Updated translations

Vincent Giangiulio 2010-03-27 09:42:32 +00:00
parent cab9d767c6
commit 98974b73ee
6 changed files with 1111 additions and 376 deletions

View File

@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ Source: "locale\controls_pl.txt"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreve
Source: "locale\controls_pt.txt"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\controls_pt.txt"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\controls_pt_BR.txt"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\controls_pt_BR.txt"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\controls_ru.txt"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\controls_ru.txt"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
; Source: "locale\controls_sk.txt"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\controls_sk.txt"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\controls_sv.txt"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\controls_sv.txt"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\controls_uk.txt"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\controls_uk.txt"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\controls_zh_CN.txt"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\controls_zh_CN.txt"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ Source: "locale\demo_pl.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversio
Source: "locale\demo_pt.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\demo_pt.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\demo_pt_BR.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\demo_pt_BR.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\demo_ru.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\demo_ru.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
; Source: "locale\demo_sk.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\demo_sk.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\demo_sv.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\demo_sv.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\demo_tr.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\demo_tr.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\demo_uk.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\demo_uk.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ Source: "locale\guide_pl.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversi
Source: "locale\guide_pt.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\guide_pt.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\guide_pt_BR.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\guide_pt_BR.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\guide_ru.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\guide_ru.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
; Source: "locale\guide_sk.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\guide_sk.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\guide_sv.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\guide_sv.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\guide_uk.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\guide_uk.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\guide_zh_CN.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\guide_zh_CN.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Source: "locale\start_pl.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversi
Source: "locale\start_pt.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\start_pt.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\start_pt_BR.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\start_pt_BR.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\start_ru.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\start_ru.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
; Source: "locale\start_sk.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\start_sk.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\start_sv.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\start_sv.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\start_uk.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\start_uk.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "locale\start_zh_CN.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "locale\start_zh_CN.cel"; DestDir: "{app}/locale"; Flags: ignoreversion

View File

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
Ovládanie Celestie myšou, klávesnicou a joystickom
"ĽAVÉ" a "PRAVÉ" znamenajú držanie príslušného tlačidla myši.
ĽAVÉ+ťahanie ................................. Nasmerovať kameru
PRAVÉ+ťahanie ............................... Obiehať zvolený objekt [Shift+šípky]
ĽAVÉ+PRAVÉ+ťahanie doľava/doprava ........ Otáčať pohľad doľava/doprava [šípky doprava/doľava]
ĽAVÉ+PRAVÉ+ťahanie hore/dolu ....... Zmeniť vzdialenosť k výberu [Home/End]
Koliesko ..................................... Zmeniť vzdialenosť k výberu [Home/End]
Ctrl+PRAVÉ+ťahanie hore/dolu .......... Zmeniť vzdialenosť k výberu [Home/End]
Shift+ĽAVÉ+ťahanie ....................... Zmeniť zorné pole [. / ,]
Stredné tlačidlo ......................... Prepnúť zorné pole z 45 stupňov na predchádzajúce nastavenie a späť
Klik ľavým tlačidlom (na objekt) .............. Zvoliť objekt [Enter -- podľa názvu objektu]
Klik ľavým tlačidlom (mimo objektu) ......... Zrušiť výber
Dvojklik ľavým tlačidlom (na objekt) ... Zvoliť a vycentrovať objekt
