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2023-03-04 00:22:15 -07:00
# pip3 install pyobjc-framework-Metal pyobjc-framework-Cocoa pyobjc-framework-libdispatch
import os, subprocess, pathlib, functools, ctypes
import Metal, Cocoa, libdispatch # type: ignore
from typing import List, Any, Tuple
from tinygrad.codegen.kernel import LinearizerOptions
from tinygrad.renderer.cstyle import uops_to_cstyle, CStyleLanguage
2023-08-15 19:21:08 -06:00
from tinygrad.helpers import prod, getenv, DEBUG, DType, dtypes
from tinygrad.ops import Compiled, ASTRunner, BasicBatchExecutor
from tinygrad.runtime.lib import RawBufferMapped, LRUAllocator
class MetalAllocator(LRUAllocator):
def _do_alloc(self, size, dtype, device, **kwargs): return METAL.device.newBufferWithLength_options_(size*dtype.itemsize, Metal.MTLResourceStorageModeShared)
def _do_free(self, buf): buf.release()
def _cached_bufkey(self, size, dtype, device): return (device, size*dtype.itemsize) # Buffers of the same length could be reused, no matter what dtype.
class _METAL:
def __init__(self):
self.mtl_buffers_in_flight: List[Any] = []
self.device = Metal.MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()
self.mtl_queue = self.device.newCommandQueueWithMaxCommandBufferCount_(1024)
self.allocator = MetalAllocator(self.device.dedicatedMemorySize() or self.device.sharedMemorySize())
# TODO: is there a better way to do this?
2023-03-24 11:24:27 -06:00
def synchronize(self):
for cbuf in self.mtl_buffers_in_flight: cbuf.waitUntilCompleted()
class RawMetalBuffer(RawBufferMapped):
def __init__(self, size:int, dtype:DType):
2023-08-15 19:21:08 -06:00
assert dtype != dtypes.double, f"METAL does not support {dtype.name}"
super().__init__(size, dtype, allocator=METAL.allocator)
def _buffer(self):
2023-03-24 11:24:27 -06:00
return self._buf.contents().as_buffer(self._buf.length())
class MetalBatchExecutor(BasicBatchExecutor):
def __init__(self, jit_cache: List[Tuple[Any, Any, Any]]): self.use_basic_executor = (DEBUG>0 or not all(isinstance(prg, ASTRunner) and isinstance(prg.clprg, MetalProgram) for prg,_,_ in jit_cache))
def __do_exec(self, jit_cache: List[Tuple[Any, Any, Any]]):
if len(jit_cache) == 0: return
command_buffer = METAL.mtl_queue.commandBufferWithUnretainedReferences()
encoder = command_buffer.computeCommandEncoder()
for prg, pargs, variables in jit_cache:
global_size, local_size = prg.launch_dims(variables)
for i,a in enumerate(pargs): encoder.setBuffer_offset_atIndex_(a._buf, 0, i)
for i,a in enumerate(variables.values()): encoder.setBytes_length_atIndex_((arg:=ctypes.c_int32(a)), ctypes.sizeof(arg), len(pargs)+i)
encoder.dispatchThreadgroups_threadsPerThreadgroup_(Metal.MTLSize(*global_size), Metal.MTLSize(*local_size))
def exec(self, jit_cache: List[Tuple[Any, Any, Any]], updatable_entries):
if self.use_basic_executor: return super().exec(jit_cache, updatable_entries) # No graph is created switch to basic executor.
for i in range((len(jit_cache)+7)//8): self.__do_exec(jit_cache[8*i:8*(i+1)]) # Run in batches with size 8.
