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2017-11-27 21:00:08 -07:00
# Going to make an `update` AND `upgrade` task that do the same thing
def same_thing
sh "git pull master"
sh "sudo docker-compose run web bundle install"
sh "sudo docker-compose run web npm install"
sh "sudo docker-compose run web rails db:migrate"
2017-11-27 21:00:08 -07:00
2017-12-14 07:52:01 -07:00
def check_for_digests
.where(sent_at: nil, created_at:
.map do |id|
device = Device.find(id)
puts "Sending log digest to device \##{id} (#{})"
sleep 10.minutes
class V7Migration
2018-10-02 16:01:48 -06:00
You have recently upgraded your server
from version 6 to version 7.
This requires action on your part.
Please read the instructions below
2018-10-02 16:01:48 -06:00
The biggest change from version 6 to version 7 is the addition of Docker for
managing services. This simplifies server setup because all software runs
inside of a container (no need to install Postgres or Ruby on your local
machine). Unfortunately, this change required a number of non-compatible
changes to the codebase, particularly related to the database and
configuration management.
The biggest changes for v7:
* Use a `.env` file instead of `application.yml`
* The database runs in a container
* The `mqtt/` directory was renamed `docker_configs/` (this directory
contains passwords which were previously `gitignore`ed)
Please perform the following steps to upgrade:
1. Follow v7 installation steps found in "". You will need
to skip certain steps. The skipable steps are listed in the instructions.
2. Stop using `rails api:start` and `rails mqtt:start` commands. The new
startup command is `sudo docker-compose up` See "" for
2018-10-02 16:01:48 -06:00
details. All services run in a single command now.
3. If you wish to continue using your current database:
2018-10-02 16:01:48 -06:00
a. To keep using the old database (v6) database, set the `DATABASE_URL`
ENV var to match the following format:
b. Migrate the database to the new container-based DB manually:
2018-10-02 16:01:48 -06:00
(NOTE: We do not provide database migration support- consult
StackOverflow and the PostgreSQL docs)
c. Start a fresh database by following directions in ``.
Old data will be lost.
2018-10-02 16:01:48 -06:00
4. Update database.yml to match
2018-10-02 16:01:48 -06:00
5. Migrate the contents of `config/application.yml` to `.env`. Ensure you
have removed "quotation marks" and that all entries are `key=value` pairs.
2018-10-02 16:01:48 -06:00
6. (SECURITY CRITICAL) Migrate `mqtt/` folder to `docker_configs/` and
delete `mqtt/`
2017-10-10 16:27:28 -06:00
namespace :api do
desc "Runs pending email digests. "\
"Use the `FOREVER` ENV var to continually check."
task log_digest: :environment do
ENV["FOREVER"] ? loop { check_for_digests } : check_for_digests
2018-10-02 16:01:48 -06:00
# TODO: Remove in dec 2018
desc "Deprecated. Will be removed in December of 2018"
task(:start) { puts V7Migration::BIG_WARNING }
2018-07-24 14:17:47 -06:00
desc "Run Rails _ONLY_. No Webpack."
task only: :environment do
sh "sudo docker-compose up --scale webpack=0"
desc "Run Webpack _ONLY_. No other services"
task webpack: :environment do
sh "sudo docker-compose run webpack npm run webpack"
2017-11-27 21:00:08 -07:00
desc "Pull the latest Farmbot API version"
task(update: :environment) { same_thing }
desc "Pull the latest Farmbot API version"
task(upgrade: :environment) { same_thing }
2017-10-10 16:27:28 -06:00