ARB versions of vertex programs.

Chris Laurel 2003-02-18 06:13:11 +00:00
parent 0472b16c14
commit 79d547ddc8
2 changed files with 88 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Compute the surface space light vectors for diffuse bump mapping
ATTRIB iPos = vertex.position;
ATTRIB iNormal = vertex.normal;
ATTRIB iTangent = vertex.attrib[6];
ATTRIB iTex0 = vertex.texcoord[0];
ATTRIB iTex1 = vertex.texcoord[1];
PARAM mvp[4] = { state.matrix.mvp };
PARAM lightDir = program.env[0];
PARAM half = 0.5;
OUTPUT oPos = result.position;
OUTPUT oColor = result.color;
OUTPUT oTex0 = result.texcoord[0];
OUTPUT oTex1 = result.texcoord[1];
TEMP binormal;
TEMP light_surf;
# Transform the vertex by the modelview matrix
DP4 oPos.x, mvp[0], iPos;
DP4 oPos.y, mvp[1], iPos;
DP4 oPos.z, mvp[2], iPos;
DP4 oPos.w, mvp[3], iPos;
# Compute the binormal--cross product of tangent and normal
MOV t, iTangent;
MUL binormal, t.zxyw, iNormal.yzxw;
MAD binormal, t.yzxw, iNormal.zxyw, -binormal;
DP3 binormal.w, binormal, binormal;
RSQ binormal.w, binormal.w;
MUL, binormal, binormal.w;
# Transform the light direction from object space into surface space
DP3 light_surf.x, binormal, lightDir;
DP3 light_surf.y, iTangent, lightDir;
DP3 light_surf.z, iNormal, lightDir;
# Compress the light direction to fit in the primary color and output it
MAD oColor, light_surf, half, half;
# Output the texture
MOV oTex0, iTex0;
MOV oTex1, iTex1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Compute the diffuse light from a single source and apply a texture
# translation.
ATTRIB iPos = vertex.position;
ATTRIB iNormal = vertex.normal;
ATTRIB iTex0 = vertex.texcoord[0];
PARAM mvp[4] = { state.matrix.mvp };
PARAM lightDir = program.env[0];
PARAM diffuse = program.env[2];
PARAM texOffset = program.env[7];
PARAM ambient = state.lightmodel.ambient;
PARAM zeroVec = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
OUTPUT oPos = result.position;
OUTPUT oColor = result.color;
OUTPUT oTex0 = result.texcoord[0];
TEMP diffuseFactor;
# Transform the vertex by the modelview matrix
DP4 oPos.x, mvp[0], iPos;
DP4 oPos.y, mvp[1], iPos;
DP4 oPos.z, mvp[2], iPos;
DP4 oPos.w, mvp[3], iPos;
# Compute the diffuse light component
DP3 diffuseFactor, iNormal, lightDir;
# Clamp the diffuse component to zero
MAX diffuseFactor, diffuseFactor, zeroVec;
# Output the texture
ADD oTex0, iTex0, texOffset;
# Output the primary color
MAD oColor, diffuse, diffuseFactor, ambient;