
1.1 KiB

Mobile API

We use both HTTP and websocket protocols.


All HTTP requests must contain the Accept: "application/vnd.lichess.v1+json" header.

Examples use httpie.


Websocket connections have the version number in the URL.

Unique clientId

The client is responsible for creating and storing its own unique clientId. It will be sent to the server when connecting to a websocket.

Suggestion of implementation:

var clientId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);

Message format

All websocket messages, sent or received, are composed of a type t and data d. Example:

{t: 'move', d: {from: 'e2', to: 'e4'}}


The client should ping the server every second.

// send
{t: 'p', v: socketVersion}


The server answers client pings with a message of type n, containing the number of online players.

// receive
{t: 'n', d: 1870}

The delay between ping and pong can be used to calculate the client lag.

API versioning

Current version is v1.



work in progress.