
113 lines
4.3 KiB

import * as React from "react";
import { GridProps } from "../interfaces";
import { transformXY, transformForQuadrant } from "../util";
import { Color } from "../../../ui/index";
import { range } from "lodash";
export function Grid(props: GridProps) {
const { mapTransformProps, zoomLvl } = props;
const { gridSize, xySwap } = mapTransformProps;
const gridSizeW = xySwap ? gridSize.y : gridSize.x;
const gridSizeH = xySwap ? gridSize.x : gridSize.y;
const origin = transformXY(0, 0, mapTransformProps);
const arrowEnd = transformXY(25, 25, mapTransformProps);
const xLabel = transformXY(15, -10, mapTransformProps);
const yLabel = transformXY(-11, 18, mapTransformProps);
const minorStrokeWidth = zoomLvl <= 0.5 ? "0" : "1";
const majorStrokeWidth = zoomLvl <= 0.5 ? "3" : "2";
const superiorStrokeWidth = zoomLvl <= 0.5 ? "6" : "4";
// Start axis-values controls
// TODO: Create helper to regroup code and clean grid.tsx
// Text transform:scale value
const axisTransformValue = zoomLvl <= 1 ? 2 - zoomLvl : 1;
// Start and increment steps to visualize in grid
let axisStep;
if (zoomLvl <= 0.2) {
axisStep = 500;
} else if (zoomLvl <= 0.5) {
axisStep = 200;
} else {
axisStep = 100;
// End axis-values controls
return <g className="drop-area-background" onClick={props.onClick}
<pattern id="minor_grid"
width={10} height={10} patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<path d="M10,0 L0,0 L0,10" strokeWidth={minorStrokeWidth}
fill="none" stroke="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)" />
<pattern id={"major_grid"}
width={100} height={100} patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<path d="M100,0 L0,0 0,100" strokeWidth={majorStrokeWidth}
fill="none" stroke="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)" />
<pattern id="superior_grid" width={1000} height={1000} patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<path d="M1000,0 L0,0 0,1000" strokeWidth={superiorStrokeWidth}
fill="none" stroke="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)" />
<marker id="arrow"
markerWidth={10} markerHeight={10} refX={0} refY={2} orient="auto"
<path d="M0,0 L0,4 L5,2 z" fill={Color.gridGray} />
<g id="grid">
<rect id="minor-grid"
width={gridSizeW} height={gridSizeH} fill="url(#minor_grid)" />
<rect id="major-grid" transform={transformForQuadrant(mapTransformProps)}
width={gridSizeW} height={gridSizeH} fill="url(#major_grid)" />
<rect id="superior-grid" transform={transformForQuadrant(mapTransformProps)}
width={gridSizeW} height={gridSizeH} fill="url(#superior_grid)" />
<rect id="border" width={gridSizeW} height={gridSizeH} fill="none"
stroke="rgba(0,0,0,0.3)" strokeWidth={2} />
<g id="origin-marker">
<circle cx={origin.qx} cy={origin.qy} r={4} fill={Color.gridGray} />
<g id="axis-labels" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="10"
textAnchor="middle" dominantBaseline="central">
<text x={xLabel.qx} y={xLabel.qy}>X</text>
<text x={yLabel.qx} y={yLabel.qy}>Y</text>
<g id="axis-arrows"
stroke={Color.gridGray} strokeWidth="3" markerEnd="url(#arrow)">
<line x1={origin.qx} y1={origin.qy} x2={arrowEnd.qx} y2={origin.qy} />
<line x1={origin.qx} y1={origin.qy} x2={origin.qx} y2={arrowEnd.qy} />
<g id="axis-values" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="10"
textAnchor="middle" dominantBaseline="central" fill="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)">
{range(axisStep, gridSize.x, axisStep).map((i) => {
const location = transformXY(i, -10, mapTransformProps);
return (
<text key={"x-label-" + i}
color="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)"
style={{transformOrigin: "center", transformBox: "fill-box", transform: `scale(${axisTransformValue})`}}>
{range(100, gridSize.y, 100).map((i) => {
const location = transformXY(-15, i, mapTransformProps);
return <text key={"y-label-" + i}
x={location.qx} y={location.qy}>{i}</text>;