Klik pravým tlačidlom .............................. Zobraziť kontextové menu
--- Navigácia ---
1 - 9 .................................. Zvoliť planétu pri najbližšej hviezde
0 (nula) ............................. Zvoliť materskú hviezdu aktuálnej planéty
H ...................................... Zvoliť Slnko (Domovskú sústavu)
C ....................................... Vycentrovať na zvolený objekt
G ...................................... Prejsť na zvolený objekt
F ....................................... Nasledovať zvolený objekt
T ....................................... Sledovať zvolený objekt
Y ....................................... Synchronizovať obežnú dráhu so zvoleným objektom podľa jeho rotácie
: ........................................ Uzamknúť na zvolený objekt
" ........................................ Prenasledovať zvolený objekt
Shift+C .............................. Vycentrovať/obiehať --vycentrovať zvolený objekt bez zmeny polohy referenčného objektu
Ctrl+G ............................... Prejsť na povrch zvoleného objektu
Ctrl+F ................................ Prepnúť Alt-azimuth režim
Home ................................ Priblížiť sa k objektu
End ................................... Vzdialiť sa od objektu
* ........................................ Pozrieť dozadu
Backspace ....................... Zvoliť "rodiča" zvoleného objektu, alebo blízko výberu
Esc ................................... Zrušiť pohyb alebo skript
--- Ovládanie času ---
Medzera .......................... Pozastaviť/Pokračovať tok času a skriptu (prepínač)
J ....................................... Plynutie času dopredu/dozadu (prepínač)
\ ....................................... Rýchlosť času: 1x dopredu (normálne), zruší zrýchlenie/spomalenie
L ....................................... Zmeniť rýchlosť času: 10x rýchlejšie
K ....................................... Zmeniť rýchlosť času: 10x pomalšie
Shift+L .............................. Zmeniť rýchlosť času: 2x rýchlejšie
Shift+K .............................. Zmeniť rýchlosť času: 2x pomalšie
! ........................................ Nastaviť čas na aktuálny
? ....................................... Zobraziť oneskorenie svetla medzi pozorovateľom a zvoleným objektom
- (pomlčka).......................... Odpočítať čas putovania svetla od času v simulácii
--- Názvy (prepínanie zobrazovania popisov) ---
E ...................................... Galaxie
Shift+E ............................. Guľové hviezdokopy
B ...................................... Hviezdy
P ...................................... Planéty
Shift+P ............................. Trpasličie Planéty
M ...................................... Mesiace
Shift+M ............................. Malé mesiace
W ..................................... Asteroidy
Shift+W ............................ Kométy
N ...................................... Kozmické lode
= ....................................... Súhvezdia
& ....................................... Lokality
--- Zobrazenie (prepínanie vykreslenia) --
U ..................................... Galaxie
Shift+U ............................ Guľové hviezdokopy
^ ...................................... Hmloviny
Ctrl+A .............................. Atmosféry
I ....................................... Oblaky
Ctrl+L ............................... Svetlá na nočnej strane
Ctrl+T ............................... Chvosty komét
Ctrl+E ............................... Tiene zatmení
Ctrl+B ............................... Hranice súhvezdí
/ ....................................... Kresby súhvezdí
; ........................................ Rovníková súradnicová guľa s východiskom v Zemi
Ctrl+K ............................... Značky (umiestnené na objektoch)
O ...................................... Obežné dráhy (prepne všetky zvolené dráhy)
--- Nastavenia vykresľovania ---
{ ....................................... Znížiť rozptýlené svetlo
} ....................................... Zvýšiť rozptýlené svetlo
( ....................................... Znížiť zosilnenie svetla galaxií
) ....................................... Zvýšiť zosilnenie svetla galaxií
[ ....................................... Znížiť medznú hviezdnu jasnosť :
- Ak je automatická magnitúda vypnutá: Zníži medznú jasnosť (menej hviezd)
- Ak je automatická magnitúda zapnutá: Zníži medznú jasnosť pri zor.poli 45 stupňov
] ....................................... Zvýšiť medznú hviezdnu jasnosť :
- Ak je automatická magnitúda vypnutá: Zvýši medznú jasnosť (viac hviezd)
- Ak je automatická magnitúda zapnutá: Zvýši medznú jasnosť pri zor.poli 45 stupňov
Ctrl+Y ............................... Prepnúť automatickú magnitúdu (automatické prispôsobenie viditeľnosti hviezd podľa zor.poľa)
, ....................................... Zúžiť zorné pole [Shift+ťahanie ľavým tlačidlom myši]
. ....................................... Rozšíriť zorné pole [Shift+ťahanie ľavým tlačidlom myši]
Ctrl+X ............................... Prepnúť vyhladzovanie čiar
Alt+Enter .......................... Prepnúť režim zobrazenia (Na celú obrazovku / V okne)
Ctrl+P ............................... Označiť zvolený objekt
Ctrl+V ............................... Prepínať podporované spôsoby vykresľovania cez OpenGL
+ ...................................... Prepnúť typ textúr planét (Umelecké / Hranica poznania)
% ..................................... Prepnúť farbu hviezd
Ctrl+S ............................... Prepínať tvar hviezd (body / neostré body / kotúče v mierke)
