Thibault Duplessis 4fa77a6da9 update old api
2018-04-05 17:16:47 +02:00

6.6 KiB

TODO migrate me to /api

GET /api/games/vs/<username>/<username> fetch games between 2 users

> curl

Parameters and result are similar to the users games API.

GET /api/games/team/<teamId> fetch games between players of a team

> curl

Parameters and result are similar to the users games API.

GET /api/game/{id} fetch one game by ID

> curl

A single game is returned. All parameters are optional.

name type default description
with_analysis 1 or 0 0 include deep analysis data in the result
with_moves 1 or 0 0 include a list of PGN moves
with_movetimes 1 or 0 0 include move time information
with_opening 1 or 0 0 include opening information
with_fens 1 or 0 0 include a list of FEN states
  "id": "39b12Ikl",
  "initialFen": "rkrqnnbb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RKRQNNBB w KQkq - 0 1" // omitted is standard
  "variant": "chess960", // standard/chess960/fromPosition/kingofthehill/threeCheck
  "speed": "blitz", // bullet|blitz|classical|unlimited
  "perf": "chess960", // bullet|blitz|classical|chess960|kingOfTheHill|threeCheck
  "rated": true,
  "status": "mate", // (1)
  "clock":{          // all clock values are expressed in seconds
    "initial": 300,
    "increment": 8,
    "totalTime": 620  // evaluation of the game duration = initial + 40 * increment
  "createdAt": 1389100907239,
  "lastMoveAt": 1389100907239,
  "turns": 44,
  "color": "white", // color who plays next
  "url": "",
  "winner": "black",
  "players": {
    "white": {
      "userId": "thibault",
      "name": "Thibault D", // only in the case of imported game
      "rating": 1642,
      "analysis": {
        "blunder": 1,
        "inaccuracy": 0,
        "mistake": 2
      // time taken for each move in hundreths of seconds
      "moveCentis": [0, 812, 2516, 7644, 12660, 15740, 4044, ...]
    "black": ... // other player
  "analysis": [ // only if the with_analysis flag is set
      "eval": -26, // board evaluation in centipawns
      "move": "e4"
      "eval": -8,
      "move": "b5"
      "eval": -66,
      "move": "Nfe3",
      "variation": "c4 bxc4 Nfe3 c5 Qf1 f6 Rxc4 Bb7 b4 Ba6"
    // ... more moves
  "moves": "Nf3 d5 g3 e6 Bg2 Be7 d3 Nf6 Nbd2 O-O O-O c6 Rfe1 b6 e4 Bb7", // with_moves flag
  "opening": { // with_opening flag
    "code": "A07",
    "name": "King's Indian Attack, General"
  "fens": [ // only if with_fens flag is set
      // ... more fens

(1) All game statuses:

POST /api/games fetch many games by ID

> curl --data "x2kpaixn,gtSLJGOK" ''

Games are returned in the order same order as the ids. All parameters are optional.

name type default description
with_moves 1 or 0 0 include a list of PGN moves

GET /api/tournament fetch current tournaments

Returns tournaments displayed on the schedule:

> curl
  "created": [
      "id": "f4wnl48m",
      "createdBy": "thedave13213",
      "system": "arena",
      "minutes": 45,
      "clock": {
        "limit": 120,
        "increment": 0
      "position": null,
      "rated": true,
      "fullName": "Ulrich Arena",
      "nbPlayers": 1,
      "private": false,
      "variant": {
        "key": "standard",
        "short": "Std",
        "name": "Standard"
      "secondsToStart": 38,
      "startsAt": 1471257146633,
      "finishesAt": 1471259846633,
      "status": 10,
      "schedule": null,
      "winner": null,
      "conditions": null,
      "perf": {
        "icon": "T",
        "name": "Bullet",
        "position": 0
  "started": [
  "finished": [

JSONP is available.

GET /api/tournament/<tournamentId> fetch one tournament

Returns tournament info, and a page of the tournament standing

name type default description
page int 1 for standing pagination
curl ''
  "clock": {
    "increment": 0,
    "limit": 300
  "createdBy": "lichess",
  "fullName": "Hourly Blitz Arena",
  "id": "x5WNIngd",
  "isFinished": true,
  "isStarted": false,
  "minutes": 56,
  "nbPlayers": 128,
  "next": {
    "finishesAt": null,
    "id": "dNivtcYG",
    "name": "Hourly SuperBlitz Arena",
    "nbPlayers": 0,
    "perf": {
      "icon": ")",
      "name": "Blitz"
    "startsAt": "2016-08-15T11:00:00.000Z"
  "startsAt": "2016-05-25T22:00:00.000Z",
  "system": "arena",
  "variant": "standard",
  "verdicts": {
    "accepted": true,
    "list": []
  "pairings": [
      "id": "gtFxbHU8",
      "s": 3,
      "u": ["nimsraw", "Ernom"]
      "id": "oyl3n1bB",
      "s": 3,
      "u": ["esparzaesc72", "athletics_champ"]
  "perf": {
    "icon": ")",
    "name": "Blitz"
  "podium": [
      "name": "athletics_champ",
      "nb": {
        "berserk": 0,
        "game": 7,
        "win": 7
      "performance": 2297,
      "rank": 1,
      "rating": 2100,
      "ratingDiff": 37,
      "score": 24,
      "sheet": {
      "fire": true,
      "scores": [
        [2, 2],
  "schedule": {
    "freq": "hourly",
    "speed": "blitz"
  "standing": {
    "page": 1,
    "players": [
        "name": "athletics_champ",
        "rank": 1,
        "rating": 2100,
        "ratingDiff": 37,
        "score": 24,
        "sheet": {
          "fire": true,
          "scores": [
            [2, 2 ],

JSONP is available.

GET /tv/channels fetch current tournaments

Returns the current game ID and best player for each TV channel:

> curl

JSONP is available.