
190 lines
6.2 KiB

require "spec_helper"
describe Api::PointsController do
include Devise::Test::ControllerHelpers
describe "#create" do
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) }
let(:device) { user.device }
it "creates a tool slot" do
sign_in user
payload = { name: "Fooo", x: 4, y: 5, z: 6, pointer_type: "ToolSlot" }
before = ToolSlot.count
post :create, body: payload.to_json, format: :json
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
after = ToolSlot.count
expect(before).to be < after
expect(json[:name]).to eq(payload[:name])
expect(json[:x]).to eq(payload[:x])
expect(json[:y]).to eq(payload[:y])
expect(json[:z]).to eq(payload[:z])
it "creates a plant" do
sign_in user
time = ( -
p = { x: 23,
y: 45,
name: "Put me in a salad",
pointer_type: "Plant",
openfarm_slug: "mung-bean",
planted_at: time,
plant_stage: "sprouted" }
post :create, body: p.to_json, params: { format: :json }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
plant = Plant.last
expect(plant.x).to eq(p[:x])
expect(plant.y).to eq(p[:y])
expect( eq(p[:name])
expect(plant.plant_stage).to eq("sprouted")
expect(p[:plant_stage]).to eq("sprouted")
expect(plant.openfarm_slug).to eq(p[:openfarm_slug])
expect(plant.created_at).to be_truthy
p.keys.each do |key|
expect(json).to have_key(key)
it "creates a weed" do
sign_in user
body = { x: 1,
y: 2,
z: 3,
radius: 3,
name: "test weed",
pointer_type: "Weed",
meta: { foo: "BAR" } }
post :create, body: body.to_json, params: { format: :json }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(json[:name]).to eq(body[:name])
expect(json[:x]).to eq(body[:x])
expect(json[:y]).to eq(body[:y])
expect(json[:z]).to eq(body[:z])
expect(json[:radius]).to eq(body[:radius])
expect(json[:meta][:foo]).to eq(body[:meta][:foo])
weed = Weed.last
expect( eq(json[:id])
expect(weed.device).to eq(device)
expect(json[:pointer_type]).to eq(body[:pointer_type])
it "validates pointer_type" do
sign_in user
body = { pointer_type: "TypoPointer", x: 0, y: 0 }
post :create, body: body.to_json, params: { format: :json }
expect(response.status).to eq(422)
expected = "Please provide a JSON object " \
"with a `pointer_type` that matches"
expect(json.fetch(:pointer_type)).to include(expected)
it "creates a point" do
sign_in user
body = { x: 1,
y: 2,
z: 3,
radius: 3,
name: "YOLO",
pointer_type: "GenericPointer",
meta: { foo: "BAR" } }
post :create, body: body.to_json, params: { format: :json }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(json[:name]).to eq(body[:name])
expect(json[:x]).to eq(body[:x])
expect(json[:y]).to eq(body[:y])
expect(json[:z]).to eq(body[:z])
expect(json[:radius]).to eq(body[:radius])
expect(json[:meta][:foo]).to eq(body[:meta][:foo])
expect(Point.last.device).to eq(device)
expect(json[:pointer_type]).to eq(body[:pointer_type])
it "requires x" do
sign_in user
body = { y: 2,
z: 3,
radius: 3,
pointer_type: "GenericPointer",
meta: { foo: "BAR" } }
post :create, body: body.to_json, params: { format: :json }
expect(response.status).to eq(422)
expect(json[:x]).to be
expect(json[:x]).to include("is required")
expect(json[:name]).to eq(nil)
it "handles bad data" do
sign_in user
SmarfDoc.note("This is what happens when you post bad JSON")
post :create, body: "{'x': 0, 'this isnt': 'JSON'}", params: { format: :json }
expect(response.status).to eq(422)
expect(json[:error]).to include("Please use a _valid_ JSON object or array")
it "creates a toolslot with an valid pullout direction" do
direction = 1
sign_in user
before_count = ToolSlot.count
post :create,
body: {
pointer_type: "ToolSlot",
name: "foo",
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0,
pullout_direction: direction,
params: { format: :json }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(ToolSlot.count).to be > before_count
expect(json[:pullout_direction]).to eq(direction)
it "creates a new toolslot, with a default pullout" do
sign_in user
payload = { pointer_type: "ToolSlot",
name: "foo",
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0 }
old_tool_count = ToolSlot.count
post :create, body: payload.to_json, params: { format: :json }
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(ToolSlot.count).to be > old_tool_count
expect(json[:pullout_direction]).to eq(0)
it "disallows bad `tool_id`s" do
sign_in user
payload = { pointer_type: "ToolSlot",
name: "foo",
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0,
tool_id: (Tool.count + 100) }
old_tool_count = ToolSlot.count
post :create, body: payload.to_json, params: { format: :json }
expect(response.status).to eq(422)
expect(ToolSlot.count).to eq old_tool_count
expect(json[:tool_id]).to include("Can't find tool")
it "gracefully handles PG::ProgramLimitExceeded" do
absurdly_large_metadata =
{ key: (1..85) { |x| SecureRandom.hex }.join }
sign_in user
payload = { pointer_type: "GenericPointer",
name: "foo",
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0,
meta: absurdly_large_metadata }
old_tool_count = ToolSlot.count
post :create, body: payload.to_json, params: { format: :json }
expect(response.status).to eq(422)
expect(json.fetch(:error)).to eq(Api::AbstractController::TOO_MUCH_DATA)