👏 Remove custom i18n.d.ts file.

Rick Carlino 2017-07-05 15:42:41 -05:00
parent 9c5ced3d98
commit b55160fb46
3 changed files with 9 additions and 303 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import { t } from "i18next";
import { error } from "farmbot-toastr";
import {
@ -11,9 +10,9 @@ import {
import { API } from "./api/index";
import { AuthState } from "./auth/interfaces";
import * as _ from "lodash";
import axios, { AxiosRequestConfig } from "axios";
import axios, { AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosResponse } from "axios";
export function responseFulfilled(input: Xhr): Xhr {
export function responseFulfilled(input: AxiosResponse): AxiosResponse {
let method = input.config.method;
if (method && METHODS.includes(method)) {
notifyBotOfChanges(input.config.url, METHOD_MAP[method]);

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
import * as axios from "axios";
import axios from "axios";
import { Dictionary } from "farmbot/dist";
import * as _ from "lodash";
import { HttpData } from "../util";
const BASE = "https://openfarm.cc/api/v1/crops/";
export const DATA_URI = "data:image/svg+xml;utf8,";
export const DEFAULT_ICON = "/app-resources/img/generic-plant.svg";
let cache: Dictionary<Axios.IPromise<string>> = {};
let cache: Dictionary<Promise<string>> = {};
export interface OFCropResponse {
id?: undefined; // TODO: Convert this to use Partial<OFCropResponse> instead
@ -27,15 +28,15 @@ export namespace OpenFarmAPI {
/** PROBLEM: You have 100 lettuce plants. You don't want to download an SVG icon
* 100 times.
* SOLUTION: Cache stuff. */
export function cachedIcon(slug: string): Axios.IPromise<string> {
export function cachedIcon(slug: string): Promise<string> {
cache[slug] = cache[slug] || (axios
.get<OFCropResponse>(BASE + slug)
.get(BASE + slug)
.then(cacheTheIcon(slug), cacheTheIcon(slug)));
return cache[slug] as Axios.IPromise<string>;
return cache[slug] as Promise<string>;
let cacheTheIcon = (slug: string) =>
(resp: Axios.AxiosXHR<OFCropResponse>) => {
(resp: HttpData<OFCropResponse>) => {
let text = _.get(resp, "data.data.attributes.svg_icon", "");
return (text) ? DATA_URI + encodeURIComponent(text) : DEFAULT_ICON;

typings/axios.d.ts vendored
View File

@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
// Generated by typings
// Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/7de6c3dd94feaeb21f20054b9f30d5dabc5efabd/axios/axios.d.ts
// Type definitions for axios 0.9.1
// Project: https://github.com/mzabriskie/axios
// Definitions by: Marcel Buesing <https://github.com/marcelbuesing>
// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
declare namespace Axios {
interface IThenable<R> {
then<U>(onFulfilled?: (value: R) => U | IThenable<U>, onRejected?: (error: any) => U | IThenable<U>): IThenable<U>;
then<U>(onFulfilled?: (value: R) => U | IThenable<U>, onRejected?: (error: any) => void): IThenable<U>;
interface IPromise<R> extends IThenable<R> {
then<U>(onFulfilled?: (value: R) => U | IThenable<U>, onRejected?: (error: any) => U | IThenable<U>): IPromise<U>;
then<U>(onFulfilled?: (value: R) => U | IThenable<U>, onRejected?: (error: any) => void): IPromise<U>;
catch<U>(onRejected?: (error: any) => U | IThenable<U>): IPromise<U>;
* HTTP Basic auth details
interface AxiosHttpBasicAuth {
username: string;
password: string;
* Common axios XHR config interface
* <T> - request body data type
interface AxiosXHRConfigBase<T> {
* will be prepended to `url` unless `url` is absolute.
* It can be convenient to set `baseURL` for an instance
* of axios to pass relative URLs to methods of that instance.
baseURL?: string;
* custom headers to be sent
headers?: Object;
* URL parameters to be sent with the request
params?: Object;
* optional function in charge of serializing `params`
* (e.g. https://www.npmjs.com/package/qs, http://api.jquery.com/jquery.param/)
paramsSerializer?: (params: Object) => string;
* specifies the number of milliseconds before the request times out.
