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# This module holds our data definitions to store all basic plant and watering data
# Mongo is used as the database, Mongoid as the databasemapper
require 'bson'
require 'mongo'
require 'mongoid'
#require 'bson_ext'
# The different farmbots are stored here
class FarmBot
include Mongoid::Document
embeds_many :crops
field :active
field :name
field :environmental_coefficient
field :uuid
# also needs user settings, security and whatsnot
# The list of crops tended by one farm bot. The crop is planted as a seed (age = 0) or when it has already sprouted.
# Coordinates x, y and z are used to drive the robot to the right place
# The age of maturing and harvesting should be customized to local conditions
class Crop
include Mongoid::Document
embedded_in :farmbot
embeds_many :grow_coefficients
embeds_many :waterings
embeds_many :historic_actions
embeds_many :scheduled_commands
field :plant_type
field :coord_x
field :coord_y
field :coord_z
field :radius
field :height
field :status
field :date_at_planting
field :age_at_planting
field :age_at_fully_grown
field :age_at_harvest
field :valid_data
field :crop_id
# Coefficients are used by the evapotransporation system. It expresses the amount of water (mm/day) the plant needs for a good growth at a certain age
# The values for the coefficient is the result of the local climate reference value multiplied with the
# The age is represented as a precentage, where 100% is fully grown and 200% is ready for harvesting
# a typical curve for a crops. the Y axis is here a multiplication factor for the reference crops (fictional grass or alfalfa)
# 1.0 *****
# *| **
# * | ***
# * | |
# ** | |
# 0.1 *** | |
# | | |
# 0% 100% 200%
class GrowCoefficient
include Mongoid::Document
embedded_in :crop
field :age_in_percentage
field :amount_water_manual
# These are the times when the robot is supposed to water the crop
class Watering
include Mongoid::Document
embedded_in :crop
field :time
field :percentage
# A log of what happended to the plant. Waterings and rainfall are the most important probably
class HistoricAction
include Mongoid::Document
embedded_in :crop
field :start_time
field :stop_time
field :action
field :amount
# This is the schedule for the next hours/days that the bot has to execute. This is synchronized to the bot.
class ScheduledCommand
include Mongoid::Document
embedded_in :crop
embeds_many :scheduled_command_lines
field :crop_id
field :schedule_id
field :one_time_command
field :scheduled_time
field :command_id
class ScheduledCommandLine
include Mongoid::Document
embedded_in :scheduled_command
field :action
field :coord_x
field :coord_y
field :coord_z
field :speed
field :amount