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% Software.tex
% SatNOGS Optical Unofficial Guide
% Copyright (C) 2022, Jeff Moe
% This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
% International Public License (CC BY-SA 4.0) by Jeff Moe.
\section{Software Overview}
See \ref{fig:operation}, page \pageref{fig:operation}
for a diagram with an overview of the software process.
% XXX diagram is too large for frame
% \begin{framed}
\smartdiagramset{border color=none,
uniform color list=jebba-light-blue!60 for 4 items,
module x sep=3.75,
back arrow distance=0.75,
\smartdiagram[flow diagram:horizontal]{Acquire, Process, Analyze, Upload}
\caption{SatNOGS Optical Operation Pipeline}
% \end{framed}
\section{Setup Optical Ground Station Software}
HOWTO set up and configure a \gls{SatNOGS-Optical} \gls{ground-station}.
Setup an embedded computer, such as an Odroid N2, with \gls{Debian} stable
(11/Bullseye) or testing (Bookworm).
\index{embedded computer}\index{Odroid}\index{Debian}
See each repository for latest documentation.
Install dependencies from \gls{Debian} repository:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-virtualenv python3-pip python3-dev \
source-extractor \
libeigen3-dev giza-dev libx11-dev \
astrometry-data-tycho2 astrometry-data-tycho2-07 \
astrometry-data-tycho2-08 astrometry-data-tycho2-09 \
Next, install the \texttt{\gls{hough3d-code}} dependency.
git clone
cd hough3d-code
make all
sudo cp -p hough3dlines /usr/local/bin/hough3dlines
Install \texttt{\gls{satpredict}} from using either the cbassa or spacecruft repo.
cd ../
git clone
# Or
#git clone
cd satpredict/
sudo make install
Now install \texttt{stvid}, the main acquisition and processing
application. It is written in \gls{Python}. Either use the spacecruft
\texttt{git} repository or the cbassa one.
cd ../
git clone
# Or use upstream:
#git clone
Optionally, set up a \gls{Python} virtual environment:
cd stvid
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
Install dependencies. Numpy needs to be installed first, or the
install fails.
pip install --upgrade numpy
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
If the system \texttt{python3-numpy} conflicts, you could try installing
numpy in the virtualenv thusly:
pip install --upgrade --ignore-installed numpy
\gls{Debian} in bug \texttt{\#941466} changed the name of the
\texttt{sextractor} dependency to \texttt{source-extractor},
so a symlink is needed for now:
\index{Debian}\index{Source Extractor}
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/source-extractor /usr/local/bin/sextractor
\section{Configure Software}
Configure the embedded computer.
cd stvid/
cp -p configuration.ini-dist configuration.ini
# Edit
# Note for fields st-username and st-password, *don't* use quotes.
# Set:
vi configuration.ini
Edit various \texttt{configuration.ini} fields:
# For example:
observer_cospar = 9999 # COSPAR number of observer's site
observer_name = Jeff Moe # Name of observer
observer_lat = 40.568912 # Latitude of location in decimal degrees
observer_lon = -105.225852 # Longitude of location in decimal degrees
observer_height = 1860 # Elevation of location in meters
observations_path = ./data/obs # Path for raw acquisitions
tle_path = ./data/tle # Path where TLEs are stored (and updated)
results_path = ./data/results # Path for results of processed obs
st-username = foo
st-password = bar
# Path to source-extractor
sex_config = /usr/share/source-extractor/
Store downloads here:
mkdir -p ./data/obs ./data/tle ./data/results
The \texttt{ST\_DATADIR} variable is still used, from \texttt{sattools}.
Maybe set all these in \texttt{\~/.bashrc} (suit to fit directory setup):
export ST_DATADIR=$HOME/sattools
export ST_OBSDIR=$HOME/satobs
export ST_LOGIN="identity=foo@no:pass"
Set \texttt{} to run in parallel, assuming you have enough RAM:
(This doesn't appear to work? Breaks?).
sudo vim /etc/astrometry.cfg
# Uncomment:
Use \gls{skymap} for viewing \gls{satellite} \glspl{orbit} tracks
projected on a map of of the sky. Skymap is part of \gls{sattools}.
\Gls{skymap} isn't a required part of the toolchain, but it is useful
to see what \glspl{satellite} are visibile at a particular time and
* \url{}
My fork:
* \url{}
\caption{\texttt{skymap} example screenshot.}
\textcolor{red}{NOTICE:} \\
The main upstream sattools package requires non-\gls{libre} \texttt{pgplot} on host computer which is not \gls{DFSG} compatible.