* If the request takes longer than `timeout`, the request will be aborted.
timeout?: number;
* indicates whether or not cross-site Access-Control requests
* should be made using credentials
withCredentials?: boolean;
* indicates that HTTP Basic auth should be used, and supplies
* credentials. This will set an `Authorization` header,
* overwriting any existing `Authorization` custom headers you have
* set using `headers`.
auth?: AxiosHttpBasicAuth;
* indicates the type of data that the server will respond with
* options are 'arraybuffer', 'blob', 'document', 'json', 'text'
responseType?: string;
* name of the cookie to use as a value for xsrf token
xsrfCookieName?: string;
* name of the http header that carries the xsrf token value
xsrfHeaderName?: string;
* Change the request data before it is sent to the server.
* This is only applicable for request methods 'PUT', 'POST', and 'PATCH'
* The last function in the array must return a string or an ArrayBuffer
transformRequest?: (<U>(data: T) => U) | [<U>(data: T) => U];
* change the response data to be made before it is passed to then/catch
transformResponse?: <U>(data: T) => U;
* <T> - request body data type
interface AxiosXHRConfig<T> extends AxiosXHRConfigBase<T> {
* server URL that will be used for the request, options are:
url: string;
* request method to be used when making the request
method?: string;
* data to be sent as the request body
* Only applicable for request methods 'PUT', 'POST', and 'PATCH'
* When no `transformRequest` is set, must be a string, an ArrayBuffer or a hash
data?: T;
* <T> - expected response type,
* <U> - request body data type
interface AxiosXHR<T> {
* Response that was provided by the server
data: T;
* HTTP status code from the server response
status: number;
* HTTP status message from the server response
statusText: string;
* headers that the server responded with
headers: Object;
* config that was provided to `axios` for the request
config: AxiosXHRConfig<T>;
interface Interceptor {
* intercept request before it is sent
request: RequestInterceptor;
* intercept response of request when it is received.
response: ResponseInterceptor
type InterceptorId = number;
interface RequestInterceptor {
* <U> - request body data type
use<U>(fulfilledFn: (config: AxiosXHRConfig<U>) => AxiosXHRConfig<U>): InterceptorId;
use<U>(fulfilledFn: (config: AxiosXHRConfig<U>) => AxiosXHRConfig<U>,
rejectedFn: (error: any) => any)
: InterceptorId;
eject(interceptorId: InterceptorId): void;
interface ResponseInterceptor {
* <T> - expected response type
use<T>(fulfilledFn: (config: Axios.AxiosXHR<T>) => Axios.AxiosXHR<T>): InterceptorId;
use<T>(fulfilledFn: (config: Axios.AxiosXHR<T>) => Axios.AxiosXHR<T>,
rejectedFn: (error: any) => any)
: InterceptorId;
eject(interceptorId: InterceptorId): void;
* <T> - expected response type,
* <U> - request body data type
interface AxiosInstance {
* Send request as configured
<T>(config: AxiosXHRConfig<T>): IPromise<AxiosXHR<T>>;
* Send request as configured
new <T>(config: AxiosXHRConfig<T>): IPromise<AxiosXHR<T>>;
* Send request as configured
request<T>(config: AxiosXHRConfig<T>): IPromise<AxiosXHR<T>>;
* intercept requests or responses before they are handled by then or catch
interceptors: Interceptor;
* equivalent to `Promise.all`
all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10>(values: [T1 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T1>>, T2 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T2>>, T3 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T3>>, T4 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T4>>, T5 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T5>>, T6 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T6>>, T7 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T7>>, T8 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T8>>, T9 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T9>>, T10 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T10>>]): IPromise<[AxiosXHR<T1>, AxiosXHR<T2>, AxiosXHR<T3>, AxiosXHR<T4>, AxiosXHR<T5>, AxiosXHR<T6>, AxiosXHR<T7>, AxiosXHR<T8>, AxiosXHR<T9>, AxiosXHR<T10>]>;
all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9>(values: [T1 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T1>>, T2 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T2>>, T3 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T3>>, T4 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T4>>, T5 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T5>>, T6 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T6>>, T7 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T7>>, T8 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T8>>, T9 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T9>>]): IPromise<[AxiosXHR<T1>, AxiosXHR<T2>, AxiosXHR<T3>, AxiosXHR<T4>, AxiosXHR<T5>, AxiosXHR<T6>, AxiosXHR<T7>, AxiosXHR<T8>, AxiosXHR<T9>]>;
