
38 lines
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var config = {
applicationSalt: 'RANDOM_SEED',
databaseFile: 'database.sqlite',
allowAccountRegistration: true,
httpInterface: '',
httpPort: 3000,
httpsInterface: '',
httpsPort: 4430,
sslKey: 'certs/retropilot.key',
sslCrt: 'certs/retropilot.crt',
smtpHost: "localhost",
smtpPort: 25,
smtpUser: "root",
smtpPassword: "",
smtpFrom: "",
baseUrl: '', // base url of the retropilot server
baseUploadUrl: '', // base url sent to devices for POSTing drives & logs
baseDriveDownloadUrl: '', // base download url for drive & log data
baseDriveDownloadPathMapping: '/realdata', // path mapping of above download url for expressjs, prefix with "/"
storagePath: 'realdata/', // relative or absolute ( "/..." for absolute path )
deviceStorageQuotaMb: 200000,
deviceDriveExpirationDays: 30,
cabanaUrl: '',
welcomeMessage: `<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><br>2021 RetroPilot`
module.exports = config;