2017-05-26 19:19:32 +02:00

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Create a game

With A.I.

http --form POST variant=1 clock=false time=60 increment=60 level=3 color=random 'Accept:application/vnd.lichess.v1+json'
  • level: 1 to 8
  • color: white | black | random
  • variant: 1 (standard) | 2 (chess960) | 3 (from position) | 4 (KotH) | 5 (three-check)
  • fen: if variant is 3, any valid FEN string

Response: 201 CREATED

  // see document format in the doc file

Seek for human opponent

First you need to connect to the lobby websocket, from which you'll receive the game creation event.

var clientId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2); // created and stored by the client
var socketVersion = 0; // last message version number seen on this socket. Starts at zero.

var socketUrl = '' + clientId + '&version=' + socketVersion;

var socket = new WebSocket(socketUrl);

Once connected, you can send seeks over HTTP, using the same clientId

http --form POST{clientId} variant=1 clock=false time=60 increment=60 mode=casual 'Accept:application/vnd.lichess.v1+json'
  • clientId: same random ID created by the client and used to connect to the lobby websocket
  • variant: 1 (standard) | 2 (chess960) | 3 (from position) | 4 (KotH)
  • mode: casual | rated

Response: 200 OK


Now you're waiting for someone to accept the seek. The response will come as a socket message:

// the seek was accepted
  "t": "redirect", // means we should move on to the game
  "id": "abcdefgh1234"

Challenge someone

http --form POST variant=1 clock=false time=60 increment=60 color=random 'Accept:application/vnd.lichess.v1+json'
  • color: white | black | random
  • variant: 1 (standard) | 2 (chess960) | 3 (from position) | 4 (KotH) | 5 (three-check)
  • fen: if variant is 3, any valid FEN string

Response: 201 CREATED

  // see document format in the doc file

Then, connect to the game websocket as a player (see Play documentation). Now you must send a message over the socket every 1,5 seconds to keep the challenge open:

// send
{t: 'challenge', d: 'userIdOfChallengedPlayer'}

Cancel the challenge

A challenge can be aborted before it is accepted, using a HTTP request:

http --form GET<fullGameId>/cancel 'Accept:application/vnd.lichess.v1+json'

Accepted by the opponent

When the challenge is accepted, you will receive a redirect message through the websocket:

// receive
  "t": "redirect", // means we should move on to the game
  "id": "abcdefgh1234"

Declined by the opponent

When the challenge is decline, you will receive a message through the websocket:

// receive
{"t": "declined"}

Receive a challenge

Listen for this message on any websocket:

// receive
  "t": "challengeReminder",
  "id": "abcdefgh"

You will receive this every 1,5 seconds aproximatively, until the challenge creator stops sending it. The challenge ID is also the game public ID.

Fetch game information

The first time you see a challenge ID, use it to fetch information about the game:

http GET 'Accept:application/vnd.lichess.v1+json'

Response: 200 OK

  // see document format in the Play section

Use this info to display the challenge.

If you stop receiving the challenge message for some time (lichess web uses 3 seconds), you should stop displaying it.