
44 lines
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import { Week, DAYS } from "./interfaces";
import { Sequence } from "../../sequences/interfaces";
import { RegimenItem } from "../../regimens/interfaces";
/** Calculates correct time_offset for a group of RegimenItem[]s based on a
* set of weeks and a desired offset. */
export function groupRegimenItemsByWeek(weeks: Week[], OFFSET: number,
seq: Sequence) {
const ONE_WEEK = 604800000;
const ONE_DAY = 86400000;
return weeks
// Collect all of the true/false values in weekX.days. These indicate
// whether we should add a sequence on that day or not.
.map((week) => => week.days[key]))
// [[true,false,false,true] . . . ]
// Convert true values to an offset, in milliseconds from the
// start point.
// Convert false values to -1.
.map((weekArray, weekNum) => {
const tweeks = ONE_WEEK * (weekNum);
return, dayNum) => {
const days = ONE_DAY * dayNum;
return (shouldExecute) ? (tweeks + days + OFFSET) : -1;
// lol, In band signaling.
})// [[-1, 99999, -1, -1],[.....]]
// "flatten" the array into a 1d structure (it's an array of
// number arrays right now)
.reduce((arr, acc) => acc.concat(arr))
// Remove -1 values (days that don't execute a sequence).
.filter((i) => i !== -1)
// Sort the array. Using a comparator function because failing to do so
// results in funny execution times on day 0.
.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a < b) { return -1; }
return (a > b) ? 1 : 0;
// Transform the sorted array of values into a regimenItem[] array.
.map<RegimenItem>(time_offset => {
return { time_offset, sequence_id: || -1 };