2017-11-15 12:37:28 -06:00

463 lines
14 KiB

import * as React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { t } from "i18next";
import * as _ from "lodash";
import { Dictionary } from "farmbot";
import { Color } from "./interfaces";
import { box } from "boxed_value";
import { TaggedResource } from "./resources/tagged_resources";
import { AxiosResponse } from "axios";
import { history } from "./history";
// Grab a query string param by name, because react-router-redux doesn't
// support query strings yet.
export function getParam(name: string): string {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
const regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
r = regex.exec(;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-null-keyword
return r === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(r[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
export let colors: Array<Color> = [
/** Picks a color that is compliant with sequence / regimen color codes */
export function randomColor(): Color {
return _.sample(colors) || "gray";
export function defensiveClone<T>(target: T): T {
const jsonString = JSON.stringify(target);
return JSON.parse(jsonString || "null");
export interface AxiosErrorResponse {
response?: {
data: {
[reason: string]: string
/** Concats and capitalizes all of the error key/value
* pairs returned by the /api/xyz endpoint. */
export function prettyPrintApiErrors(err: AxiosErrorResponse) {
(v, k) => `${(k || "").split("_").join(" ")}: ${v.toString()}`.toLowerCase())
.map(str => _.capitalize(str)).join(" ");
function safelyFetchErrors(err: AxiosErrorResponse): Dictionary<string> {
// In case the interpreter gives us an oddball error message.
if (err && err.response && {
} else {
return {
error: t("Your web browser is unable to communicate with the " +
"web app server. Make sure you are connected to the Internet.")
enum Comparison { LOW = -1, EQ = 0, HIGH = 1 }
/** Emulates the "spaceship operator" seen in languages like Ruby, PHP, etc..
* -1 => "too low", 0 => "identical", 1 => "too high" */
const threeWayComparison = (l: number, r: number): Comparison => {
if (l == r) {
return Comparison.EQ;
return (l < r) ? Comparison.LOW : Comparison.HIGH;
/** Moves an array item from one position in an array to another. Note that this
* is a pure function so a new array will be returned, instead of altering the
* array argument.
* */
export function move<T>(array: T[], fromIndex: number, toIndex: number) {
const item = array[fromIndex];
const length = array.length;
const diff = fromIndex - toIndex;
switch (threeWayComparison(diff, 0)) {
case Comparison.LOW:
return [
...array.slice(0, fromIndex),
...array.slice(fromIndex + 1, toIndex + 1),
...array.slice(toIndex + 1, length)
case Comparison.HIGH:
return [
...array.slice(0, toIndex),
...array.slice(toIndex, fromIndex),
...array.slice(fromIndex + 1, length)
return array;
/** USAGE: DYNAMICALLY plucks `obj[key]`.
* * `undefined` becomes `""`
* * `number` types are coerced to strings (Eg: "5").
* * `boolean` is converted to "true" and "false" (a string).
* * All other types raise a runtime exception (Objects, functions,
* Array, Symbol, etc)
export function safeStringFetch(obj: {}, key: string): string {
const boxed = box((obj as Dictionary<{}>)[key]);
switch (boxed.kind) {
case "undefined":
case "null":
return "";
case "number":
case "string":
return boxed.value.toString();
case "boolean":
return (boxed.value) ? "true" : "false";
const msg = t(`Numbers strings and null only (got ${boxed.kind}).`);
throw new Error(msg);
/** We don't support IE. This method stops users from trying to use the site.
* It's unfortunate that we need to do this, but the site simply won't work on
* old browsers and our error logs were getting full of IE related bugs. */
export function stopIE() {
function flunk() {
// DO NOT USE i18next here.
// IE Cannot handle it.
const READ_THE_COMMENT_ABOVE = "This app only works with modern browsers.";
window.location.href = "";
try {
const REQUIRED_GLOBALS = ["Promise", "console", "WebSocket", "Intl"];
// Can't use because IE.
