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## PyTorch for iOS
### Cocoapods Developers
PyTorch is now available via Cocoapods, to integrate it to your project, simply add the following line to your `Podfile` and run `pod install`
pod 'LibTorch-Lite'
### Import the library
For Objective-C developers, simply import the umbrella header
#import <LibTorch-Lite.h>
For Swift developers, you need to create an Objective-C class as a bridge to call the C++ APIs. We highly recommend you to follow the [Image Classification]( demo where you can find out how C++, Objective-C and Swift work together.
### Disable Bitcode
Since PyTorch is not yet built with bitcode support, you need to disable bitcode for your target by selecting the **Build Settings**, searching for **Enable Bitcode** and set the value to **No**.
PyTorch is BSD-style licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.