
203 lines
5.9 KiB

import * as React from "react";
import { FormattedPlantInfo } from "./map_state_to_props";
import { round } from "../map/util";
import { history } from "../../history";
import { BlurableInput, Row, Col } from "../../ui";
import { PlantOptions } from "../interfaces";
import { PlantStage, Xyz } from "farmbot";
import { Moment } from "moment";
import moment from "moment";
import { Actions } from "../../constants";
import { Link } from "../../link";
import { DesignerPanelContent } from "../designer_panel";
import { parseIntInput } from "../../util";
import { startCase } from "lodash";
import { t } from "../../i18next_wrapper";
import { TimeSettings } from "../../interfaces";
import { EditPlantStatus } from "./edit_plant_status";
export interface PlantPanelProps {
info: FormattedPlantInfo;
onDestroy(uuid: string): void;
updatePlant(uuid: string, update: PlantOptions): void;
inSavedGarden: boolean;
dispatch: Function;
timeSettings?: TimeSettings;
interface EditPlantProperty {
uuid: string;
updatePlant(uuid: string, update: PlantOptions): void;
export interface EditPlantStatusProps extends EditPlantProperty {
plantStatus: PlantStage;
export interface EditDatePlantedProps extends EditPlantProperty {
datePlanted: Moment;
timeSettings: TimeSettings;
export const EditDatePlanted = (props: EditDatePlantedProps) => {
const { datePlanted, updatePlant, uuid, timeSettings } = props;
return <BlurableInput
onCommit={e => updatePlant(uuid, {
planted_at: moment(e.currentTarget.value)
})} />;
export interface EditPlantLocationProps extends EditPlantProperty {
plantLocation: Record<Xyz, number>;
export const EditPlantLocation = (props: EditPlantLocationProps) => {
const { plantLocation, updatePlant, uuid } = props;
return <Row>
{["x", "y", "z"].map((axis: Xyz) =>
<Col xs={4} key={axis}>
<label style={{ marginTop: 0 }}>{t("{{axis}} (mm)", { axis })}</label>
min={axis == "z" ? undefined : 0}
onCommit={e => updatePlant(uuid, {
[axis]: round(parseIntInput(e.currentTarget.value))
})} />
const chooseLocation = (to: Record<Xyz, number | undefined>) =>
(dispatch: Function): Promise<void> => {
type: Actions.CHOOSE_LOCATION,
payload: { x: to.x, y: to.y, z: to.z }
return Promise.resolve();
interface MoveToPlantProps {
x: number;
y: number;
z: number;
dispatch: Function;
const MoveToPlant = (props: MoveToPlantProps) =>
<button className="fb-button gray no-float"
style={{ marginTop: "1rem" }}
title={t("Move to this plant")}
onClick={() =>
props.dispatch(chooseLocation({ x: props.x, y: props.y, z: props.z }))
.then(() => history.push("/app/designer/move_to"))}>
{t("Move FarmBot to this plant")}
interface DeleteButtonsProps {
destroy(): void;
const DeleteButtons = (props: DeleteButtonsProps) =>
<div className={"plant-delete-buttons"}>
<div className={"plant-delete-button-label"}>
{t("Delete this plant")}
className="fb-button red no-float"
className="fb-button gray no-float"
style={{ marginRight: "10px" }}
title={t("Delete multiple")}
onClick={() => history.push("/app/designer/plants/select")}>
{t("Delete multiple")}
interface ListItemProps {
name: string;
children: React.ReactChild;
export const ListItem = (props: ListItemProps) =>
<div className={"plant-info-field-data"}>
export function PlantPanel(props: PlantPanelProps) {
const {
info, onDestroy, updatePlant, dispatch, inSavedGarden, timeSettings
} = props;
const { slug, plantedAt, daysOld, uuid, plantStatus } = info;
const { x, y, z } = info;
const destroy = () => onDestroy(uuid);
return <DesignerPanelContent panelName={"plants"}>
{t("Plant Info")}
<ListItem name={t("Plant Type")}>
title={t("View crop info")}
to={`/app/designer/plants/crop_search/` + slug}>
{(timeSettings && !inSavedGarden) &&
<Col xs={7}>
<ListItem name={t("Started")}>
updatePlant={updatePlant} />
<Col xs={5}>
<ListItem name={t("Age")}>
{`${daysOld} ${t("days old")}`}
<ListItem name={t("Location")}>
<EditPlantLocation uuid={uuid}
plantLocation={{ x, y, z }}
updatePlant={updatePlant} />
<MoveToPlant x={x} y={y} z={z} dispatch={dispatch} />
<ListItem name={t("Status")}>
? <EditPlantStatus
updatePlant={updatePlant} />
: t(startCase(plantStatus))}
{Object.entries(info.meta || []).map(([key, value]) => {
switch (key) {
case "gridId":
return <div key={key} className={`meta-${key}-not-displayed`} />;
return <ListItem key={key} name={key}>{value || ""}</ListItem>;
<DeleteButtons destroy={destroy} />