# stvid Fork/clone of cbassa's `stvid`. # Installation Debian. Install package dependencies: ``` sudo apt install python3-virtualenv python3-pip python3-dev \ source-extractor astrometry.net \ libeigen3-dev giza-dev libx11-dev ``` Perhaps need some of the `astrometry.net` data files: ``` sudo apt install \ astrometry-data-tycho2 astrometry-data-tycho2-07 \ astrometry-data-tycho2-08 astrometry-data-tycho2-09 \ astrometry-data-tycho2-10-19 ``` ``` git clone https://spacecruft.org/spacecruft/stvid # Or use upstream: git clone https://github.com/cbassa/stvid ``` Optionally, set up python virtual environment: ``` cd stvid virtualenv -p python3 env source env/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip ``` Install dependencies. Numpy needs to be installed first, or the install fails. ``` pip install --upgrade numpy pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt ``` If the system `python3-numpy` conflicts, you could try installing numpy in the virtualenv thusly: ``` pip install --upgrade --ignore-installed numpy ``` Debian in bug #941466 changed the name of the `sextractor` dependency to `source-extractor`, so a symlink is needed for now: ``` sudo ln -s /usr/bin/source-extractor /usr/local/bin/sextractor ``` Install hough3d-code dependency: ``` cd ../ git clone https://gitlab.com/pierros/hough3d-code cd hough3d-code make all sudo cp -p hough3dlines /usr/local/bin/hough3dlines ``` Install `satpredict`: ``` cd ../ git clone https://spacecruft.org/spacecruft/satpredict # Or #git clone https://github.com/cbassa/satpredict cd satpredict/ make sudo make install ``` # Configure Thusly... ``` cd stvid/ cp -p configuration.ini-dist configuration.ini # Edit # Note for fields st-username and st-password, *don't* use quotes. # Set: vi configuration.ini ``` Edit various `configuration.ini` fields: ``` # For example: observer_cospar = 9999 # COSPAR number of observer's site observer_name = Jeff Moe # Name of observer observer_lat = 40.568912 # Latitude of location in decimal degrees observer_lon = -105.225852 # Longitude of location in decimal degrees observer_height = 1860 # Elevation of location in meters observations_path = ./data/obs # Path for raw acquisitions tle_path = ./data/tle # Path where TLEs are stored (and updated) results_path = ./data/results # Path for results of processed obs st-username = foo st-password = bar # Path to source-extractor sex_config = /usr/share/source-extractor/default.sex ``` Store downloads here: ``` mkdir -p ./data/obs ./data/tle ./data/results ``` The `ST_DATADIR` variable is still used, from `sattools`. Maybe set all these in `~/.bashrc` (suit to fit directory setup): ``` export ST_DATADIR=$HOME/sattools export ST_TLEDIR=$HOME/TLE export ST_OBSDIR=$HOME/satobs export ST_LOGIN="identity=foo@no:pass" ``` Set `astrometry.net` to run in parallel, assuming you have enough RAM: (This doesn't appear to work? Breaks?). ``` sudo vim /etc/astrometry.cfg # Uncomment: inparallel ``` # Hardware Setup with various hardware. Specs: * Sony IMX174 or similar. * 50mm lens. * f1.2 to f1.6 (faster the better). * 10Hz image sampling. * USB-3 (or ethernet?). For permanent mounts, considerations: * IP-66 or better. * PoE? * 12V. * Raspberry Pi, Intel NUC, Traverse Ten64. * Hardware shutter during sunlight (?). Proprietary examples with IMX174: * QHYCCD QHY174GPS. * ZWO ASI174MM. ## The Imaging Source The Imaging Source camera confirmed works well, such as this: * https://www.theimagingsource.com/products/industrial-cameras/usb-3.0-monochrome/dmk33ux174/ See `README-TIS.md` for more info. ## Libre Trying to find libre setup that can be used. Solutions with `gphoto` or other non-video camera setups should use `stphot` not `stvid`. ## Proprietary The ASI ZWO and QHY cameras use a proprietary SDK. There are no libre implementations found. ## Web Cam Perhaps like this using a web cam and OpenCV Set up udev: ``` echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="video1", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/10-webcam.rules ``` Testing with Logitech BRIO usb web cam. No udev configuration needed. Camera runs with `stvid` but isn't sensitive enough to be used. # Usage Enter `virtualenv`, if used: ``` cd stvid/ source env/bin/activate ``` Get the latest TLEs: ``` ./update_tle.py ``` Configure a position (example). XXX Best way to generate ? ``` echo \ '2022-08-07T23:44:14 R: 00:00:00.00 D: 00:00:00.0 H: -152.691 A: 180.000 E: 90.000 q: -28.18' | > data/obs/control/position.txt # Maybe echo \ '2022-08-07T23:44:14 R: 00:00:00.00 D: 00:00:00.0 H: -152.691 A: 180.000 E: 90.000 q: -28.18' | > $ST_DATADIR/data/position.txt ``` Acquire image, first download archives: ``` ./acquire.py ``` ## Preview This scriptlet isn't in upstream. It does a preview of the camera using the standard configuration file. So you can get a preview similar to what it actually looks like for focus, perhaps. Does not require X running, but it does need `xinit` installed. Also need to set `X11Forwarding yes` in `/etc/ssh/sshd_config`. Then login to your host with `-XY` ala: ``` ssh -XY odroidn2 cd stvid source env/bin/activate ./preview.py ``` # Fixed When running `acquire.py` on `amd64` architecture it gives this error: ``` OSError: libbcm_host.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ``` The `libbcm_host.so` is a (non-libre?) firmware file that is part of Raspberry Pi. https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/blob/master/opt/vc/lib/libbcm_host.so That error comes from installing `picamerax` on `amd64`, which was added to `requirements.txt`, but should really just be when on Raspberry Pi. ``` env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/picamerax/bcm_host.py:_lib = ct.CDLL('libbcm_host.so') ``` For now, just import the library that calls for that binary if the Pi camera is used. No need to call it (and crash) if CV2 is used on non-Pi. # Upstream See `README-upstream.md`. `stvid`: * https://github.com/cbassa/stvid © 2018-2022 Cees Bassa # License Same as upstream license, GPLv3. © 2022, Jeff Moe