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Celestia To Do List
* More star label models--nearest stars, brightest stars
* Make picking more intelligent
* Picking a distant planet is likely to select one of its satellites
* Picking currently ignores the radius and proximity of objects
* Picking stars doesn't work at close range
* Tracking mode for camera
* Views of planet and satellite orbits
* Add satellite orbits
* User control over which orbits should be displayed
* Orbits should be occluded by planets
* Next/prev body commands
* Add preferences for font and text color for labels to config file
* Context menus for stars and planets
* Make it possible to set the limiting magnitude for stars
* Fix camera rotation wackiness when using goto--probably slerp between orientations
* Create a help file
* Shadows from rings on planet
* Bump maps for planets and satellites
* Use Phil Stooke's shape data for asteroids and small moons
* Change the color of the light illuminate planets based on star class;
probably only M and maybe K class stars should have a noticeable hue
* Better and flashier star rendering: improve corona effects, add limb darkening, change
convection cell size based on spectral class, etc.
* Non-Lambertian illumination functions for planets
* Add haloes around bright planets similar to the ones around stars
* Separate luminance (reflectivity) and opacity information for rings
* Render the Milky Way
* Comets with dust and ion tails
* Add some deep sky objects--planetary nebula, supernova remnants, etc.
* Procedural textures for extrasolar planets
* Get a real installer working for Windows version
* Demo mode
* Tutorial mode
* Add a flashy intro screen
* Change starting position to someplace interesting. Eros?
* Add screen shot feature
* Fix apparent magnitude calculation for planets
* Figure out a way to estimate gas giant's radius given its mass
* Calculate the eccentric anomaly for orbits instead of just using the mean anomaly
* Obtain and read spacecraft ephemerii, so Galileo, Cassini, etc. appear in the proper places
* Use a better estimate for star radius
* Model the irregular rotations of objects like Toutatis and Hyperion
* Double star systems
* Correct star positions for Earth's obliquity
* Find out why picking sometimes stops working, apparently after orbiting
* Fix wobbling of planet shadow on rings when time is accelerated
* Problem stars: HIP 114110 has no spectral class! Search the database for other problem
stars and fix them.
* Find out about texture problems on Matrox G450
* Add view frustum culling for stars
* Use compressed textures when available
* Convert the VisibleStarSet class to use an octree based algorithm
* Make parser more robust (and fix that EOF problem)
* Change random printfs to DPRINTFs and Logs
* Finish assert-ing the code
* Write a version which uses GLUT instead of Win32 API calls
* Linux port
* MacOS port
* Make solar system creation applet, for adding hypothetical systems to a Celestia universe