all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>(values: [T1 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T1>>, T2 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T2>>, T3 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T3>>, T4 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T4>>, T5 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T5>>, T6 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T6>>, T7 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T7>>, T8 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T8>>]): IPromise<[AxiosXHR<T1>, AxiosXHR<T2>, AxiosXHR<T3>, AxiosXHR<T4>, AxiosXHR<T5>, AxiosXHR<T6>, AxiosXHR<T7>, AxiosXHR<T8>]>;
all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>(values: [T1 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T1>>, T2 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T2>>, T3 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T3>>, T4 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T4>>, T5 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T5>>, T6 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T6>>, T7 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T7>>]): IPromise<[AxiosXHR<T1>, AxiosXHR<T2>, AxiosXHR<T3>, AxiosXHR<T4>, AxiosXHR<T5>, AxiosXHR<T6>, AxiosXHR<T7>]>;
all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>(values: [T1 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T1>>, T2 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T2>>, T3 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T3>>, T4 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T4>>, T5 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T5>>, T6 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T6>>]): IPromise<[AxiosXHR<T1>, AxiosXHR<T2>, AxiosXHR<T3>, AxiosXHR<T4>, AxiosXHR<T5>, AxiosXHR<T6>]>;
all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(values: [T1 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T1>>, T2 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T2>>, T3 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T3>>, T4 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T4>>, T5 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T5>>]): IPromise<[AxiosXHR<T1>, AxiosXHR<T2>, AxiosXHR<T3>, AxiosXHR<T4>, AxiosXHR<T5>]>;
all<T1, T2, T3, T4>(values: [T1 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T1>>, T2 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T2>>, T3 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T3>>, T4 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T4>>]): IPromise<[AxiosXHR<T1>, AxiosXHR<T2>, AxiosXHR<T3>, AxiosXHR<T4>]>;
all<T1, T2, T3>(values: [T1 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T1>>, T2 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T2>>, T3 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T3>>]): IPromise<[AxiosXHR<T1>, AxiosXHR<T2>, AxiosXHR<T3>]>;
all<T1, T2>(values: [T1 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T1>>, T2 | IPromise<AxiosXHR<T2>>]): IPromise<[AxiosXHR<T1>, AxiosXHR<T2>]>;
* spread array parameter to `fn`.
* note: alternative to `spread`, destructuring assignment.
spread<T1, T2, U>(fn: (t1: T1, t2: T2) => U): (arr: ([T1, T2])) => U;
* convenience alias, method = GET
get<T>(url: string, config?: AxiosXHRConfigBase<T>): IPromise<AxiosXHR<T>>;
* convenience alias, method = DELETE
delete<T>(url: string, config?: AxiosXHRConfigBase<T>): IPromise<AxiosXHR<T>>;
* convenience alias, method = HEAD
head<T>(url: string, config?: AxiosXHRConfigBase<T>): IPromise<AxiosXHR<T>>;
* convenience alias, method = POST
post<T>(url: string, data?: any, config?: AxiosXHRConfigBase<T>): IPromise<AxiosXHR<T>>;
* convenience alias, method = PUT
put<T>(url: string, data?: any, config?: AxiosXHRConfigBase<T>): IPromise<AxiosXHR<T>>;
* convenience alias, method = PATCH
patch<T>(url: string, data?: any, config?: AxiosXHRConfigBase<T>): IPromise<AxiosXHR<T>>;
* <T> - expected response type,
interface AxiosStatic extends AxiosInstance {
* create a new instance of axios with a custom config
create<T>(config: AxiosXHRConfigBase<T>): AxiosInstance;
declare var axios: Axios.AxiosStatic;
declare module "axios" {
export = axios;