
179 lines
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// trilist.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2001, Chris Laurel <claurel@shatters.net>
// A very simple triangle list class for quickie OpenGL programs
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "gl.h"
#include "trilist.h"
TriangleList::TriangleList() :
color(1, 1, 1),
if (vertices != NULL)
delete[] vertices;
if (normals != NULL)
delete[] normals;
void TriangleList::clear()
nTriangles = 0;
void TriangleList::render()
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices);
glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, normals);
if (colorMode == 1)
glColor4f(color.x, color.y, color.z, 1);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, nTriangles * 3);
// Add a triangle with vertex normals
void TriangleList::addTriangle(Point3f& p0, Vec3f& n0,
Point3f& p1, Vec3f& n1,
Point3f& p2, Vec3f& n2)
if (nTriangles == maxTriangles)
if (maxTriangles == 0)
maxTriangles = 16;
vertices = new float[maxTriangles * 9];
normals = new float[maxTriangles * 9];
float* newVertices = new float[maxTriangles * 2 * 9];
memcpy((void*) newVertices,
(void*) vertices,
sizeof(float) * maxTriangles * 9);
delete vertices;
vertices = newVertices;
float* newNormals = new float[maxTriangles * 2 * 9];
memcpy((void*) newNormals,
(void*) normals,
sizeof(float) * maxTriangles * 9);
delete normals;
normals = newNormals;
maxTriangles *= 2;
int n = nTriangles * 9;
vertices[n ] = p0.x;
vertices[n + 1] = p0.y;
vertices[n + 2] = p0.z;
vertices[n + 3] = p1.x;
vertices[n + 4] = p1.y;
vertices[n + 5] = p1.z;
vertices[n + 6] = p2.x;
vertices[n + 7] = p2.y;
vertices[n + 8] = p2.z;
normals[n ] = n0.x;
normals[n + 1] = n0.y;
normals[n + 2] = n0.z;
normals[n + 3] = n1.x;
normals[n + 4] = n1.y;
normals[n + 5] = n1.z;
normals[n + 6] = n2.x;
normals[n + 7] = n2.y;
normals[n + 8] = n2.z;
bboxValid = false;
// Add a triangle with the specified face normal
void TriangleList::addTriangle(Point3f& p0, Point3f& p1, Point3f& p2,
Vec3f& normal)
addTriangle(p0, normal, p1, normal, p2, normal);
// Add a triangle, normal is computed automatically
void TriangleList::addTriangle(Point3f& p0, Point3f& p1, Point3f& p2)
// Compute the normal
Vec3f dv0 = p1 - p0;
Vec3f dv1 = p2 - p1;
Vec3f normal = cross(dv0, dv1);
addTriangle(p0, p1, p2, normal);
int TriangleList::triangleCount()
return nTriangles;
Vec3f TriangleList::getColor() const
return color;
void TriangleList::setColor(Vec3f _color)
color = _color;
void TriangleList::setColorMode(int _colorMode)
colorMode = _colorMode;
// Apply a translation and uniform scale to the vertices
void TriangleList::transform(Vec3f move, float scale)
printf("TriangleList::transform : scale = %f\n", scale);
for (int i = 0; i < nTriangles * 3; i++)
int n = i * 3;
vertices[n ] = (vertices[n ] - move.x) * scale;
vertices[n + 1] = (vertices[n + 1] - move.y) * scale;
vertices[n + 2] = (vertices[n + 2] - move.z) * scale;
AxisAlignedBox TriangleList::getBoundingBox()
if (!bboxValid)
bbox = AxisAlignedBox();
for (int i = 0; i < nTriangles * 9; i += 3)
bbox.include(Point3f(vertices[i], vertices[i + 1], vertices[i + 2]));
return bbox;