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2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
// model.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2004-2010, Celestia Development Team
// Original version by Chris Laurel <claurel@gmail.com>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <algorithm>
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <celutil/reshandle.h>
#include "model.h"
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
using namespace cmod;
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
for (const auto mesh : meshes)
delete mesh;
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
/*! Return the material with the specified index, or nullptr if
* the index is out of range. The returned material pointer
* is const.
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
const Material*
Model::getMaterial(unsigned int index) const
if (index < materials.size())
return materials[index];
return nullptr;
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
/*! Add a new material to the model's material library; the
* return value is the number of materials in the model.
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
unsigned int
Model::addMaterial(const Material* m)
// Update the texture map usage information for the model. Since
// the material being added isn't necessarily used by a mesh within
// the model, we could potentially end up with false positives--this
// won't cause any rendering troubles, but could hurt performance
// if it forces multipass rendering when it's not required.
for (int i = 0; i < Material::TextureSemanticMax; i++)
if (m->maps[i] != InvalidResource)
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
textureUsage[i] = true;
return materials.size();
unsigned int
Model::getMaterialCount() const
return materials.size();
unsigned int
Model::getVertexCount() const
unsigned int count = 0;
for (const auto mesh : meshes)
count += mesh->getVertexCount();
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
return count;
unsigned int
Model::getPrimitiveCount() const
unsigned int count = 0;
for (const auto mesh : meshes)
count += mesh->getPrimitiveCount();
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
return count;
unsigned int
Model::getMeshCount() const
return meshes.size();
Model::getMesh(unsigned int index) const
if (index < meshes.size())
return meshes[index];
return nullptr;
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
unsigned int
Model::addMesh(Mesh* m)
return meshes.size();
Model::pick(const Eigen::Vector3d& rayOrigin,
const Eigen::Vector3d& rayDirection,
Mesh::PickResult* result) const
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
double maxDistance = 1.0e30;
double closest = maxDistance;
Mesh::PickResult closestResult;
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
for (const auto mesh : meshes)
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
Mesh::PickResult result;
if (mesh->pick(rayOrigin, rayDirection, &result))
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
if (result.distance < closest)
closestResult = result;
closestResult.mesh = mesh;
closest = result.distance;
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
if (closest != maxDistance)
if (result != nullptr)
*result = closestResult;
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
return true;
return false;
Model::pick(const Vector3d& rayOrigin, const Vector3d& rayDirection, double& distance) const
Mesh::PickResult result;
bool hit = pick(rayOrigin, rayDirection, &result);
if (hit)
distance = result.distance;
return hit;
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
/*! Translate and scale a model. The transformation applied to
* each vertex in the model is:
* v' = (v + translation) * scale
Model::transform(const Vector3f& translation, float scale)
for (const auto mesh : meshes)
mesh->transform(translation, scale);
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
Model::normalize(const Vector3f& centerOffset)
AlignedBox<float, 3> bbox;
for (const auto mesh : meshes)
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
Vector3f center = (bbox.min() + bbox.max()) * 0.5f + centerOffset;
Vector3f extents = bbox.max() - bbox.min();
float maxExtent = extents.maxCoeff();
transform(-center, 2.0f / maxExtent);
normalized = true;
static bool
operator<(const Material::Color& c0, const Material::Color& c1)
if (c0.red() < c1.red())
return true;
if (c0.red() > c1.red())
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
return false;
if (c0.green() < c1.green())
return true;
if (c0.green() > c1.green())
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
return false;
return c0.blue() < c1.blue();
// Define an ordering for materials; required for elimination of duplicate
// materials.
static bool
operator<(const Material& m0, const Material& m1)
// Checking opacity first and doing it backwards is deliberate. It means
// that after sorting, translucent materials will end up with higher
// material indices than opaque ones. Ultimately, after sorting
// mesh primitive groups by material, translucent groups will end up
// rendered after opaque ones.
if (m0.opacity < m1.opacity)
return true;
if (m0.opacity > m1.opacity)
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
return false;
// Reverse sense of comparison here--additive blending is 1, normal
// blending is 0, and we'd prefer to render additively blended submeshes
// last.
