
273 lines
7.5 KiB

import { OpenFarm } from "./openfarm";
import { DropDownItem } from "../ui/index";
import { CowardlyDictionary } from "../util";
import {
} from "farmbot";
import { SlotWithTool, ResourceIndex } from "../resources/interfaces";
import {
BotPosition, StepsPerMmXY, BotLocationData, ShouldDisplay
} from "../devices/interfaces";
import { isNumber } from "lodash";
import { McuParams, TaggedCrop } from "farmbot";
import { AxisNumberProperty, BotSize, TaggedPlant } from "./map/interfaces";
import { SelectionBoxData } from "./map/background";
import { GetWebAppConfigValue } from "../config_storage/actions";
import {
ExecutableType, PlantPointer
} from "farmbot/dist/resources/api_resources";
import { BooleanConfigKey } from "farmbot/dist/resources/configs/web_app";
import { TimeSettings } from "../interfaces";
/* BotOriginQuadrant diagram
2 --- 1
| |
3 --- 4
export enum BotOriginQuadrant { ONE = 1, TWO = 2, THREE = 3, FOUR = 4 }
type Mystery = BotOriginQuadrant | number | string | boolean | undefined;
export function isBotOriginQuadrant(mystery: Mystery):
mystery is BotOriginQuadrant {
return isNumber(mystery) && [1, 2, 3, 4].includes(mystery);
type TypeCheckerHint = Partial<Record<BooleanConfigKey, boolean>>;
export interface State extends TypeCheckerHint {
legend_menu_open: boolean;
show_plants: boolean;
show_points: boolean;
show_spread: boolean;
show_farmbot: boolean;
show_images: boolean;
show_sensor_readings: boolean;
bot_origin_quadrant: BotOriginQuadrant;
zoom_level: number;
export interface Props {
dispatch: Function;
selectedPlant: TaggedPlant | undefined;
designer: DesignerState;
hoveredPlant: TaggedPlant | undefined;
points: TaggedGenericPointer[];
plants: TaggedPlant[];
toolSlots: SlotWithTool[];
crops: TaggedCrop[];
botLocationData: BotLocationData;
botMcuParams: McuParams;
stepsPerMmXY: StepsPerMmXY;
peripherals: { label: string, value: boolean }[];
eStopStatus: boolean;
latestImages: TaggedImage[];
cameraCalibrationData: CameraCalibrationData;
timeSettings: TimeSettings;
getConfigValue: GetWebAppConfigValue;
sensorReadings: TaggedSensorReading[];
sensors: TaggedSensor[];
export interface MovePlantProps {
deltaX: number;
deltaY: number;
plant: TaggedPlant;
gridSize: AxisNumberProperty;
* OFCrop bundled with corresponding profile image from OpenFarm API.
export interface CropLiveSearchResult {
crop: OpenFarm.OFCrop;
image: string;
export interface Crop {
id?: undefined;
svg_icon?: string | undefined;
spread?: number | undefined;
slug: string;
export interface DesignerState {
selectedPlants: string[] | undefined;
hoveredPlant: HoveredPlantPayl;
hoveredPlantListItem: string | undefined;
cropSearchQuery: string;
cropSearchResults: CropLiveSearchResult[];
cropSearchInProgress: boolean;
chosenLocation: BotPosition;
currentPoint: CurrentPointPayl | undefined;
openedSavedGarden: string | undefined;
export type TaggedExecutable = TaggedSequence | TaggedRegimen;
export type ExecutableQuery = (kind: ExecutableType, id: number) => TaggedExecutable;
export interface AddEditFarmEventProps {
deviceTimezone: string | undefined;
executableOptions: DropDownItem[];
repeatOptions: DropDownItem[];
farmEvents: TaggedFarmEvent[];
regimensById: CowardlyDictionary<TaggedRegimen>;
sequencesById: CowardlyDictionary<TaggedSequence>;
farmEventsById: CowardlyDictionary<TaggedFarmEvent>;
getFarmEvent(): TaggedFarmEvent | undefined;
findFarmEventByUuid(uuid: string | undefined): TaggedFarmEvent | undefined;
handleTime(e: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLInputElement>, currentISO: string): string;
dispatch: Function;
findExecutable: ExecutableQuery;
timeSettings: TimeSettings;
autoSyncEnabled: boolean;
resources: ResourceIndex;
shouldDisplay: ShouldDisplay;
* One CalendarDay has many CalendarOccurrences. For instance, a FarmEvent
* that executes every 8 hours will create 3 CalendarOccurrences in a single
* CalendarDay.
