
169 lines
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type ProtocolString = "http:" | "https:";
let current: API | undefined;
/** Record of all the relevant stuff in a string URL, except without all the
* stringly typed nonsense. */
interface UrlInfo {
protocol: string;
hostname: string;
port: string;
pathname: string;
search: string;
hash: string;
host: string;
/** Store all API endpoints in one place for the sake of DRYness.
* API.current is probably the instance you want to use. */
export class API {
/** Guesses the most appropriate API port based on a number of environment
* factors such as hostname and protocol (HTTP vs. HTTPS). */
static inferPort(location = window.location): string {
// ATTEMPT 1: Most devs run a server on localhost with the API on port 3000.
if (location.port === "3808") { return "3000"; }
// ATTEMPT 2: If they provide an explicit port (as in ://localhost:3000)
// use that port.
if (location.port) { return location.port; }
// ATTEMPT 3: If that doesn't work, check for HTTPS:// and use the
// default of 443.
if (API.parseURL(location.origin).protocol === "https:") {
return "443";
// All others just use port 80.
return "80";
static fetchBrowserLocation() {
return `//${window.location.hostname}:${API.inferPort()}`;
static fetchHostName() {
// Figured we could centralize this in case we change the method.
return window.location.hostname;
static parseURL(url: string): UrlInfo {
// Such an amazing hack!
const info = document.createElement("a");
info.href = url;
return info;
static setBaseUrl(base: string) {
current = new API(base);
/** The base URL can't be known until the user is logged in.
* API.current will give URLs is the base URL is known and throw an
* exception otherwise.
static get current(): API {
if (current) {
return current;
} else {
throw new Error(`
Tried to access API before URL was resolved.
Call API.setBaseUrl() before using API.current .`);
/** "https:" or "http:". NO "//"! */
private readonly protocol: ProtocolString;
/** "" */
private readonly host: string;
constructor(input: string) {
const url = API.parseURL(input);
this.protocol = url.protocol as ProtocolString; =;
/** http://localhost:3000 */
get baseUrl() { return `${this.protocol}//${}`; }
/** /api/tokens/ */
get tokensPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/tokens/`; }
/** /api/password_resets/ */
get passwordResetPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/password_resets/`; }
/** /api/device/ */
get devicePath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/device/`; }
/** /api/device/seed */
get accountSeedPath() { return `${this.devicePath}seed`; }
/** /api/device/reset */
get accountResetPath() { return `${this.devicePath}reset`; }
/** /api/users/ */
get usersPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/users/`; }
/** /api/users/control_certificate */
get transferCertPath() {
return `${this.baseUrl}/api/users/control_certificate`;
/** /api/users/resend_verification */
get userResendConfirmationPath() {
return this.usersPath + "/resend_verification";
/** /api/peripherals/ */
get peripheralsPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/peripherals/`; }
/** /api/farm_events/ */
get farmEventsPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/farm_events/`; }
/** /api/regimens/ */
get regimensPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/regimens/`; }
/** /api/sequences/ */
get sequencesPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/sequences/`; }
/** /api/tools/ */
get toolsPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/tools/`; }
/** /api/images/ */
get imagesPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/images/`; }
/** /api/points/ */
get pointsPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/points/`; }
/** /api/point_groups/ */
get pointGroupsPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/point_groups/`; }
/** /api/points/?filter=all */
get allPointsPath() { return `${this.pointsPath}?filter=all`; }
/** /api/points/search */
get pointSearchPath() { return `${this.pointsPath}search`; }
/** Rather than returning ALL logs, returns a filtered subset.
* /api/logs/search */
get filteredLogsPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/logs/search`; }
/** /api/logs/ */
get logsPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/logs/`; }
/** /api/webcam_feed */
get webcamFeedPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/webcam_feeds/`; }
/** /api/web_app_config */
get webAppConfigPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/web_app_config/`; }
/** /api/fbos_config */
get fbosConfigPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/fbos_config/`; }
/** /api/firmware_config */
get firmwareConfigPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/firmware_config/`; }
/** /api/sensor_readings */
get sensorReadingPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/sensor_readings`; }
/** /api/sensors/ */
get sensorPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/sensors/`; }
/** /api/farmware_envs/:id */
get farmwareEnvPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/farmware_envs/`; }
/** /api/pin_bindings/:id */
get pinBindingPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/pin_bindings/`; }
/** /api/saved_gardens/:id */
get savedGardensPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/saved_gardens/`; }
/** /api/saved_gardens/snapshot */
get snapshotPath() { return this.savedGardensPath + "/snapshot"; }
/** /api/saved_gardens/:id/apply */
applyGardenPath =
(gardenId: number) => `${this.savedGardensPath}/${gardenId}/apply`;
get exportDataPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/export_data`; }
/** /api/plant_templates/:id */
get plantTemplatePath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/plant_templates/`; }
/** /api/farmware_installations/:id */
get farmwareInstallationPath() {
return `${this.baseUrl}/api/farmware_installations/`;
/** /api/alerts/:id */
get alertPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/alerts/`; }
/** /api/global_bulletins/:id */
get globalBulletinPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/global_bulletins/`; }
/** /api/folders */
get foldersPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/folders/`; }
// get syncPath() { return `${this.baseUrl}/api/device/sync/`; }