
239 lines
7.8 KiB

import * as React from "react";
import {
} from "farmbot";
import { ResourceIndex } from "../resources/interfaces";
import {
LocationData, InputBox, generateList, formatSelectedDropdown, handleSelect,
CeleryVariable, EMPTY_COORD
} from "./step_tiles/tile_move_absolute/index";
import { overwrite } from "../api/crud";
import { TaggedSequence } from "farmbot";
import { defensiveClone } from "../util";
import { Row, Col, FBSelect } from "../ui/index";
import { t } from "i18next";
import { isNaN } from "lodash";
import { findSlotByToolId } from "../resources/selectors_by_id";
type OnChange = (data_type: LocationData | ParameterDeclaration) => void;
type DataValue = VariableDeclaration["args"]["data_value"];
export interface LocalsListProps {
sequence: TaggedSequence;
resources: ResourceIndex;
dispatch: Function;
export interface ParentVariableFormProps {
parent: VariableDeclaration | ParameterDeclaration;
resources: ResourceIndex;
onChange: OnChange;
const KINDS = ["parameter_declaration", "variable_declaration"];
/** Given an array of variable declarations (or undefined), finds the "parent"
* special identifier */
export const extractParent =
(list?: ScopeDeclarationBodyItem[]): ScopeDeclarationBodyItem | undefined => {
const p = (list ? list : []).filter(x => {
const isParent = x.args.label === "parent";
const isVar = KINDS.includes(x.kind);
return isVar && isParent;
switch (p && p.kind) {
case "variable_declaration":
case "parameter_declaration":
return p;
return undefined;
/** Takes a sequence and data_value. Turn the data_value into the sequence's new
* `parent` variable. This is a _pure function_. */
export const setParent = (sequence: TaggedSequence, data_value: CeleryVariable) => {
const nextSeq: typeof sequence.body = defensiveClone(sequence.body);
switch (data_value.kind) {
case "tool":
case "point":
case "coordinate":
nextSeq.args.locals = {
kind: "scope_declaration",
args: {},
body: [
kind: "variable_declaration",
args: {
label: "parent",
case "parameter_declaration":
nextSeq.args.locals = {
kind: "scope_declaration",
args: {},
body: [{
kind: "parameter_declaration",
args: { label: "parent", data_type: "point" }
throw new Error("Bad kind in setParent(): " + data_value.kind);
return nextSeq;
/** Returns the event handler that gets called when you edit the X/Y/Z*/
export const handleVariableChange =
(dispatch: Function, sequence: TaggedSequence) =>
(data_value: LocationData) =>
dispatch(overwrite(sequence, setParent(sequence, data_value)));
/** Callback generator called when user changes the x/y/z of a variable in the
* sequence generator. */
export const changeAxis =
(axis: keyof Vector3, onChange: OnChange, data_type: LocationData) =>
(e: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
if (data_type.kind === "coordinate") {
const nextDT = defensiveClone(data_type);
nextDT.args[axis] = parseInt(e.currentTarget.value, 10);
} else {
throw new Error("Never not coord");
/** If variable is a coordinate, just use the coordinates. */
export const guessFromDataType =
(x: DataValue): Vector3 | undefined => (x.kind === "coordinate") ?
x.args : undefined;
/** GLORIOUS hack: We spend a *lot* of time in the sequence editor looking up
* resource x/y/z. It's resource intensive and often hard to understand.
* Instead of adding more selectors and complexity, we make a "best effort"
* attempt to read the resource's `x`, `y`, `z` that are cached (as strings)
* in the drop down label.
* String manipulation is bad, but I think it is warranted here: */
export const guessVecFromLabel =
(label: string): Vector3 | undefined => {
const step1 = label
.replace(")", "")
.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
const vec = step1
.slice(Math.max(step1.length - 3, 1))
.map(x => parseInt(x, 10))
.filter(x => !isNaN(x));
return (vec.length === 3) ?
{ x: vec[0], y: vec[1], z: vec[2] } : undefined;
export const PARENT = { value: "parent", label: "Parent", headingId: "parameter" };
/** Return this when unable to correctly guess coordinate values */
const EMPTY_VEC3 = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };
type ParentType = ParameterDeclaration | VariableDeclaration;
const maybeFetchToolCoords =
(data_value: DataValue, resources: ResourceIndex): Vector3 | undefined => {
if (data_value.kind === "tool") {
const r = findSlotByToolId(resources, data_value.args.tool_id);
return r && r.body;
const guessVariable =
(label: string, local: VariableDeclaration, resources: ResourceIndex): Vector3 => {
return guessVecFromLabel(label) ||
guessFromDataType(local.args.data_value) ||
maybeFetchToolCoords(local.args.data_value, resources) ||
/** Given a dropdown label and a local variable declaration, tries to guess the
* X/Y/Z value of the declared variable. If unable to guess,
* returns (0, 0, 0) */
export const guessXYZ = (label: string, local: ParentType, resources: ResourceIndex): Vector3 => {
return (local.kind === "variable_declaration") ?
guessVariable(label, local, resources) : EMPTY_VEC3;
/** When sequence.args.locals actually has variables, render this form.
* Allows the user to chose the value of the `parent` variable, etc. */
export const ParentVariableForm =
({ parent, resources, onChange }: ParentVariableFormProps) => {
const data_value = (parent.kind == "variable_declaration") ?
parent.args.data_value : EMPTY_COORD;
const ddiLabel = formatSelectedDropdown(resources, data_value);
const { x, y, z } = guessXYZ(ddiLabel.label, parent, resources);
const isDisabled = (parent.kind == "parameter_declaration") ||
data_value.kind !== "coordinate";
return <div>
<br /> {/** Lol */}
<h5>Import Coordinates From</h5>
list={generateList(resources, [PARENT])}
onChange={(ddi) => onChange(handleSelect(resources, ddi))} />
{JSON.stringify(parent, null, 2)}
<br /> {/** Lol */}
<Col xs={4}>
onCommit={changeAxis("x", onChange, data_value)}
value={"" + x}>
{t("X (mm)")}
<Col xs={4}>
onCommit={changeAxis("y", onChange, data_value)}
value={"" + y}>
{t("Y (mm)")}
<Col xs={4}>
onCommit={changeAxis("z", onChange, data_value)}
value={"" + z}>
{t("Z (mm)")}
/** List of local variable declarations for a sequence. If no variables are
* found, shows nothing. */
export const LocalsList =
({ resources, sequence, dispatch }: LocalsListProps) => {
const parent = extractParent(sequence.body.args.locals.body);
if (parent) {
return <ParentVariableForm
onChange={handleVariableChange(dispatch, sequence)} />;
} else {
return <div />;