
339 lines
7.8 KiB

#include <celutil/debug.h>
#include "celx_misc.h"
#include "celx_internal.h"
#include <celscript/legacy/cmdparser.h>
#include <celscript/legacy/execution.h>
#include <celestia/celestiacore.h>
LuaState *getLuaStateObject(lua_State*);
// Wrapper for a CEL-script, including the needed Execution Environment
class CelScriptWrapper : public ExecutionEnvironment
CelScriptWrapper(CelestiaCore& appCore, istream& scriptfile):
CommandParser parser(scriptfile);
cmdSequence = parser.parse();
if (cmdSequence != nullptr)
script = new Execution(*cmdSequence, *this);
const vector<string>* errors = parser.getErrors();
if (errors->size() > 0)
errorMessage = "Error while parsing CEL-script: " + (*errors)[0];
errorMessage = "Error while parsing CEL-script.";
virtual ~CelScriptWrapper()
delete script;
delete cmdSequence;
string getErrorMessage() const
return errorMessage;
// tick the CEL-script. t is in seconds and doesn't have to start with zero
bool tick(double t)
// use first tick to set the time
if (tickTime == 0.0)
tickTime = t;
return false;
double dt = t - tickTime;
tickTime = t;
return script->tick(dt);
Simulation* getSimulation() const
return core.getSimulation();
Renderer* getRenderer() const
return core.getRenderer();
CelestiaCore* getCelestiaCore() const
return &core;
void showText(string s, int horig, int vorig, int hoff, int voff,
double duration)
core.showText(std::move(s), horig, vorig, hoff, voff, duration);
Execution* script{ nullptr };
CelestiaCore& core;
CommandSequence* cmdSequence{ nullptr };
double tickTime { 0.0 };
string errorMessage;
// ==================== Celscript-object ====================
int celxClassId(CelScriptWrapper*)
return Celx_CelScript;
// create a CelScriptWrapper from a string:
int celscript_from_string(lua_State* l, string& script_text)
CelxLua celx(l);
istringstream scriptfile(script_text);
CelestiaCore* appCore = celx.appCore(AllErrors);
CelScriptWrapper* celscript = new CelScriptWrapper(*appCore, scriptfile);
if (celscript->getErrorMessage() != "")
string error = celscript->getErrorMessage();
delete celscript;
return 1;
static int celscript_tostring(lua_State* l)
lua_pushstring(l, "[Celscript]");
return 1;
static int celscript_tick(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
auto script = *celx.getThis<CelScriptWrapper*>();
LuaState* stateObject = celx.getLuaStateObject();
double t = stateObject->getTime();
return celx.push(!(script->tick(t)));
static int celscript_gc(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
auto script = *celx.getThis<CelScriptWrapper*>();
delete script;
return 0;
void CreateCelscriptMetaTable(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.registerMethod("__tostring", celscript_tostring);
celx.registerMethod("tick", celscript_tick);
celx.registerMethod("__gc", celscript_gc);
celx.pop(1); // remove metatable from stack
// ==================== Font Object ====================
static int font_bind(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.checkArgs(1, 1, "No arguments expected for font:bind()");
auto font = *celx.getThis<TextureFont*>();
return 0;
static int font_render(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.checkArgs(2, 2, "One argument required for font:render");
const char* s = celx.safeGetString(2, AllErrors, "First argument to font:render must be a string");
auto font = *celx.getThis<TextureFont*>();
return 0;
static int font_getwidth(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.checkArgs(2, 2, "One argument expected for font:getwidth");
const char* s = celx.safeGetString(2, AllErrors, "Argument to font:getwidth must be a string");
auto font = *celx.getThis<TextureFont*>();
return celx.push(font->getWidth(s));
static int font_getheight(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.checkArgs(1, 1, "No arguments expected for font:getheight()");
auto font = *celx.getThis<TextureFont*>();
lua_pushnumber(l, font->getHeight());
return 1;
static int font_tostring(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
return celx.push("[Font]");
void CreateFontMetaTable(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.registerMethod("__tostring", font_tostring);
celx.registerMethod("bind", font_bind);
celx.registerMethod("render", font_render);
celx.registerMethod("getwidth", font_getwidth);
celx.registerMethod("getheight", font_getheight);
celx.pop(1); // remove metatable from stack
// ==================== Image =============================================
#if 0
static int image_new(lua_State* l, Image* i)
Image** ud = static_cast<Image**>(lua_newuserdata(l, sizeof(Image*)));
*ud = i;
Celx_SetClass(l, Celx_Image);
return 1;
int celxClassId(Image*)
return Celx_Image;
static int image_getheight(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.checkArgs(1, 1, "No arguments expected for image:getheight()");
auto image = *celx.getThis<Image*>();
return celx.push(image->getHeight());
static int image_getwidth(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.checkArgs(1, 1, "No arguments expected for image:getwidth()");
auto* image = *celx.getThis<Image*>();
return celx.push(image->getWidth());
static int image_tostring(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
auto image = *celx.getThis<Image*>();
std::string s = fmt::sprintf("[Image:%dx%d]", image->getWidth(), image->getHeight());
return celx.push(s.c_str());
void CreateImageMetaTable(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.registerMethod("__tostring", image_tostring);
celx.registerMethod("getheight", image_getheight);
celx.registerMethod("getwidth", image_getwidth);
celx.pop(1); // remove metatable from stack
// ==================== Texture ============================================
static int texture_bind(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.checkArgs(1, 1, "No arguments expected for texture:bind()");
auto texture = *celx.getThis<Texture*>();
return 0;
static int texture_getheight(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.checkArgs(1, 1, "No arguments expected for texture:getheight()");
auto texture = *celx.getThis<Texture*>();
return celx.push(texture->getHeight());
static int texture_getwidth(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.checkArgs(1, 1, "No arguments expected for texture:getwidth()");
auto texture = *celx.getThis<Texture*>();
return celx.push(texture->getWidth());
static int texture_tostring(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
auto tex = *celx.getThis<Texture*>();
std::string s = fmt::sprintf("[Texture:%dx%d]", tex->getWidth(), tex->getHeight());
return celx.push(s.c_str());
void CreateTextureMetaTable(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.registerMethod("__tostring", texture_tostring);
celx.registerMethod("getheight", texture_getheight);
celx.registerMethod("getwidth", texture_getwidth);
celx.registerMethod("bind", texture_bind);
celx.pop(1); // remove metatable from stack