export interface CalendarOccurrence {
mmddyy: string;
sortKey: number;
timeStr: string;
heading: string;
subheading?: string | undefined;
executableId: number;
id: number;
/** A group of FarmEvents for a particular day on the calendar. */
export interface CalendarDay {
/** Unix timestamp. Used as a unique key in JSX and for sorting. */
sortKey: number;
year: number;
month: string;
day: number;
/** Every event that will execute on that day. */
items: CalendarOccurrence[];
export interface FarmEventProps {
timezoneIsSet: boolean;
/** Sorted list of the first (100?) events due on the calendar. */
calendarRows: CalendarDay[];
export interface FarmEventState {
searchTerm: string;
export interface GardenMapProps {
showPlants: boolean | undefined;
showPoints: boolean | undefined;
showSpread: boolean | undefined;
showFarmbot: boolean | undefined;
showImages: boolean | undefined;
showSensorReadings: boolean | undefined;
dispatch: Function;
designer: DesignerState;
points: TaggedGenericPointer[];
plants: TaggedPlant[];
toolSlots: SlotWithTool[];
selectedPlant: TaggedPlant | undefined;
hoveredPlant: TaggedPlant | undefined;
crops: TaggedCrop[];
botLocationData: BotLocationData;
botSize: BotSize;
stopAtHome: Record<"x" | "y", boolean>;
zoomLvl: number;
botOriginQuadrant: BotOriginQuadrant;
gridSize: AxisNumberProperty;
gridOffset: AxisNumberProperty;
peripherals: { label: string, value: boolean }[];
eStopStatus: boolean;
latestImages: TaggedImage[];
cameraCalibrationData: CameraCalibrationData;
getConfigValue: GetWebAppConfigValue;
sensorReadings: TaggedSensorReading[];
sensors: TaggedSensor[];
timeSettings: TimeSettings;
export interface GardenMapState {
isDragging: boolean | undefined;
botOriginQuadrant: BotOriginQuadrant;
qPageX: number | undefined;
qPageY: number | undefined;
activeDragXY: BotPosition | undefined;
activeDragSpread: number | undefined;
selectionBox: SelectionBoxData | undefined;
export type PlantOptions = Partial<PlantPointer>;
export interface EditPlantInfoProps {
push(url: string): void;
dispatch: Function;
findPlant(stringyID: string | undefined): TaggedPlant | undefined;
openedSavedGarden: string | undefined;
timeSettings: TimeSettings;
getConfigValue: GetWebAppConfigValue;
export interface DraggableEvent {
currentTarget: HTMLImageElement;
dataTransfer: {
setDragImage: Function;
export interface HoveredPlantPayl {
plantUUID: string | undefined;
icon: string;
export type OpenfarmSearch = (query: string) => (dispatch: Function) => void;
export interface CropCatalogProps {
cropSearchQuery: string;
dispatch: Function;
cropSearchResults: CropLiveSearchResult[];
openfarmSearch: OpenfarmSearch;
cropSearchInProgress: boolean;
export interface CropInfoProps {
dispatch: Function;
cropSearchQuery: string | undefined;
cropSearchResults: CropLiveSearchResult[];
cropSearchInProgress: boolean;
openedSavedGarden: string | undefined;
openfarmSearch: OpenfarmSearch;
botPosition: BotPosition;
export interface CameraCalibrationData {
scale: string | undefined;
rotation: string | undefined;
offset: {
x: string | undefined;
y: string | undefined;
origin: string | undefined;
calibrationZ: string | undefined;
export interface CurrentPointPayl {
name?: string;
cx: number;
cy: number;
r: number;
color?: string;