V ...................................... Prepínať podrobnosť informačných textov (Žiadne / Stručné / Podrobné)
Ctrl+W .............................. Prepnúť obrysový režim
--- Možnosti pohľadov ---
Ctrl+U ................................ Rozdeliť pohľad vodorovne
Ctrl+R ................................ Rozdeliť pohľad zvislo
Tab ................................... Prepínať medzi aktívnymi pohľadmi
Del .................................... Zrušiť aktívny pohľad
Ctrl+D ................................ Zrušiť všetky pohľady okrem aktívneho (návrat do režimu jediného pohľadu)
--- Navigácia smerovými klávesami ---
Šípka hore/dole ................. Posunúť kameru dole/hore (ako v lietadle)
Šípka doľava/doprava ................. Rotovať kameru doľava/doprava (okolo stredu pohľadu)
Shift+Šípka doľava/doprava ........ Obiehať objekt: doprava/doľava
Shift+Šípka hore/dole ........ Obiehať objekt: dole/hore
--- Navigácia cez numerickú klávesnicu (s aktívnym NumLockom) ---
8 ...................................... Kamera dole [šípka dole]
2 ...................................... Kamera hore [šípka hore]
7 ...................................... Rotovať doľava [šípka doľava]
9 ...................................... Rotovať doprava [šípka doprava]
5 ...................................... Zastaviť rotáciu
4 ...................................... Zahnúť doľava
6 ...................................... Zahnúť doprava
--- Pohyb (Let vesmírom) ---
Z ...................................... Znížiť rýchlosť
A ...................................... Zvýšiť rýchlosť
Q ...................................... Otočiť smer
X ...................................... Nastaviť smer pohybu do stredu obrazovky
F2 .................................... Nastaviť rýchlosť na 1 km/s
F3 .................................... Nastaviť rýchlosť na 1,000 km/s
F4 .................................... Nastaviť rýchlosť na rýchlosť svetla (1 c)
F5 .................................... Nastaviť rýchlosť na 10x rýchlosti svetla (10 c)
F6 .................................... Nastaviť rýchlosť na 1 AU/s
F7 .................................... Nastaviť rýchlosť na 1 ly/s (svetelný rok/s)
F1 .................................... Zastaviť pohyb
S ...................................... Zastaviť pohyb
--- Iné funkcie ---
Ctrl+C .............................. Kopírovať URL umiestnenia do schránky (Cel:// URL)
Ctrl+Insert ........................ Kopírovať URL umiestnenia do schránky (Cel:// URL)
F10 .................................. Zachytiť obrázok do súboru (snímka obrazovky)
Shift+F10 ......................... Zaznamenať video do súboru
F11 .................................. Počas záznamu videa: Spustiť / Pozastaviť záznam
F12 .................................. Počas záznamu videa: Ukončiť záznam
~ ..................................... Prepnúť konzolu ladenia (šípkami hore/dole sa roluje zoznam)
` ...................................... Prepnúť zobrazenie "počtu snímok za sekundu" (FPS), ktoré sú vykresľované
Ctrl+O .............................. Zobraziť dialógové okno "Zvoliť objekt"
@ .................................... Prepnúť režim editácie (na pomoc pri umiestňovaní objektov)
D ..................................... Spustiť ukážkový skript (/celestia/demo.cel)
Enter ............................... Prepnúť režim zadávania názvov (použiť Tab / Shift+Tab na zvýraznenie
položky, Esc na ukončenie)
F8 .................................... Prepnúť ovládanie joystickom
X os ............................... Kamera doľva/doprava
Y os ............................... Kamera hore/dole
L spínač ............................ Rotovať doľava
R spínač ............................ Rotovať doprava
Tlačidlo 1 ........................... Pomalší pohyb
Tlačidlo 2 ........................... Rýchlejší pohyb

locale/demo_sk.cel 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
timerate { rate 0 }
labels { clear "planets|minorplanets|stars|constellations" }
renderflags { set "stars|planets"
clear "constellations|orbits|cloudmaps" }
print { text "Spúšťa sa prehliadka . . .\nUkončíte ju stlačením klávesy ESC." origin "center" duration 2 }
wait { duration 2.0 }
print { text "Začneme takmer doma . . ." row -3 }
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
cancel {}
# goto { time 0 distance 3 upframe "ecliptical" }
# gotolonglat { time 0 distance 3 longitude -122 latitude 47 }
synchronous {}
gotoloc { time 0.0 position [ 0 0 20000 ] }
wait { duration 0.1 }
center { time 0.1 }
wait { duration 1.0 }
follow {}
print { text "Práve obiehame 12500 km nad Zemou" row -3 duration 5 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "Zem vyzerá oveľa prirodzenejšie s oblakmi." row -3}
wait { duration 0.1 }
renderflags { set "cloudmaps" }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 6 }
print { text "Ďalšia zastávka: Mesiac." row -3 }
select { object "Moon" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 5.5 }
print { text "Kým obiehame okolo Mesiaca, všimnite si Slnko a Zem." row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "Vydáme sa smerom k Slnku." row -3}
select { object "Sol" }
goto { time 8 distance 12 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
wait { duration 8.5 }
print { text "Z tejto vzdialenosti sú viditeľné na povrchu Slnka tzv. slnečné škvrny." row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
print { text "Trocha sa vzdialime, aby bolo vidieť celú našu slnečnú sústavu." row -3}
