Updates for version 1.1.2

Chris Laurel 2001-09-11 01:58:56 +00:00
parent 64d62c7e4d
commit 6658b9492d
1 changed files with 8 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -236,10 +236,18 @@ Code:
* Fixed picking of stars so it works properly at close distances
* Fixed bug that caused solar systems not to be displayed when another star
was nearby (this made it impossible to visit the planets of Gliese 876)
* Fixed inverted bump maps
* Now use exponential interpolation during goto movement.
* New Jupiter texture based on Cassini images
* Added a tour guide feature
* Added more constellation diagrams
* Windows version: save and restore window size settings in registry
* Windows version: added toggle between GMT and local time
* Windows version: added keyboard command mnemonics to menus
* Windows version: InstallShield setup
* Windows version: added controls help dialog
* UNIX version: implemented find object and about dialogs (Gnome/Gtk only)
* Moved star browser and solar system browser code into separate modules
* Fixed DPRINTF macro so it's not broken in g++