% % Introduction.tex % % SatNOGS Optical Unofficial Guide % % Copyright (C) 2022, Jeff Moe % % This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 % International Public License (CC BY-SA 4.0) by Jeff Moe. % The SatNOGS Optical Unofficial Guide documents how to set up and run an \gls{optical-ground-station} for the \gls{LSF}'s \gls{SatNOGS} network. % https://network.satnogs.org/ \begin{figure}[h!] \begin{framed} \centering \includegraphics[keepaspectratio=true,height=0.60\textheight,width=0.60\textwidth,angle=0]{satnogs-network-web.png} \caption{SatNOGS Network.} \label{fig:satnogs-network-web} \index{SatNOGS} \end{framed} \end{figure} \section{Unofficial Guide Overview} First, an overview of the this text, then the \gls{LSF} and some of it's key projects, such as the \gls{SatNOGS} network. A cursory review of \glspl{satellite} and existing \gls{RF} ground stations will be followed by a big picture view of acquiring and processing images of \glspl{satellite}. Hardware is reviewed, then software to run on it, with many options, including what is best. Finally, what to do with the data (idk!). The chapters that follow are listed below. % Perhaps more LaTeXy ref XXX \begin{mdframed}[backgroundcolor=blue!10,linecolor=blue!30] \begin{description} \item [\Glspl{satellite}] --- What are we looking at? \item [Ground Stations] --- How Earth talks to \glspl{satellite} and back. \item [Toolchain and Process] --- The big picture of what hardware and software is needed to set up an optical ground station for use on the distributed network. \item [Hardware] --- Details on appropriate hardware configurations, and example setups. \item [Software] --- A look at the myriad software related to \glspl{satellite}, and what works best at present for SatNOGS Optical. \item [Acquire] --- Convert photons to bits. Pointing a camera at the sky works. \item [Solve] --- Pictures of stars reveal the time and location of the photo. Plate solvers reviewed. \item [Detect] --- The plate solver says where the photo is, now detect if are there moving tracks that aren't stars that could be \glspl{satellite}. \item [Identify] --- With time, location, \gls{satellite} detection, \glspl{TLE} are overlaid and compared with detected \glspl{satellite}. \Gls{satellite} identification by computers and humans. \item [Upload] --- When ready, data will be pushed to the SatNOGS network. \item [Support] --- Where development is occurring and questions answered! \end{description} \end{mdframed} \section{Libre Space Foundation} The \gls{LSF} supports ``free and accessible space for all, creating \gls{open-source} space technologies.''% \footnote{\url{https://libre.space}} \index{Open Source} \begin{figure}[h!] \begin{framed} \centering \includegraphics[keepaspectratio=true,height=0.60\textheight,width=0.60\textwidth,angle=0]{lsf-web.png} \caption{Libre Space Foundation Website.} \label{fig:lsf-web} \index{Libre Space Foundation} \end{framed} \end{figure} Select \gls{LSF} projects: \index{UPSat} \begin{mdframed}[backgroundcolor=blue!10,linecolor=blue!30] \begin{description} \item [SatNOGS] --- Global network of \gls{satellite} ground stations \\ \url{https://satnogs.org} \item [UPSat] --- First \gls{OSH} and \gls{OSS} \gls{satellite} in the world \\ \url{https://upsat.gr/} \end{description} \end{mdframed} \section{SatNOGS Network} SatNOGS is the \gls{LSF}'s global network of \gls{satellite} ground stations. \begin{figure}[h!] \begin{framed} \centering \includegraphics[keepaspectratio=true,height=0.60\textheight,width=0.60\textwidth,angle=0]{satnogs-web.png} \caption{SatNOGS Website.} \label{fig:satnogs-web} \index{SatNOGS} \end{framed} \end{figure} \section{Network Status} The SatNOGS \gls{RF} network has been running successfully for years. Adding an optical network is a new development. At present there are zero nodes on the network. Some software already exists, some is being ported from \gls{C} to \gls{Python}, and other parts remain to be done. There is software available for acquiring optical data of \glspl{satellite}. There is no facility at present for pushing data back to the network.