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# reMarkable 2 Recovery / Unbricking
Tools for recovery (works only under Linux)
## Prerequisites
To put the rM2 in recovery, you will need:
- USB-C breakout board
- Pogo pin adapter to usb
the pogo pins are as follows, when viewed from the side, device facing up (VBUS is near the usb-c)
- [imx_usb_loader](https://github.com/boundarydevices/imx_usb_loader) a binary is included, but feel free to compile it
![USB-C Breakout](https://i.imgur.com/YqYELeg.jpeg)
## Recovery Mode
* run `dmesg -w` on your host to monitor
* power off the device
* connect the USB-C breakout board
* pull down **B8** (connect a 10K resistor to GND)
* connect the pogo pins to the tablet and to the host usb
* **make sure the connection is good, use a short good, different cable, etc**
* if the device does not start on its own, press the Power Button
* you should see a new device *USB HID v1.10 Device [Freescale SemiConductor Inc SE Blank ULT1]*
* remove the pulldown resistor (disconnect B8)
* run `./imx_usb`
* should see *USB Mass Storage device detected*
* should see a new mountable block device