
107 lines
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import { isNaN, isNumber } from "lodash";
import { error, warning, success } from "../../toast/toast";
import { ReduxAction, Thunk } from "../../redux/interfaces";
import { ToggleDayParams } from "./interfaces";
import { findSequence, findRegimen } from "../../resources/selectors";
import { groupRegimenItemsByWeek } from "./group_regimen_items_by_week";
import { defensiveClone } from "../../util";
import { overwrite } from "../../api/crud";
import { Actions } from "../../constants";
import { assertUuid } from "../../resources/util";
import { mergeDeclarations } from "../../sequences/locals_list/variable_support";
import { t } from "../../i18next_wrapper";
export function pushWeek() {
return {
type: Actions.PUSH_WEEK,
payload: undefined
export function popWeek() {
return {
type: Actions.POP_WEEK,
payload: undefined
export function deselectDays() {
return {
type: Actions.DESELECT_ALL_DAYS,
payload: undefined
export function selectDays() {
return {
type: Actions.SELECT_ALL_DAYS,
payload: undefined
/** Sets daily offset of a regimen */
export function setTimeOffset(ms: number) {
if (isNaN(ms) || !isNumber(ms)) {
warning(t("Time is not properly formatted."), t("Bad Input"));
throw new Error("Bad time input on regimen page: " + JSON.stringify(ms));
} else {
return { type: Actions.SET_TIME_OFFSET, payload: ms };
export function toggleDay({ week, day }: ToggleDayParams) {
return {
type: Actions.TOGGLE_DAY,
payload: {
export function setSequence(uuid: string | ""): ReduxAction<string> {
if (uuid) {
assertUuid("Sequence", uuid);
return { type: Actions.SET_SEQUENCE, payload: uuid };
/** A thunk that takes new edits in the Regimen editor and then commits them to
* the active (open) regimen. Use case: A user is editing a regimen and they are
* ready to save their work. */
export function commitBulkEditor(): Thunk {
return function (dispatch, getState) {
const resources = getState().resources;
const { weeks, dailyOffsetMs, selectedSequenceUUID, currentRegimen } =
// If the user hasn't clicked a regimen, initialize one for them.
if (currentRegimen) {
// Proceed only if they selected a sequence from the drop down.
if (selectedSequenceUUID) {
const sequence =
findSequence(resources.index, selectedSequenceUUID).body;
const groupedItems = weeks.length > 0 ?
groupRegimenItemsByWeek(weeks, dailyOffsetMs, sequence) : undefined;
// Proceed only if days are selected in the scheduler.
if (groupedItems && groupedItems.length > 0) {
const regimen = findRegimen(resources.index, currentRegimen);
const clonedRegimen = defensiveClone(regimen).body;
clonedRegimen.regimen_items = clonedRegimen.regimen_items.concat(groupedItems);
const varData = resources.index.sequenceMetas[selectedSequenceUUID];
clonedRegimen.body = mergeDeclarations(varData, regimen.body.body);
console.log(JSON.stringify(clonedRegimen.body, undefined, 2));
dispatch(overwrite(regimen, clonedRegimen));
success(t("Item(s) added."));
} else {
return error(t("No day(s) selected."));
} else {
return error(t("Select a sequence from the dropdown first."));
} else {
return error(t("Select a regimen first or create one."));