Prune stale TODOs

Rick Carlino 2016-12-27 12:35:26 -06:00
parent 24ba9e6c0f
commit e2431965a4
6 changed files with 20 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -26,16 +26,19 @@ module Api
# TODO: Come back and fix this. Rails 5 params conflict with
# the way we do things right now. We used to just use the params
# object (it was a hash), but now it is a proper object.
# Rails 5 params are no longer simple hashes. This was for security reasons.
# Our API does not do things the "Rails way" (we use Mutations for input
# sanitation) so we can ignore this and grab the raw input.
def raw_json
@raw_json ||= JSON.parse({ |x| symbolize(x) }
rescue JSON::ParserError
raise OnlyJson
# Just a hack to prevent runtime errors when people POST JSON arrays.
# PROBLEM: We want to deep_symbolize_keys! on all JSON inputs, but what if
# the user POSTs an Array? It will crash because [] does not respond_to
# deep_symbolize_keys! This is the workaround. I could probably use a
# refinement.
def symbolize(x)
x.is_a?(Array) ?!) : x.deep_symbolize_keys!

View File

@ -32,10 +32,8 @@ module Api
def maybe_migrate(sequences)
# TODO: Come back and fix this. Rails 5 has changed the way it handles
# params.
def sequence_params
@seq_i_guess ||= raw_json[:sequence] || raw_json || {}
@sequence_params ||= raw_json[:sequence] || raw_json || {}
def sequence

View File

@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
class DashboardController < ApplicationController
# TODO: Possbile Hack?
# Better ways to support HTML5 push state routing in Rails?
# I really don't like this controller. But I have not found a better way to
# support HTML5 push state routing.
# If anyone knows a better way to support push state routing, please let me
# know.
THE_FRONTEND_APP ="public/app/index.html").html_safe # Cache in memory.
# TODO: Possbile Hack? find better ways to support HTML5 push state routing
# in Rails when the frontend and the backend are decoupled? I really don't
# like this controller but have not found a better way to support HTML5 push
# state routing. If anyone knows a better way to support push state routing,
# please let me know.
THE_FRONTEND_APP ="public/app/index.html").html_safe
def index
render html: THE_FRONTEND_APP, layout: false
# This endpoint gets hit by Certbot / Let's Encrypt when its time to verify
# You control a domain name.
# Hit by Certbot / Let's Encrypt when its time to verify control of domain.
def lets_encrypt
render plain: ACME_SECRET

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class SessionToken < AbstractJwtToken[{
iat: iat,
jti: SecureRandom.uuid, # TODO: Add ability to revoke.
jti: SecureRandom.uuid, # Used for revokation if need be.
iss: iss,
exp: exp,
mqtt: MQTT,

View File

@ -69,8 +69,9 @@ module Sync
@logs ||= device.logs.last(Log::PAGE_SIZE)
# The UI does not yet support creation of tool bays
# This is a temporary stub
# PROBLEM: The UI does not offer a means of creating tool bays. You must
# have a ToolBay to create a ToolSlot or Tool. Temporary fix: Create a
# ToolBay in the background if the user does not have one.
# TODO: Remove this when UI level creation of tool bays happens.
def maybe_initialize_a_tool_bay
unless device.tool_bays.any?

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
@ -14,38 +12,5 @@ Rollbar.configure do |config|
config.access_token = ENV['ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN'] || "NO_ROLLBAR_ACCESS"
config.enabled = Rails.env.production? ? true : false
config.person_method = "current_device"
# Add exception class names to the exception_level_filters hash to
# change the level that exception is reported at. Note that if an exception
# has already been reported and logged the level will need to be changed
# via the rollbar interface.
# Valid levels: 'critical', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug', 'ignore'
# 'ignore' will cause the exception to not be reported at all.
# config.exception_level_filters.merge!('MyCriticalException' => 'critical')
# You can also specify a callable, which will be called with the exception instance.
# config.exception_level_filters.merge!('MyCriticalException' => lambda { |e| 'critical' })
# Enable asynchronous reporting (uses girl_friday or Threading if girl_friday
# is not installed)
# config.use_async = true
# Supply your own async handler:
# config.async_handler = { |payload|
# { Rollbar.process_from_async_handler(payload) }
# }
# Enable asynchronous reporting (using sucker_punch)
# config.use_sucker_punch
# Enable delayed reporting (using Sidekiq)
# config.use_sidekiq
# You can supply custom Sidekiq options:
# config.use_sidekiq 'queue' => 'default'
# If you run your staging application instance in production environment then
# you'll want to override the environment reported by `Rails.env` with an
# environment variable like this: `ROLLBAR_ENV=staging`. This is a recommended
# setup for Heroku. See:
config.environment = $API_URL || ENV['ROLLBAR_ENV'] || Rails.env