
139 lines
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const mockDevice = { takePhoto: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({})) };
jest.mock("../../../device", () => ({ getDevice: () => mockDevice }));
jest.mock("../../../api/crud", () => ({ destroy: jest.fn() }));
jest.mock("../actions", () => ({ selectImage: jest.fn() }));
import * as React from "react";
import { mount, shallow } from "enzyme";
import { Photos } from "../photos";
import { JobProgress } from "farmbot";
import { fakeImages } from "../../../__test_support__/fake_state/images";
import { destroy } from "../../../api/crud";
import { clickButton } from "../../../__test_support__/helpers";
import { PhotosProps } from "../interfaces";
import { selectImage } from "../actions";
import { fakeTimeSettings } from "../../../__test_support__/fake_time_settings";
import { success, error } from "../../../toast/toast";
describe("<Photos/>", () => {
const fakeProps = (): PhotosProps => ({
images: [],
currentImage: undefined,
dispatch: jest.fn(),
timeSettings: fakeTimeSettings(),
imageJobs: [],
botToMqttStatus: "up",
syncStatus: "synced",
it("shows photo", () => {
const p = fakeProps();
const images = fakeImages;
p.currentImage = images[1];
const wrapper = mount(<Photos {...p} />);
expect(wrapper.text()).toContain("Created At:June 1st, 2017");
it("no photos", () => {
const wrapper = mount(<Photos {...fakeProps()} />);
expect(wrapper.text()).toContain("Image:No meta data.");
it("takes photo", async () => {
const wrapper = mount(<Photos {...fakeProps()} />);
await clickButton(wrapper, 0, "take photo");
await expect(success).toHaveBeenCalled();
it("fails to take photo", async () => {
mockDevice.takePhoto = jest.fn(() => Promise.reject());
const wrapper = mount(<Photos {...fakeProps()} />);
await clickButton(wrapper, 0, "take photo");
await expect(error).toHaveBeenCalled();
it("deletes photo", async () => {
const p = fakeProps();
p.dispatch = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve());
const images = fakeImages;
p.currentImage = images[1];
const wrapper = mount(<Photos {...p} />);
await clickButton(wrapper, 1, "delete photo");
await expect(success).toHaveBeenCalled();
it("fails to delete photo", async () => {
const p = fakeProps();
p.dispatch = jest.fn(() => Promise.reject("error"));
const images = fakeImages;
p.currentImage = images[1];
const wrapper = mount(<Photos {...p} />);
await clickButton(wrapper, 1, "delete photo");
await expect(destroy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(p.currentImage.uuid);
await expect(error).toHaveBeenCalled();
it("deletes most recent photo", async () => {
const p = fakeProps();
p.dispatch = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve());
p.images = fakeImages;
const wrapper = mount(<Photos {...p} />);
await clickButton(wrapper, 1, "delete photo");
await expect(success).toHaveBeenCalled();
it("no photos to delete", () => {
const wrapper = mount(<Photos {...fakeProps()} />);
clickButton(wrapper, 1, "delete photo");
it("shows image download progress", () => {
const p = fakeProps();
p.imageJobs = [{
status: "working",
percent: 15,
unit: "percent",
time: "2018-11-15 19:13:21.167440Z"
} as JobProgress];
const wrapper = mount(<Photos {...p} />);
expect(wrapper.text()).toContain("uploading photo...15%");
it("doesn't show image download progress", () => {
const p = fakeProps();
p.imageJobs = [{
status: "complete",
percent: 15,
unit: "percent",
time: "2018-11-15 19:13:21.167440Z"
} as JobProgress];
const wrapper = mount(<Photos {...p} />);
it("can't find meta field data", () => {
const p = fakeProps();
p.images = fakeImages;
p.images[0].body.meta.x = undefined;
p.currentImage = p.images[0];
const wrapper = mount(<Photos {...p} />);
it("flips photo", () => {
const p = fakeProps();
p.images = fakeImages;
const wrapper = shallow(<Photos {...p} />);
wrapper.find("ImageFlipper").simulate("flip", 1);