
166 lines
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import { VariableNameSet, ResourceIndex, UUID } from "./interfaces";
import {
} from "farmbot";
import { DropDownItem } from "../ui";
import { findPointerByTypeAndId, findPointGroup } from "./selectors";
import {
} from "./selectors_by_id";
import {
} from "../sequences/locals_list/location_form_list";
import { VariableNode } from "../sequences/locals_list/locals_list_support";
import { t } from "../i18next_wrapper";
export interface Vector3Plus extends Vector3 {
gantry_mounted: boolean;
export interface SequenceMeta {
celeryNode: VariableNode;
dropdown: DropDownItem;
vector: Vector3 | Vector3Plus | undefined;
default?: boolean;
/** Converts a "scope declaration body item" (AKA a CeleryScript variable) into
* a 3 dimensional location vector. If unable a vector cannot be determined,
* `undefined` is returned. Provide a UUID when calling from a sequence step to
* make an attempt to show the resolved vector from the sequence scope. */
export const determineVector =
(node: VariableNode, resources: ResourceIndex, uuid?: UUID):
Vector3 | undefined => {
if (node.kind == "parameter_declaration") {
// parameter_declaration coordinates can't be known until runtime
return undefined;
const variableContents = node.args.data_value;
switch (variableContents.kind) {
case "coordinate": return variableContents.args;
case "point":
const { pointer_type, pointer_id } = variableContents.args;
return findPointerByTypeAndId(resources, pointer_type, pointer_id).body;
case "tool":
const ts = findSlotByToolId(resources, variableContents.args.tool_id);
return ts ? ts.body : undefined;
case "identifier":
const variable = maybeFindVariable(node.args.label, resources, uuid);
return variable?.vector;
return undefined;
/** Try to find a vector in scope declarations for the variable. */
const maybeFindVariable = (
label: string, resources: ResourceIndex, uuid?: UUID,
): SequenceMeta | undefined =>
uuid ? findVariableByName(resources, uuid, label) : undefined;
/** Add "Location Variable - " prefix to string. */
export const withPrefix = (label: string) =>
`${t("Location Variable")} - ${label}`;
interface DetermineVarDDILabelProps {
label: string;
resources: ResourceIndex;
uuid?: UUID;
forceExternal?: boolean;
export const determineVarDDILabel =
({ label, resources, uuid, forceExternal }: DetermineVarDDILabelProps):
string => {
if (forceExternal) { return t("Externally defined"); }
const variable = maybeFindVariable(label, resources, uuid);
if (variable) {
if (variable.celeryNode.kind === "parameter_declaration") {
return withPrefix(t("Externally defined"));
if (variable.celeryNode.kind !== "variable_declaration") {
return withPrefix(t("Select a location"));
return withPrefix(variable.dropdown.label);
return withPrefix(t("Add new"));
/** Given a CeleryScript parameter application and a resource index
* Returns a DropDownItem representation of said variable. */
export const determineDropdown =
(node: VariableNode, resources: ResourceIndex, uuid?: UUID): DropDownItem => {
if (node.kind === "parameter_declaration") {
return {
label: t("Externally defined"),
value: "?"
const { data_value } = node.args;
switch (data_value.kind) {
case "coordinate":
return COORDINATE_DDI(data_value.args);
case "identifier":
const { label } = data_value.args;
const varName = determineVarDDILabel({ label, resources, uuid });
return { label: varName, value: "?" };
case "point":
const { pointer_id, pointer_type } = data_value.args;
const pointer =
findPointerByTypeAndId(resources, pointer_type, pointer_id);
return formatPoint(pointer);
case "tool":
const { tool_id } = data_value.args;
const toolSlot = findSlotByToolId(resources, tool_id);
return formatTool(findToolById(resources, tool_id), toolSlot);
case "point_group":
const value = data_value.args.point_group_id;
const uuid2 = findResourceById(resources, "PointGroup", value);
const group = findPointGroup(resources, uuid2);
return {
case "nothing" as unknown:
throw new Error("WARNING: Unknown, possibly new data_value.kind?");
/** Can this CeleryScript variable be edited? Should we gray out the form? */
export const determineEditable = (node: VariableNode): boolean => {
return node.kind !== "parameter_declaration" &&
node.args.data_value.kind == "coordinate";
/** Creates the sequence meta data lookup table for an entire ResourceIndex.
* Used to overwrite the entire index on any data change. */
export const createSequenceMeta =
(resources: ResourceIndex, sequence: TaggedSequence): VariableNameSet => {
const collection = sequence.body.args.locals.body || [];
const reducer = (acc: VariableNameSet, celeryNode: ScopeDeclarationBodyItem):
VariableNameSet => ({
[celeryNode.args.label]: {
vector: determineVector(celeryNode, resources, sequence.uuid),
dropdown: determineDropdown(celeryNode, resources, sequence.uuid),
return collection.reduce(reducer, {});
/** Search a sequence's scope declaration for a particular variable by name. */
export const findVariableByName =
(i: ResourceIndex, uuid: string, label: string): SequenceMeta | undefined => {
return (i.sequenceMetas[uuid] || {})[label];