
355 lines
8.4 KiB

// stardb.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2001, Chris Laurel <claurel@shatters.net>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include "celestia.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "stardb.h"
using namespace std;
#define MAX_STARS 120000
static string HDCatalogPrefix("HD ");
static string HIPPARCOSCatalogPrefix("HIP ");
static string GlieseCatalogPrefix("Gliese ");
static string RossCatalogPrefix("Ross ");
static string LacailleCatalogPrefix("Lacaille ");
StarDatabase::StarDatabase() : nStars(0), stars(NULL), names(NULL)
if (stars != NULL)
delete [] stars;
// Less than operator for stars is used to sort and find stars by catalog
// number
bool operator<(Star& a, Star& b)
return a.getCatalogNumber() < b.getCatalogNumber();
bool operator<(Star& s, uint32 n)
return s.getCatalogNumber() < n;
Star* StarDatabase::find(uint32 catalogNumber) const
Star* star = lower_bound(stars, stars + nStars, catalogNumber);
if (star != stars + nStars && star->getCatalogNumber() == catalogNumber)
return star;
return NULL;
Star* StarDatabase::find(string name) const
if (name.compare(0, HDCatalogPrefix.length(), HDCatalogPrefix) == 0)
// Search by catalog number
uint32 catalogNumber = (uint32) atoi(string(name, HDCatalogPrefix.length(),
return find(catalogNumber);
else if (name.compare(0, HIPPARCOSCatalogPrefix.length(), HIPPARCOSCatalogPrefix) == 0)
uint32 catalogNumber = (uint32) atoi(string(name, HIPPARCOSCatalogPrefix.length(), string::npos).c_str()) | 0x10000000;
return find(catalogNumber);
string conAbbrev;
string designation;
if (name.length() > 3)
conAbbrev = string(name, name.length() - 3, 3);
designation = string(name, 0, name.length() - 4);
// Search the list of star proper names and designations
for (StarNameDatabase::const_iterator iter = names->begin();
iter != names->end(); iter++)
if (iter->second->getName() == name)
return find(iter->first);
Constellation* con = iter->second->getConstellation();
if (con != NULL)
if (con->getAbbreviation() == conAbbrev &&
iter->second->getDesignation() == designation)
return find(iter->first);
return NULL;
// Return the name for the star with specified catalog number. The returned string
// will be:
// the common name if it exists, otherwise
// the Bayer or Flamsteed designation if it exists, otherwise
// the HD catalog number if it exists, otherwise
// the HIPPARCOS catalog number.
string StarDatabase::getStarName(uint32 catalogNumber) const
StarNameDatabase::iterator iter = names->find(catalogNumber);
if (iter != names->end())
StarName* starName = iter->second;
if (starName->getName() != "")
return starName->getName();
Constellation* constellation = starName->getConstellation();
if (constellation != NULL)
string name = starName->getDesignation();
name += ' ';
name += constellation->getGenitive();
return name;
//return starName->getDesignation + " " + constellation->getGenitive();
return "";
#if 0
if ((star.getCatalogNumber() & 0xf0000000) == 0)
console << "HD " << star.getCatalogNumber() << '\n';
console << "HIP " << (star.getCatalogNumber() & 0x0fffffff) << '\n';
StarNameDatabase* StarDatabase::getNameDatabase() const
return names;
void StarDatabase::setNameDatabase(StarNameDatabase* _names)
names = _names;
StarDatabase *StarDatabase::read(istream& in)
StarDatabase *db = new StarDatabase();
if (db == NULL)
return NULL;
uint32 nStars = 0;
in.read((char *) &nStars, sizeof nStars);
if (!in.good())
delete db;
return NULL;
db->stars = new Star[nStars];
if (db->stars == NULL)
delete db;
return NULL;
uint32 throwOut = 0;
uint32 fixUp = 0;
while (db->nStars < MAX_STARS)
uint32 catNo = 0;
float RA = 0, dec = 0, parallax = 0;
int16 appMag;
uint16 stellarClass;
uint8 parallaxError;
in.read((char *) &catNo, sizeof catNo);
in.read((char *) &RA, sizeof RA);
in.read((char *) &dec, sizeof dec);
in.read((char *) &parallax, sizeof parallax);
in.read((char *) &appMag, sizeof appMag);
in.read((char *) &stellarClass, sizeof stellarClass);
in.read((char *) &parallaxError, sizeof parallaxError);
if (!in.good())
Star *star = &db->stars[db->nStars];
// Compute distance based on parallax
double distance = 3.26 / (parallax > 0.0 ? parallax / 1000.0 : 1e-6);
// Convert from RA, dec spherical to cartesian coordinates
double theta = RA / 24.0 * PI * 2;
// double phi = (1.0 - dec / 90.0) * PI / 2;
double phi = (dec / 90.0 - 1.0) * PI / 2;
double x = -cos(theta) * sin(phi) * distance;
double y = -cos(phi) * distance;
double z = -sin(theta) * sin(phi) * distance;
star->setPosition((float) x, (float) y, (float) z);
// Use apparent magnitude and distance to determine the absolute
// magnitude of the star.
star->setAbsoluteMagnitude((float) (appMag / 256.0 + 5 -
5 * log10(distance / 3.26)));
StellarClass sc((StellarClass::StarType) (stellarClass >> 12),
(StellarClass::SpectralClass)(stellarClass >> 8 & 0xf),
(unsigned int) (stellarClass >> 4 & 0xf),
(StellarClass::LuminosityClass) (stellarClass & 0xf));
// Use a photometric estimate of distance if parallaxError is
// greater than 25%.
if (parallaxError > 50)
if (appMag / 256.0 > 6)
if (in.bad())
delete db;
db = NULL;
sort(db->stars, db->stars + db->nStars);
cout << "nStars = " << db->nStars << '\n';
cout << "throw out = " << throwOut << '\n';
cout << "fix up = " << fixUp << '\n';
return db;
StarNameDatabase* StarDatabase::readNames(istream& in)
StarNameDatabase* db = new StarNameDatabase();
bool failed = false;
string s;
for (;;)
unsigned int catalogNumber;
char sep;
in >> catalogNumber;
if (in.eof())
if (in.bad())
failed = true;
in >> sep;
if (sep != ':')
failed = true;
// Get the rest of the line
getline(in, s);
unsigned int nextSep = s.find_first_of(':');
if (nextSep == string::npos)
failed = true;
string common, designation;
string conAbbr;
string conName;
string bayerLetter;
if (nextSep != 0)
common = s.substr(0, nextSep);
designation = s.substr(nextSep + 1, string::npos);
if (designation != "")
nextSep = designation.find_last_of(' ');
if (nextSep != string::npos)
bayerLetter = designation.substr(0, nextSep);
conAbbr = designation.substr(nextSep + 1, string::npos);
Constellation *constel;
if (designation != "")
for (int i = 0; i < 88; i++)
constel = Constellation::getConstellation(i);
if (constel == NULL)
DPRINTF("Error getting constellation %d", i);
if (constel->getAbbreviation() == conAbbr)
conName = constel->getName();
constel = NULL;
StarName* sn = new StarName(common, bayerLetter, constel);
db->insert(StarNameDatabase::value_type(catalogNumber, sn));
if (failed)
delete db;
db = NULL;
return db;