if (m0.blend > m1.blend)
return true;
if (m0.blend < m1.blend)
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
return false;
if (m0.diffuse < m1.diffuse)
return true;
if (m1.diffuse < m0.diffuse)
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
return false;
if (m0.emissive < m1.emissive)
return true;
if (m1.emissive < m0.emissive)
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
return false;
if (m0.specular < m1.specular)
return true;
if (m1.specular < m0.specular)
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
return false;
if (m0.specularPower < m1.specularPower)
return true;
if (m0.specularPower > m1.specularPower)
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
return false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Material::TextureSemanticMax; i++)
if (m0.maps[i] < m1.maps[i])
return true;
if (m0.maps[i] > m1.maps[i])
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
return false;
// Materials are identical
return false;
// Simple struct that pairs an index with a material; the index is used to
// keep track of the original material index after sorting.
struct IndexedMaterial
int originalIndex;
const Material* material;
static bool
operator<(const IndexedMaterial& im0, const IndexedMaterial& im1)
return *(im0.material) < *(im1.material);
static bool
operator!=(const IndexedMaterial& im0, const IndexedMaterial& im1)
return im0 < im1 || im1 < im0;
// No work to do if there's just a single material
if (materials.size() <= 1)
// Create an array of materials with the indices attached
vector<IndexedMaterial> indexedMaterials;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < materials.size(); i++)
IndexedMaterial im;
im.originalIndex = i;
im.material = materials[i];
// Sort the indexed materials so that we can uniquify them
sort(indexedMaterials.begin(), indexedMaterials.end());
vector<const Material*> uniqueMaterials;
vector<unsigned int> materialMap(materials.size());
vector<unsigned int> duplicateMaterials;
// From the sorted material list construct the list of unique materials
// and a map to convert old material indices into indices that can be
// used with the uniquified material list.
unsigned int uniqueMaterialCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < indexedMaterials.size(); i++)
if (i == 0 || indexedMaterials[i] != indexedMaterials[i - 1])
materialMap[indexedMaterials[i].originalIndex] = uniqueMaterialCount - 1;
// Remap all the material indices in the model. Even if no materials have
// been eliminated we've still sorted them by opacity, which is useful
// when reordering meshes so that translucent ones are rendered last.
for (const auto mesh : meshes)
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
for (const auto i : duplicateMaterials)
delete indexedMaterials[i].material;
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
materials = uniqueMaterials;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < materials.size(); i++)
if ((materials[i]->opacity > 0.01f && materials[i]->opacity < 1.0f) ||
materials[i]->blend == Material::AdditiveBlend)
opaque = false;
opaque = true;
Model::usesTextureType(Material::TextureSemantic t) const
return textureUsage[static_cast<int>(t)];
class MeshComparatorAdapter
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
MeshComparatorAdapter(const Model::MeshComparator& c) :
bool operator()(const Mesh* a, const Mesh* b) const
return comparator(*a, *b);
const Model::MeshComparator& comparator;
// Look at the material used by last primitive group in the mesh for the
// opacity of the whole model. This is a very crude way to check the opacity
// of a mesh and misses many cases.
static unsigned int
getMeshMaterialIndex(const Mesh& mesh)
if (mesh.getGroupCount() == 0)
return 0;
return mesh.getGroup(mesh.getGroupCount() - 1)->materialIndex;
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
Model::OpacityComparator::operator()(const Mesh& a, const Mesh& b) const
// Because materials are sorted by opacity, we can just compare
// the material index.
return getMeshMaterialIndex(a) > getMeshMaterialIndex(b);
Model::sortMeshes(const MeshComparator& comparator)
// Sort submeshes by material; if materials have been uniquified,
// then the submeshes will be ordered so that opaque ones are first.
for (const auto mesh : meshes)
2010-02-05 13:10:32 -07:00
// Sort the meshes so that completely opaque ones are first
sort(meshes.begin(), meshes.end(), MeshComparatorAdapter(comparator));