// Can't translate the text because IE (no promises)
for (let i = 0; i < REQUIRED_GLOBALS.length; i++) {
if (!window.hasOwnProperty(REQUIRED_GLOBALS[i])) {
const REQUIRED_ARRAY_METHODS = ["includes", "map", "filter"];
for (let i = 0; i < REQUIRED_ARRAY_METHODS.length; i++) {
if (!Array.prototype.hasOwnProperty(REQUIRED_ARRAY_METHODS[i])) {
} catch (error) {
export function pick<T, K extends keyof T>(target: T, key: K): T[K] {
return target[key];
/** Useful for calculating uploads and progress bars for Promise.all */
export class Progress {
constructor(public total: number,
public cb: ProgressCallback,
public completed = 0) { }
get isDone() {
return this.completed >=;
bump = (force = false) => {
if (force || !this.isDone) { this.cb(this); }
inc = () => { this.completed++; this.bump(); };
finish = () => { this.completed =; this.bump(true); };
/** If you're creating a module that publishes Progress state, you can use this
* to prevent people from directly modifying the progress. */
export type ProgressCallback = (p: Readonly<Progress>) => void;
/** Used only for the sequence scrolling at the moment.
* Native DOM methods just aren't standardized enough yet,
* so this is an implementation without libs or polyfills. */
export function smoothScrollToBottom() {
const body = document.body;
const html = document.documentElement;
// Not all browsers for mobile/desktop compute height the same, this fixes it.
const height = Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight,
html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight);
const startY = window.pageYOffset;
const stopY = height;
const distance = stopY > startY ? stopY - startY : startY - stopY;
if (distance < 100) {
scrollTo(0, stopY);
// Higher the distance divided, faster the scroll.
// Numbers too low will cause jarring ui bugs.
let speed = Math.round(distance / 14);
if (speed >= 6) { speed = 14; }
const step = Math.round(distance / 25);
let leapY = stopY > startY ? startY + step : startY - step;
let timer = 0;
if (stopY > startY) {
for (let i = startY; i < stopY; i += step) {
setTimeout(() => window.scrollTo(0, leapY), timer * speed);
leapY += step;
if (leapY > stopY) { leapY = stopY; }
} return;
for (let i = startY; i > stopY; i -= step) {
setTimeout(() => window.scrollTo(0, leapY), timer * speed);
leapY -= step; if (leapY < stopY) { leapY = stopY; }
/** Fancy debug */
export function fancyDebug(d: {}) {
.map(key => [key, (d as Dictionary<string>)[key]])
.map((x) => {
const key = _.padStart(x[0], 20, " ");
const val = (JSON.stringify(x[1]) || "Nothing").slice(0, 52);
return `${key} => ${val}`;
export type CowardlyDictionary<T> = Dictionary<T | undefined>;
/** Sometimes, you are forced to pass a number type even though
* the resource has no ID (usually for rendering purposes).
* Example:
* || 0
* In those cases, you can use this constant to indicate intent.
export const NOT_SAVED = -1;
export function isUndefined(x: object | undefined): x is undefined {
return _.isUndefined(x);
/** Better than Array.proto.filter and _.compact() because the type checker
* knows what's going on.
export function betterCompact<T>(input: (T | undefined)[]): T[] {
const output: T[] = [];
input.forEach(x => x ? output.push(x) : "");
return output;
/** Sorts a list of tagged resources. Unsaved resource get put on the end. */
export function sortResourcesById<T extends TaggedResource>(input: T[]): T[] {
return _.sortBy(input, (x) => || Infinity);
/** Light wrapper around _.merge() to prevent common type errors / mistakes. */
export function betterMerge<T, U>(target: T, update: U): T & U {
return _.merge({}, target, update);
/** Like parseFloat, but allows you to control fallback value instead of
* returning NaN. */
export function betterParseNum(num: string | undefined,
fallback: number): number {
try {
const maybe = JSON.parse("" + num);
if (_.isNumber(maybe) && !_.isNaN(maybe)) {
return maybe;
} catch (_err) {
return fallback;
/** Determine if a string contains one of multiple values. */
export function oneOf(list: string[], target: string) {
let matches = 0; => target.includes(x) ? matches++ : "");
return !!matches;
/** Dynamically change the meta title of the page. */
export function updatePageInfo(pageName: string) {
if (pageName === "designer") { pageName = "Farm Designer"; }
document.title = _.capitalize(pageName);
// Possibly add meta "content" here dynamically as well
export function attachToRoot<P>(type: React.ComponentClass<P>,
props?: React.Attributes & P) {
const node = document.createElement("DIV"); = "root";
const reactElem = React.createElement(type, props);
const domElem = document.getElementById("root");
if (domElem) {
render(reactElem, domElem);
} else {
throw new Error(t("Add a <div> with id `root` to the page first."));
/** The firmware will have an integer overflow if you don't check this one. */
const MAX_INPUT = 32000;
const MIN_INPUT = 0;
interface High { outcome: "high"; result: number; }
interface Low { outcome: "low"; result: number; }
interface Malformed { outcome: "malformed"; result: undefined; }
interface Ok { outcome: "ok", result: number; }
export type ClampResult = High | Low | Malformed | Ok;
/** Handle all the possible ways a user could give us bad data or cause an
* integer overflow in the firmware. */
export function clampUnsignedInteger(input: string): ClampResult {
const result = Math.round(parseInt(input, 10));
// Clamp to prevent overflow.