2023-03-04 00:14:40 -07:00
def unwrap(x):
ret, err = x
assert err is None, str(err)
return ret
class MetalProgram:
Arm (#1421) * testing new memops * better debugging * testing padded conv * branching with load * refactoring a bit * first try * fixing bugs * fixing some * eq * eq2 * do not use x's * working * fixing imm * getting things working * refactor * pow not working * working except one * refactor: one store mem * refactor: global load * refactor: imm * refactor: cleaning * fixing big offsets * refactor with ci * try ci * typo * another typo * ubuntu default * forgot git * do i need git? * missing packages * adding python-dev * with cache? * buildx action * buildx name issue? * maybe now? * python3 * newline warning * maybe now * i actually need this * ci should work now * improved caching * fixing cache * maybe now it will cache * this * testing cache * trying again * load * missing platform * caching gha * testing cache * full testing * typo * now? * why * adding checkout back * bad formatting * fixing convention issues * supporting python * adding CI flag * testing all * better comments * adding debugging * takes 12x longer * does it output progress now? * ignore models for speed * fixing merge * excluding conv_transpose2d * only 2 test cuz is to slow * another approach * let's see * faster duh * my bad * T_T * typo * sup * with output? * comment test * comment test * comment test * :? * no comment * with cache * back to normal * testing that ci works * back to passing * trying again * does it create another entry * does it create another entry? * build local * hey * Revert "excluding conv_transpose2d" This reverts commit cc7348de03033e032f47d69caff174e2f1a7bfea. * does it cache if done before? * does it cache? * done * adding test ops * bad formatting * no need for this * working static mem * sum 1d * add ndim * better reg import * fix stack * back to np * working except for softmax * 5 failing * no pogress * remove keystone * remove keystone * testops passing * cleanups * more cleanup * typo * ci * ci2 * cond import * ci3 * ci4 * ci4 * ci5 * ci5 * ci6 * aligment * test all * correct test * err read_unmapped * passing test * ignore for speed * ignore for speed * ci7 * cleanup * remove docker * fixing merge * fixing bugs * add skipload for const ops * comments * First merge to master: Renderer * fix emulation * passing all tests arm64 * cleaning * fix handcoded binary * cleaning * fix errs * fix runtime arg binary * clean git diff * fix and clean * fixing metal test * cleaning * fix metal test * ci ~8 min * fix pylint and clang * cache the files in ops_clang --------- Co-authored-by: George Hotz <72895+geohot@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-08-14 20:29:30 -06:00
def __init__(self, name:str, prg:str, binary:bool=False):
air = subprocess.check_output(['xcrun', '-sdk', 'macosx', 'metal', '-x', 'metal', '-c', '-', '-o', '-'], input=prg.encode('utf-8'))
2023-03-04 00:14:40 -07:00
# NOTE: if you run llvm-dis on "air" you can see the llvm bytecode
lib = subprocess.check_output(['xcrun', '-sdk', 'macosx', 'metallib', '-', '-o', '-'], input=air)
data = libdispatch.dispatch_data_create(lib, len(lib), None, None)
2023-03-04 00:14:40 -07:00
self.library = unwrap(METAL.device.newLibraryWithData_error_(data, None))
options = Metal.MTLCompileOptions.alloc().init()
2023-03-04 00:14:40 -07:00
self.library = unwrap(METAL.device.newLibraryWithSource_options_error_(prg, options, None))
self.fxn = self.library.newFunctionWithName_(name)
# hacks to disassemble shader
if DEBUG >= 5:
2023-03-04 00:14:40 -07:00
arc = unwrap(METAL.device.newBinaryArchiveWithDescriptor_error_(Metal.MTLBinaryArchiveDescriptor.alloc().init(), None))
desc = Metal.MTLComputePipelineDescriptor.alloc().init()
2023-03-04 00:14:40 -07:00
unwrap(arc.addComputePipelineFunctionsWithDescriptor_error_(desc, None))
unwrap(arc.serializeToURL_error_(Cocoa.NSURL.URLWithString_("file:///tmp/shader.bin"), None))
2023-03-05 12:21:12 -07:00
# clone https://github.com/dougallj/applegpu.git in tinygrad/disassemblers
os.system(f"cd {pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[2]}/disassemblers/applegpu && python3 compiler_explorer.py /tmp/shader.bin")
2023-03-04 00:14:40 -07:00
self.pipeline_state = unwrap(METAL.device.newComputePipelineStateWithFunction_error_(self.fxn, None))
def __call__(self, global_size, local_size, *bufs, wait=False):
assert prod(local_size) <= self.pipeline_state.maxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup(), f"local size {local_size} bigger than {self.pipeline_state.maxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup()} with exec width {self.pipeline_state.threadExecutionWidth()} memory length {self.pipeline_state.staticThreadgroupMemoryLength()}"
command_buffer = METAL.mtl_queue.commandBuffer()
encoder = command_buffer.computeCommandEncoder()
for i,a in enumerate(bufs):
if isinstance(a, RawMetalBuffer): encoder.setBuffer_offset_atIndex_(a._buf, 0, i)
elif isinstance(a, int): encoder.setBytes_length_atIndex_((arg:=ctypes.c_int32(a)), ctypes.sizeof(arg), i)
else: raise RuntimeError(f"arg at index {i} has unsupported type {type(a)}")
encoder.dispatchThreadgroups_threadsPerThreadgroup_(Metal.MTLSize(*global_size), Metal.MTLSize(*local_size))
if wait:
return command_buffer.GPUEndTime() - command_buffer.GPUStartTime()
renderer = functools.partial(uops_to_cstyle, CStyleLanguage(
kernel_prefix = "#include <metal_stdlib>\nusing namespace metal;\nkernel ", buffer_prefix = "device ", smem_prefix = "threadgroup ", arg_int_prefix = "constant int&",
barrier = "threadgroup_barrier(mem_flags::mem_threadgroup);", float4 = "float4", uses_ptr_arithmetic=True,
gid = [f"gid.{chr(120+i)}" for i in range(3)], lid = [f"lid.{chr(120+i)}" for i in range(3)],
extra_args = ['uint3 gid [[threadgroup_position_in_grid]]', 'uint3 lid [[thread_position_in_threadgroup]]']))
MetalBuffer = Compiled(RawMetalBuffer, LinearizerOptions(device="METAL"), renderer, MetalProgram, METAL.synchronize, MetalBatchExecutor)