
202 lines
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import {
} from "../resources/tagged_resources";
import { GetState, ReduxAction } from "../redux/interfaces";
import { API } from "./index";
import axios from "axios";
import { updateOK, updateNO, destroyOK, destroyNO } from "../resources/actions";
import { UnsafeError } from "../interfaces";
import { findByUuid } from "../resources/reducer";
import { generateUuid } from "../resources/util";
import { defensiveClone, HttpData } from "../util";
import { EditResourceParams } from "./interfaces";
import { ResourceIndex } from "../resources/interfaces";
import { SequenceBodyItem } from "farmbot/dist";
import * as _ from "lodash";
import { Actions } from "../constants";
export function edit(tr: TaggedResource, changes: Partial<typeof tr.body>):
ReduxAction<EditResourceParams> {
return {
type: Actions.EDIT_RESOURCE,
payload: { uuid: tr.uuid, update: changes }
/** Rather than update (patch) a TaggedResource, this method will overwrite
* everything within the `.body` property. */
export function overwrite(tr: TaggedResource,
changeset: typeof tr.body):
ReduxAction<EditResourceParams> {
return {
payload: { uuid: tr.uuid, update: changeset }
interface EditStepProps {
step: Readonly<SequenceBodyItem>;
sequence: Readonly<TaggedSequence>;
index: number;
/** Callback provides a fresh, defensively cloned copy of the
* original step. Perform modifications to the resource within this
* callback */
executor(stepCopy: SequenceBodyItem): void;
/** Editing sequence steps is a tedious process. Use this function in place
* of `edit()` or `overwrite`. */
export function editStep({ step, sequence, index, executor }: EditStepProps) {
let nextStep = defensiveClone(step);
let nextSeq = defensiveClone(sequence);
// Let the developer safely perform mutations here:
nextSeq.body.body = nextSeq.body.body || [];
nextSeq.body.body[index] = nextStep;
return overwrite(sequence, nextSeq.body);
/** Initialize (but don't save) an indexed / tagged resource. */
export function init(resource: TaggedResource): ReduxAction<TaggedResource> { = 0;
resource.dirty = true;
/** Technically, this happens in the reducer, but I like to be extra safe. */
resource.uuid = generateUuid(, resource.kind);
return { type: Actions.INIT_RESOURCE, payload: resource };
export function initSave(resource: TaggedResource) {
return function (dispatch: Function, getState: GetState) {
let action = init(resource);
if ( === 0) { delete; }
let nextState = getState().resources.index;
let tr = findByUuid(nextState, action.payload.uuid);
return dispatch(save(tr.uuid));
export function save(uuid: string) {
return function (dispatch: Function, getState: GetState) {
let resource = findByUuid(getState().resources.index, uuid);
dispatch({ type: "SAVE_RESOURCE_START", payload: resource });
return dispatch(update(uuid));
function update(uuid: string) {
return function (dispatch: Function, getState: GetState) {
return updateViaAjax(getState().resources.index, uuid, dispatch);
export function destroy(uuid: string) {
return function (dispatch: Function, getState: GetState) {
let resource = findByUuid(getState().resources.index, uuid);
let maybeProceed = confirmationChecker(resource);
return maybeProceed(() => {
if ( {
return axios
.delete(urlFor(resource.kind) +
.then(function (resp: HttpData<typeof resource.body>) {
.catch(function (err: UnsafeError) {
dispatch(destroyNO({ err, uuid }));
return Promise.reject(err);
} else {
return Promise.resolve("");
}) || Promise.reject("User pressed cancel");
export function saveAll(input: TaggedResource[],
callback: () => void = _.noop,
errBack: (err: UnsafeError) => void = _.noop) {
return function (dispatch: Function, getState: GetState) {
/** Perf issues maybe? RC - Mar 2017 */
let p = input.filter(x => x.dirty).map(tts => dispatch(save(tts.uuid)));
Promise.all(p).then(callback, errBack);
export function urlFor(tag: ResourceName) {
const OPTIONS: Partial<Record<ResourceName, string>> = {
sequences: API.current.sequencesPath,
tools: API.current.toolsPath,
farm_events: API.current.farmEventsPath,
regimens: API.current.regimensPath,
peripherals: API.current.peripheralsPath,
points: API.current.pointsPath,
users: API.current.usersPath,
device: API.current.devicePath,
images: API.current.imagesPath,
logs: API.current.logsPath
let url = OPTIONS[tag];
if (url) {
return url;
} else {
throw new Error(`No resource/URL handler for ${tag} yet.
Consider adding one to crud.ts`);
/** Shared functionality in create() and update(). */
function updateViaAjax(index: ResourceIndex,
uuid: string,
dispatch: Function) {
let resource = findByUuid(index, uuid);
let { body, kind } = resource;
let verb: "post" | "put";
let url = urlFor(kind);
if ( {
verb = "put";
url +=;
} else {
verb = "post";
return axios[verb](url, body)
.then(function (resp: HttpData<typeof resource.body>) {
let r1 = defensiveClone(resource);
let r2 = { body: defensiveClone( };
let newTR = _.assign({}, r1, r2);
if (isTaggedResource(newTR)) {
} else {
throw new Error("Just saved a malformed TR.");
.catch(function (err: UnsafeError) {
dispatch(updateNO({ err, uuid }));
return Promise.reject(err);
let MUST_CONFIRM_LIST: ResourceName[] = [
let confirmationChecker = (resource: TaggedResource) =>
<T>(proceed: () => T): T | undefined => {
if (MUST_CONFIRM_LIST.includes(resource.kind)) {
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this item?")) {
return proceed();
} else {
return undefined;
return proceed();