2018-08-01 08:09:30 -05:00

161 lines
5.2 KiB

import * as React from "react";
import { TaggedImage } from "farmbot";
import { CameraCalibrationData, BotOriginQuadrant } from "../interfaces";
import { MapTransformProps } from "./interfaces";
import { transformXY } from "./util";
import { isNumber, round } from "lodash";
const PRECISION = 3; // Number of decimals for image placement coordinates
/* Parse floats in camera calibration environment variables. */
const parse = (str: string | undefined) => {
const parsed = str ? parseFloat(str) : NaN;
return !isNaN(parsed) ? parsed : undefined;
/* Check if the image has been rotated according to the calibration value. */
const isRotated = (name: string | undefined) => {
return name &&
|| name.includes("marked")
|| name.includes("calibration_result"));
/* Check if the calibration data is valid for the image provided using z. */
const cameraZCheck =
(imageZ: number | undefined, calibZ: string | undefined) => {
const calibrationZ = parse(calibZ);
return isNumber(imageZ) && isNumber(calibrationZ) &&
Math.abs(imageZ - calibrationZ) < 5;
interface ImageSize {
width: number;
height: number;
/* Get the size of the image at the URL. Allow overriding for tests. */
const getImageSize = (url: string, size?: ImageSize): ImageSize => {
if (url.includes("placehold")) { return { width: 0, height: 0 }; }
if (size) { return size; }
const imageData = new Image();
imageData.src = url;
return {
height: imageData.height,
width: imageData.width
/* Flip (mirror) image based on orientation of camera. */
const originAdjustment = (imageOrigin: string) => {
switch (imageOrigin) {
return { x: -1, y: -1 };
return { x: 1, y: -1 };
case "TOP_RIGHT":
return { x: -1, y: 1 };
case "TOP_LEFT":
return { x: 1, y: 1 };
/* Flip (mirror) image based on map quadrant. */
const quadrantAdjustment = (quadrant: BotOriginQuadrant) => {
switch (quadrant) {
case 1:
return { x: -1, y: 1 };
case 3:
return { x: 1, y: -1 };
case 4:
return { x: -1, y: -1 };
case 2:
return { x: 1, y: 1 };
interface TransformProps {
quadrant: BotOriginQuadrant;
qCoords: { qx: number, qy: number };
size: { x: number, y: number };
imageOrigin: string;
xySwap: boolean;
/* Image transform string. Flip and place image at the correct map location. */
const transform = (props: TransformProps): string => {
const { quadrant, qCoords, size, imageOrigin, xySwap } = props;
const { qx, qy } = qCoords;
const orginAdjusted = originAdjustment(imageOrigin);
const quadrantAdjusted = quadrantAdjustment(quadrant);
const flip = {
x: orginAdjusted.x * quadrantAdjusted.x,
y: orginAdjusted.y * quadrantAdjusted.y
const toZero = {
x: orginAdjusted.x < 0 ? -size.x : 0,
y: orginAdjusted.y < 0 ? -size.y : 0
const translate = {
x: round(flip.x * qx + toZero.x, PRECISION),
y: round(flip.y * qy + toZero.y, PRECISION)
const xySwapTransform = xySwap
? ` rotate(90) scale(${-1}, ${1}) translate(${-size.y}, ${-size.y})`
: "";
return `scale(${flip.x}, ${flip.y}) translate(${translate.x}, ${translate.y})`
+ xySwapTransform;
export interface MapImageProps {
image: TaggedImage | undefined;
cameraCalibrationData: CameraCalibrationData;
mapTransformProps: MapTransformProps;
sizeOverride?: ImageSize;
* Place the camera image in the Farm Designer map.
* Assume the image that is provided from the Farmware is rotated correctly.
* Require camera calibration data to display the image.
export function MapImage(props: MapImageProps) {
const { image, cameraCalibrationData, sizeOverride } = props;
const { scale, offset, origin, calibrationZ } = cameraCalibrationData;
const imageScale = parse(scale);
const imageOffsetX = parse(offset.x);
const imageOffsetY = parse(offset.y);
const imageOrigin = origin ? origin.split("\"").join("") : undefined;
const { quadrant, xySwap } = props.mapTransformProps;
/* Check if the image exists. */
if (image) {
const imageUrl = image.body.attachment_url;
const { x, y, z } = image.body.meta;
const imageAnnotation =;
const { width, height } = getImageSize(imageUrl, sizeOverride);
/* Check for all necessary camera calibration and image data. */
if (isNumber(x) && isNumber(y) && height > 0 && width > 0 &&
isNumber(imageScale) && imageScale > 0 &&
cameraZCheck(z, calibrationZ) && isRotated(imageAnnotation) &&
isNumber(imageOffsetX) && isNumber(imageOffsetY) && imageOrigin) {
/* Use pixel to coordinate scale to scale image. */
const size = { x: width * imageScale, y: height * imageScale };
const o = { // Coordinates of top left corner of image for placement
x: x + imageOffsetX - size.x / 2,
y: y + imageOffsetY - size.y / 2
const qCoords = transformXY(o.x, o.y, props.mapTransformProps);
const transformProps = { quadrant, qCoords, size, imageOrigin, xySwap };
return <image
height={size.y} width={size.x} x={0} y={0}
transform={transform(transformProps)} />;
return <image />;