hold bot detection is not what it used to be - reduce impact of false +

Thibault Duplessis 2016-01-07 08:59:48 +07:00
parent 0f587bfcb6
commit 159b3ed28d
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ case class Assessible(analysed: Analysed) {
val assessment = flags match {
// SF1 SF2 BLR1 BLR2 MTs1 MTs2 Holds
case PlayerFlags(T, T, T, T, T, T, T) => Cheating // all T, obvious cheat
case PlayerFlags(_, _, _, _, _, _, T) => Cheating // Holds are bad, hmk?
case PlayerFlags(T, _, T, _, _, T, _) => Cheating // high accuracy, high blurs, no fast moves
case PlayerFlags(_, _, _, _, _, _, T) => LikelyCheating // Holds are bad, hmk?
case PlayerFlags(T, _, _, T, _, T, _) => LikelyCheating // high accuracy, moderate blurs, no fast moves
case PlayerFlags(_, T, _, T, T, _, _) => LikelyCheating // always has advantage, moderate blurs, highly consistent move times
case PlayerFlags(_, T, T, _, _, _, _) => LikelyCheating // always has advantage, high blurs