if (_.isNaN(result)) { return { outcome: "malformed", result: undefined }; }
if (result > MAX_INPUT) { return { outcome: "high", result: MAX_INPUT }; }
if (result < MIN_INPUT) { return { outcome: "low", result: MIN_INPUT }; }
return { outcome: "ok", result };
export enum SemverResult {
export function semverCompare(left: string, right: string): SemverResult {
const pa: Array<string | undefined> = left.split(".");
const pb: Array<string | undefined> = right.split(".");
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
const num_left = Number(pa[i]);
const num_right = Number(pb[i]);
if (num_left > num_right) {
return SemverResult.LEFT_IS_GREATER;
if (num_right > num_left) {
return SemverResult.RIGHT_IS_GREATER;
if (!isNaN(num_left) && isNaN(num_right)) {
return SemverResult.LEFT_IS_GREATER;
if (isNaN(num_left) && !isNaN(num_right)) {
return SemverResult.RIGHT_IS_GREATER;
return SemverResult.EQUAL;
/** TODO: Upgrading to TSC 2.4, maybe we don't need this?
* - RC 20 June 2016 */
type JSXChild = JSX.Element | JSX.Element[] | Primitive | undefined;
export type JSXChildren = JSXChild[] | JSXChild;
export type Primitive = boolean | string | number;
/** Axios uses `{data: any}` to describe
* This interface adds type hints.
* TODO: LOW HANGING FRUIT: Write user defined type guards to provide
* real type safety. */
export interface HttpData<T> extends AxiosResponse {
data: T;
/** Like AxiosPromise, but holds onto type information.
* TODO: Write farmbot-resource library or something like that to do real
* runtime type checking.
export interface HttpPromise<T> extends Promise<HttpData<T>> { }
export function shortRevision() {
return (globalConfig.SHORT_REVISION || "NONE").slice(0, 8);
/** When needing to reference the url in some js universally or vice versa. */
export function urlFriendly(stringToFormat: string) {
return encodeURIComponent(stringToFormat.replace(/ /gi, "_").toLowerCase());
/** Get remainder of current url after the last "/". */
export function lastUrlChunk() {
const p = history.getCurrentLocation().pathname;
return p.split("/")[p.split("/").length - 1];
export const trim = (i: string): string => i.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
/** When you have a ridiculously long chain of flags and need to convert it
* into a binary integer. */
export function bitArray(...values: boolean[]) {
return values
.map((x): number => x ? 1 : 0)
.reduce((res, x) => {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-bitwise
return res << 1 | x;
export function bail(message: string): never {
throw new Error(message);
// Thanks,
// /applying-a-timeout-to-your-promises/#implementing-the-timeout
export function withTimeout<T>(ms: number, promise: Promise<T>) {
// Create a promise that rejects in <ms> milliseconds
const timeout = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const id = setTimeout(() => {
reject(`Timed out in ${ms} ms.`);
}, ms);
// Returns a race between our timeout and the passed in promise
return Promise.race([promise, timeout]) as Promise<T>;
export function minFwVersionCheck(current: string | undefined, min: string) {
if (_.isString(current)) {
switch (semverCompare(current.slice(0, -1), min)) {
case SemverResult.LEFT_IS_GREATER:
case SemverResult.EQUAL:
return true;
return false;
} else {
return false;