
87 lines
2.7 KiB

let mockPath = "/app/designer/plants";
jest.mock("../../../../../history", () => ({
history: { push: jest.fn() },
getPathArray: jest.fn(() => { return mockPath.split("/"); })
let mockDev = false;
jest.mock("../../../../../account/dev/dev_support", () => ({
DevSettings: { futureFeaturesEnabled: () => mockDev }
import * as React from "react";
import { ToolSlotLayer, ToolSlotLayerProps } from "../tool_slot_layer";
import {
} from "../../../../../__test_support__/map_transform_props";
import { fakeResource } from "../../../../../__test_support__/fake_resource";
import { shallow } from "enzyme";
import { history } from "../../../../../history";
import { ToolSlotPointer } from "farmbot/dist/resources/api_resources";
import { TaggedToolSlotPointer } from "farmbot";
import { ToolSlotPoint } from "../tool_slot_point";
describe("<ToolSlotLayer/>", () => {
function fakeProps(): ToolSlotLayerProps {
const ts: ToolSlotPointer = {
pointer_type: "ToolSlot",
tool_id: undefined,
name: "Name",
radius: 50,
x: 1,
y: 2,
z: 3,
meta: {},
pullout_direction: 0,
gantry_mounted: false,
const toolSlot: TaggedToolSlotPointer = fakeResource("Point", ts);
return {
visible: false,
slots: [{ toolSlot, tool: undefined }],
botPositionX: undefined,
mapTransformProps: fakeMapTransformProps(),
dispatch: jest.fn(),
hoveredToolSlot: undefined,
it("toggles visibility off", () => {
const result = shallow(<ToolSlotLayer {...fakeProps()} />);
it("toggles visibility on", () => {
const p = fakeProps();
p.visible = true;
const result = shallow(<ToolSlotLayer {...p} />);
it("navigates to tools page", async () => {
mockDev = true;
mockPath = "/app/designer/plants";
const p = fakeProps();
const wrapper = shallow(<ToolSlotLayer {...p} />);
const tools = wrapper.find("g").first();
await tools.simulate("click");
it("doesn't navigate to tools page", async () => {
mockPath = "/app/designer/plants/1";
const p = fakeProps();
const wrapper = shallow(<ToolSlotLayer {...p} />);
const tools = wrapper.find("g").first();
await tools.simulate("click");
it("is in non-clickable mode", () => {
mockPath = "/app/designer/plants/crop_search/mint/add";
const p = fakeProps();
const wrapper = shallow(<ToolSlotLayer {...p} />);
.toEqual({ pointerEvents: "none" });