Rewrite board basic functions using validation

Thibault Duplessis 2012-02-21 22:09:23 +01:00
parent 90ed9fa297
commit d2f2a228b8
1 changed files with 16 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -7,24 +7,16 @@ case class Board(pieces: Map[Pos, Piece], taken: List[Piece] = Nil) {
def this() = this(Map(), Nil)
* Place a piece on the board (at a position)
* @return a new board
def place(piece: Piece) = new {
def at(at: Pos): Board = copy(pieces = pieces + ((at, piece)))
def at(at: Pos): Valid[Board] =
if (pieces contains at) failure("Cannot move to occupied " + at)
else success(copy(pieces = pieces + ((at, piece))))
* Take (capture) the piece at the given position
* @return a new board
def take(p: Pos) = new Board((pieces - p), (pieces(p) :: taken))
def take(at: Pos): Valid[Board] = pieces get at map { piece =>
copy(pieces = (pieces - at), taken = (piece :: taken))
} toSuccess ("No piece at " + at + " to take")
* Move the piece at the given position (to a new position)
* @return a new board
def move(orig: Pos) = new {
def to(dest: Pos): Valid[Board] = {
if (pieces contains dest) failure("Cannot move to occupied " + dest)
@ -112,15 +104,16 @@ case class Board(pieces: Map[Pos, Piece], taken: List[Piece] = Nil) {
* @return a new board
def reset = {
val lineUp = Rook :: Knight :: Bishop :: Queen :: King :: Bishop :: Knight :: Rook :: Nil
val pairs = for (y 1 :: 2 :: 7 :: 8 :: Nil; x 1 to 8) yield (Pos(x, y),
y match {
case 1 Piece(White, lineUp(x - 1))
case 2 Piece(White, Pawn)
case 7 Piece(Black, Pawn)
case 8 Piece(Black, lineUp(x - 1))
new Board(pairs.toMap)
val lineUp = Seq(Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, King, Bishop, Knight, Rook)
val pairs = for (y Seq(1, 2, 7, 8); x 1 to 8) yield (Pos(x, y), y match {
case 1 Piece(White, lineUp(x - 1))
case 2 Piece(White, Pawn)
case 7 Piece(Black, Pawn)
case 8 Piece(Black, lineUp(x - 1))
new Board(pairs toMap)