
243 lines
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// astro.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2001, Chris Laurel <claurel@shatters.net>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include "celestia.h"
#include "astro.h"
using namespace std;
#define SOLAR_ABSMAG 4.83f
#define LN_MAG 1.085736
#define LY_PER_PARSEC 3.26
#define KM_PER_LY 9466411842000.000
#define KM_PER_AU 149597870.7
// epoch J2000: 12 UT on 1 Jan 2000
#define J2000 2451545.0
// epoch B1950: 22:09 UT on 21 Dec 1949
#define B1950 2433282.423
float astro::lumToAbsMag(float lum)
return (float) (SOLAR_ABSMAG - log(lum) * LN_MAG);
// Return the apparent magnitude of a star with lum times solar
// luminosity viewed at lyrs light years
float astro::lumToAppMag(float lum, float lyrs)
return absToAppMag(lumToAbsMag(lum), lyrs);
float astro::absMagToLum(float mag)
return (float) exp((SOLAR_ABSMAG - mag) / LN_MAG);
float astro::appMagToLum(float mag, float lyrs)
return absMagToLum(appToAbsMag(mag, lyrs));
float astro::absToAppMag(float absMag, float lyrs)
return (float) (absMag - 5 + 5 * log10(lyrs / LY_PER_PARSEC));
float astro::appToAbsMag(float appMag, float lyrs)
return (float) (appMag + 5 - 5 * log10(lyrs / LY_PER_PARSEC));
float astro::lightYearsToParsecs(float ly)
return ly / (float) LY_PER_PARSEC;
float astro::parsecsToLightYears(float pc)
return pc * (float) LY_PER_PARSEC;
float astro::lightYearsToKilometers(float ly)
return ly * (float) KM_PER_LY;
double astro::lightYearsToKilometers(double ly)
return ly * KM_PER_LY;
float astro::kilometersToLightYears(float km)
return km / (float) KM_PER_LY;
double astro::kilometersToLightYears(double km)
return km / KM_PER_LY;
float astro::lightYearsToAU(float ly)
return ly * (float) AU_PER_LY;
double astro::lightYearsToAU(double ly)
return ly * AU_PER_LY;
float astro::AUtoLightYears(float au)
return au / (float) AU_PER_LY;
float astro::AUtoKilometers(float au)
return au * (float) KM_PER_AU;
float astro::kilometersToAU(float km)
return km / (float) KM_PER_AU;
double astro::secondsToJulianDate(double sec)
return sec / 86400.0;
double astro::julianDateToSeconds(double jd)
return jd * 86400.0;
// Compute the fraction of a sphere which is illuminated and visible
// to a viewer. The source of illumination is assumed to be at (0, 0, 0)
float astro::sphereIlluminationFraction(Point3d spherePos,
Point3d viewerPos)
return 1.0f;
// Convert the position in univeral coordinates to a star-centric
// coordinates in units of kilometers. Note that there are three different
// precisions used here: star coordinates are stored as floats in units of
// light years, position within a solar system are doubles in units of
// kilometers, and p is highest-precision in units of light years.
Point3d astro::heliocentricPosition(UniversalCoord universal,
Point3f starPosition)
// Get the offset vector
Vec3d v = universal - Point3d(starPosition.x, starPosition.y, starPosition.z);
// . . . and convert it to kilometers
return Point3d(lightYearsToKilometers(v.x),
// universalPosition is the inverse operation of heliocentricPosition
UniversalCoord astro::universalPosition(Point3d heliocentric,
Point3f starPosition)
return UniversalCoord(starPosition) +
astro::Date::Date(int Y, int M, int D)
year = Y;
month = M;
day = D;
hour = 0;
minute = 0;
seconds = 0.0;
astro::Date::Date(double jd)
int a = (int) (jd + 0.5);
double c;
if (a < 2299161)
c = a + 1524;
double b = (int) ((a - 1867216.25) / 36524.25);
c = a + b - (int) (b / 4) + 1525;
int d = (int) ((c - 122.1) / 365.25);
int e = (int) (365.25 * d);
int f = (int) ((c - e) / 30.6001);
double dday = c - e - (int) (30.6001 * f) + ((jd + 0.5) - (int) (jd + 0.5));
month = f - 1 - 12 * (int) (f / 14.0);
year = d - 4715 - (int) ((7.0 + month) / 10.0);
day = (int) dday;
double dhour = (dday - day) * 24;
hour = (int) dhour;
double dminute = (dhour - hour) * 60;
minute = (int) dminute;
seconds = (dminute - minute) * 60;
// Convert a calendar date to a Julian date
astro::Date::operator double() const
int y = year, m = month;
if (month <= 2)
y = year - 1;
m = month + 12;
// Correct for the lost days in Oct 1582 when the Gregorian calendar
// replaced the Julian calendar.
int B = -2;
if (year > 1582 || (year == 1582 && (month > 10 || (month == 10 && day >= 15))))
B = y / 400 - y / 100;
return (floor(365.25 * y) +
floor(30.6001 * (m + 1)) + B + 1720996.5 +
day + hour / 24.0 + minute / 1440.0 + seconds / 86400.0);
ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const astro::Date d)
s << d.year << ' ' << setw(2) << setfill('0') << d.month << ' ';
s << setw(2) << setfill('0') << d.day << ' ';
s << setw(2) << setfill('0') << d.hour << ':';
s << setw(2) << setfill('0') << d.minute << ':';
s << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (int) d.seconds;
return s;