Described below is how to build and install my fork of \gls{sattools} to use
\gls{skymap} instead of upstream. Upstream requires non-libre software which
also happens to be very difficult for most users to compile. My fork uses the
Giza library which replaces pgplot. It is much easier to build.
# Install dependencies
sudo apt install giza-dev git make dos2unix source-extractor wcslib-dev \
libgsl-dev gfortran libpng-dev libx11-dev libjpeg-dev libexif-dev
# Clone repo
git clone
# Or use upstream (needs more steps)
git clone
cd sattools/
# Build
# Install
sudo make install
# Clean
make clean
# To rebuild
make clean
# To uninstall
sudo make uninstall
See below for \gls{skymap} (fork) usage:
# set config in ~/.bashrc XXX
skymap --help
Usage: skymap [OPTION]
Visualize satellites on a map of the sky.
-t, --time Date/time (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss) [default: now]
-c, --catalog TLE catalog file [default: satnogs.tle]
-i, --id Satellite ID (NORAD) [default: all]
-R, --ra R.A. [hh:mm:ss.sss]
-D, --decl Decl. []
-A, --azimuth Azimuth (deg)
-E, --elevation Elevation (deg)
-w, --width Screen width (default: 1024). Set height too.
-g, --height Screen height (default: 768). Set width too.
-n, --nmax nmax line resolution/speed (default 128)
-S, --all-night All night
-Q, --no-stars No stars
-a, --all-objects Show all objects from catalog (default: LEO)
-h, --help This help
-s, --site Site (COSPAR)
-d, --iod IOD observations
-l, --length Trail length [default: 60s]
-P, --planar-id planar search satellite ID
-r, --planar-alt planar search altitude
-V, --visibility-alt altitude for visibility contours
-p, --positions-file File with xyz positions
-L, --longitude manual site longitude (deg)
-B, --latitude manual site latitude (deg)
-H, --elevation manual site elevation (m)
\section{Tracking Software}
The tracking software used depends upon the tracking mount.
See section \ref{sec:hardware-tracking-ground-station},
page \pageref{sec:hardware-tracking-ground-station}
for discussion of hardware tracking mounts.
For our uses here, there are three broad categories of tracking
\item [Telescope] --- Controlling \glspl{telescope} remotely.
\item [Antenna] --- Controlling \glspl{antenna} remotely with hamlib.
\item [Cameras] --- Controlling PTZ cameras remotely.
\subsection{Telescope Tracking Software}
Software that can be used with telescope tracking mounts:
\item [INDI] --- Main client/server used by other applications.
\item [KStars] --- Sky charts, INDI control.
\item [Ekos] --- Application used within KStars for remote control
of telescopes and related hardware via \gls{INDI}.
\item [Stellarium] --- Sky charts, has \gls{INDI} plugin.
\item [Other INDI] --- Many more applications work with \gls{INDI}.
\item [INDIGO] --- Positions itself as a next-generation INDI (?).
Using \gls{INDI} with KStars and Ekos on a Sky-Watcher or Celestron
telescope mount is a known working solution.
\subsection{Antenna Tracking Software}
At present, for the \gls{SatNOGS} network \gls{RF} \glspl{ground-station},
hamlib is typically used for tracking, if directional \glspl{antenna} are
used. Hamlib was originally created for amateur radio equipment, but has
expanded to control many more devices.
\index{hamlib}\index{antenna}\index{RF}\index{amateur radio}
\item [hamlib] --- \Gls{antenna} \gls{rotator} control.
I don't know of anyone prototying a satellite tracking mount with hamlib,
but it should be possible using the ``leap frog'' method, perhaps on the
same mount as existing \gls{SatNOGS} \glspl{antenna}. The mount may not
be steady enough.
\subsection{Camera Tracking Software}
There are applications for using PTZ control of cameras, such as used in
``security'' cameras.
\item [motion] --- PTZ camera control. XXX check
I don't know of any of these being used in satellite tracking prototypes
at present.
KStars is an application that has been used for years in the astronomy
community. It is well established, well supported and included in \gls{Debian}.
KStars has multiple uses for imaging \glspl{satellite}.
One main use is to control a telescope tracking mount, such as the
hardware described in section \ref{sec:hardware-mounts}, page \pageref{sec:hardware-mounts}.
For the purposes here, described below will be using KStars with a
Sky-Watcher tracking mount with INDI and Ekos.
It will be used in sidereal tracking mode, where the stars will appear as
``points'', and the \glspl{satellite} will appear as trails.
\caption{KStars sky chart, example screenshot.}
\index{KStars}\index{sky chart}
\caption{KStars using V4L2, example screenshot.}
\caption{KStars using simulated CCD, example screenshot.}