mjd)+lng; dtheta=dgmst(mjd)*D2R/86400; pos->x=gc*cos(lat*D2R)*cos(theta*D2R)*XKMPER; pos->y=gc*cos(lat*D2R)*sin(theta*D2R)*XKMPER; pos->z=gs*sin(lat*D2R)*XKMPER; vel->x=-gc*cos(lat*D2R)*sin(theta*D2R)*XKMPER*dtheta; vel->y=gc*cos(lat*D2R)*cos(theta*D2R)*XKMPER*dtheta; vel->z=0.0; return; } // Convert equatorial into horizontal coordinates void equatorial2horizontal(double mjd,double ra,double de,double lng,double lat,double *azi,double *alt) { double h; h=gmst(mjd)+lng-ra; *azi=modulo(atan2(sin(h*D2R),cos(h*D2R)*sin(lat*D2R)-tan(de*D2R)*cos(lat*D2R))*R2D,360.0); *alt=asin(sin(lat*D2R)*sin(de*D2R)+cos(lat*D2R)*cos(de*D2R)*cos(h*D2R))*R2D; return; } // Get observing site struct site get_site(int site_id) { int i=0,status; char line[LIM]; FILE *file; int id; double lat,lng; float alt; char abbrev[3],observer[64]; struct site s; char *env,filename[LIM]; env=getenv("ST_DATADIR"); if(env==NULL||strlen(env)==0) env="."; sprintf(filename,"%s/data/sites.txt",env); file=fopen(filename,"r"); if (file==NULL) { printf("File with site information not found!\n"); return s; } while (fgets(line,LIM,file)!=NULL) { // Skip if (strstr(line,"#")!=NULL) continue; // Strip newline line[strlen(line)-1]='\0'; // Read data status=sscanf(line,"%4d %2s %lf %lf %f", &id,abbrev,&lat,&lng,&alt); strcpy(observer,line+38); // Change to km alt/=1000.0; // Copy site if (id==site_id) { s.lat=lat; s.lng=lng; s.alt=alt; s.id=id; strcpy(s.observer,observer); } } fclose(file); return s; } // Identify trace void identify_trace_graves(char *tlefile,struct trace t,int satno,char *freqlist) { int i,imode,flag=0,status,imid; struct point *p; struct site s,sg; double *v,*vg; orbit_t orb; xyz_t satpos,satvel; FILE *file; double dx,dy,dz,dvx,dvy,dvz,r,za; double sum1,sum2,beta,freq0,rms,mjd0; char nfd[32],nfdmin[32],text[16]; int satnomin; double rmsmin,freqmin,altmin,azimin; double ra,de,azi,alt; // Reloop stderr if (freopen("/tmp/stderr.txt","w",stderr)==NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Failed to redirect stderr\n"); // Get sites s=get_site(t.site); sg=get_site(9999); // Allocate p=(struct point *) malloc(sizeof(struct point)*t.n); v=(double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*t.n); vg=(double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*t.n); // Get observer position for (i=0;i270.0) && alt>15.0 && alt<40.0)) // t[j].za[i]=100.0; } freq0=143050000.0; // Compute residuals for (i=0,rms=0.0;i0.0) mjd2nfd(mjd0,nfd); else strcpy(nfd,"0000-00-00T00:00:00"); if (rms<1000) { if (rms<50.0) printf("%05d: %s %8.1f Hz (%.1f,%.1f)\n",orb.satno,nfd,rms,modulo(azi+180.0,360.0),alt); // printf("%05d: %s %8.3f MHz %8.3f kHz\n",orb.satno,nfd,1e-6*freq0,1e-3*rms); if (flag==0 || rms0.0) mjd2nfd(mjd0,nfd); else strcpy(nfd,"0000-00-00T00:00:00"); if (rms<1000) { printf("%05d: %s %8.3f MHz %8.3f kHz\n",orb.satno,nfd,1e-6*freq0,1e-3*rms); if (flag==0 || rms0) { // Use 1st TLE line if (line[0]=='1') { sscanf(line+2,"%d",&no); if (no==satno) flag=1; } } fclose(file); } return flag; } // Compute trace struct trace *compute_trace(char *tlefile,double *mjd,int n,int site_id,float freq,float bw,int *nsat,int graves,char *freqlist) { int i,j,imode,flag,satno,tflag,m,status,hastle; struct point *p; struct site s,sg; FILE *file,*infile; orbit_t orb; xyz_t satpos,satvel; double dx,dy,dz,dvx,dvy,dvz,r,v,za,vg; double freq0; char line[LIM]; struct trace *t; float fmin,fmax; double ra,de,azi,alt; // Frequency limits fmin=freq-0.5*bw; fmax=freq+0.5*bw; // Reloop stderr if (freopen("/tmp/stderr.txt","w",stderr)==NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Failed to redirect stderr\n"); // Find number of satellites in frequency range infile=fopen(freqlist,"r"); if (infile==NULL) { printf("%s not found\n",freqlist); *nsat=0; return NULL; } else { for (i=0;;) { if (fgetline(infile,line,LIM)<=0) break; if (line[0]=='#') continue; status=sscanf(line,"%d %lf",&satno,&freq0); if (graves==1 && fabs(freq0-143.050)<1e-3) i++; else if (freq0>=fmin && freq0<=fmax && graves==0) i++; } fclose(infile); *nsat=i; } // Break out if (i==0) { *nsat=0; return NULL; } // Valid MJDs for (i=0;i=fmin && freq0<=fmax && graves==0) flag=1; if (flag==0) continue; // Allocate t[j].satno=satno; t[j].site=site_id; t[j].n=m; t[j].freq0=freq0; t[j].mjd=(double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*m); t[j].freq=(double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*m); t[j].za=(float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*m); t[j].classfd=is_classified(t[j].satno); t[j].graves=graves; // Loop over TLEs hastle=0; file=fopen(tlefile,"r"); while (read_twoline(file,satno,&orb)==0) { if (orb.satno==satno) hastle=1; // Initialize imode=init_sgdp4(&orb); if (imode==SGDP4_ERROR) { printf("Error with %d, skipping\n",orb.satno); continue; } // Loop over points for (i=0,flag=0,tflag=0;i270.0) && alt>15.0 && alt<40.0)) t[j].za[i]=100.0; } } } fclose(file); // Increment if (hastle==1) j++; } fclose(infile); fclose(stderr); // Free free(p); // Update counter *nsat=j; return t; } // Compute trace void compute_doppler(char *tlefile,double *mjd,int n,int site_id,int satno,int graves, int skiphigh, char *outfname) { int i,j,imode,flag,tflag,m,status; struct point *p; struct site s,sg; FILE *file,*outfile; orbit_t orb; xyz_t satpos,satvel; double dx,dy,dz,dvx,dvy,dvz,r,v,rg,vg; double freq0; char line[LIM],text[8]; struct trace *t; float fmin,fmax; double ra,de,azi,alt; double rag,deg,azig,altg; // Reloop stderr if (freopen("/tmp/stderr.txt","w",stderr)==NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Failed to redirect stderr\n"); // Get site s=get_site(site_id); // Allocate p=(struct point *) malloc(sizeof(struct point)*n); // Get observer position for (i=0;i