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 45 duration 2 }
renderflags { set "orbits" }
changedistance { duration 4.0 rate 1.0 }
print { text "Zapneme názvy planét . . ." row -3}
labels { set "planets" }
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text "Môžeme zrýchliť plynutie času, aby bolo vidieť obehy planét okolo Slnka." row -3}
timerate { rate 2592000 }
wait { duration 3.0 }
print { text "Každá sekunda v tejto simulácii predstavuje mesiac skutočného času." row -3}
wait { duration 12.0 }
timerate { rate 1 }
print { text "Teraz sme čas úplne zastavili." row -3}
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text "Ďalším našim cieľom bude Saturn." row -3}
select { object "Saturn" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
goto { time 8 distance 6 up [ 0 1 0 ] upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 6.5 }
renderflags { clear "orbits" }
labels { clear "planets" }
print { text "Niekoľko mesiacov Saturnu vidíme ako svetlé bodky." row -3 duration 3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
select { object "Mimas" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
print { text "Najvýraznejším objektom na mesiaci Mimas (jeden z mesiacov Saturnu) je veľký dopadový kráter Herschel." row -3 duration 9 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
changedistance { duration 6.0 rate 0.5 }
select { object "Sol" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "Všimnite si aké slabé sa javí Slnko z tejto vzdialenosti." row -3 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Porozhliadnime sa teraz po hviezdach na oblohe." row -3 duration 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
select { object "Alpha UMa" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "Obyvatelia severnej pologule môžu rozoznať Veľký voz v súhvezdí Veľkej medvedice." row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Polaris" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Teraz sme zaostrili na Polárku, hviezdu severu." row -3}
wait { duration 1 }
labels { set "stars" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Polárka je súčasťou skupiny hviezd známych ako Malý voz." row -3}
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Kvôli lepšej orientácii na oblohe môže pre nás Celestia vykresliť aj schémy súhvezdí . . ." row -3}
renderflags { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text ". . . a názvy súhvezdí." row -3}
labels { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 2 }
select { object "Alnilam" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Orion je najvýraznejším súhvezdím oblohy." row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Beta Cru" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Pohľad na Južný kríž je známy z oblohy južnej pologule." row -3 duration 4 }
wait { duration 4 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 7 }
print { text "Zapneme vykresľovanie galaxií, takže budeme môcť vidieť Mliečnu dráhu." row -3 duration 4 }
renderflags { set "galaxies" }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 14 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
select { object "Antares" }
center { time 5 }
wait { duration 3 }
print { text "Teraz pocestujeme na Antares, čo je červený nadobor v súhvezdí Škorpión." row -3 duration 5 }
wait { duration 2 }
renderflags { clear "constellations" }
labels { clear "constellations|stars" }
wait { duration 1 }
goto { time 8 distance 200 }
wait { duration 8.5 }
goto { time 5 distance 10 }
wait { duration 5.0 }
print { text "Hoci je teraz Antares od nás 10-krát ďalej ako je \n vzdialenosť našej Zeme od Slnka, obrovský červený obor na oblohe aj tak vyzerá veľmi mohutne." row -3}
wait { duration 4.0 }
print { text "Pozrime sa na všetko z ešte väčšej diaľky . . ." row -3}
changedistance { duration 10.0 rate 2.0 }
select { object "Milky Way" }
print { text "Vidíme celú Mliečnu dráhu, našu galaxiu." row -3 duration 6 }
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 30 duration 16.0 }
print { text "Je čas vrátiť sa domov . . ." row -3}
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
goto { time 20 distance 10 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 20.0 }
print { text "Koniec prehliadky." row -3}
wait { duration 3.0 }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
Name "Jupiter"
Target "Sol/Jupiter"
Description "Jupiter je 5. planétou od Slnka a zároveň najväčšou planétou našej slnečnej sústavy. Tak ako všetky veľké vonkajšie planéty aj Jupiter je obrovskou plynovou guľou bez pevného povrchu. Veľká červená škvrna je najväčšou najdlšie existujúcou búrkovou štruktúrou v nepokojnej atmosfére Jupitera; táto búrková štruktúra veľkosti Zeme je tu už najmenej 300 rokov."
Name "Pluto a Cháron"
Target "Sol/Pluto"
Distance 40000
DistanceUnits "km"
Description "Pluto obieha okolo Slnka v priemernej vzdialenosti šesť miliárd kilometrov. Jeho mesiac Cháron je taký veľký voči Plutu, že sú spolu často označované ako dvojplanéta."
Name "Eros"
Target "Sol/Eros"
Description "Eros je asi 33 km dlhý asteriod zemiakovitého tvaru. Vďaka sonde NEAR Shoemaker vieme o Erose viac než o ktoromkoľvek inom asteroide. 14. februára 2001 NEAR zostúpila na Eros a stala sa tak prvým kozmickým prostriedkom vôbec, ktorému sa podarilo pristáť na asteroide."
Name "Alfa Centauri"
Target "Alpha Centauri"
Distance 90
DistanceUnits "au"
Description "Alfa Centauri A a B sú spolu s Proxima Centauri, najbližšími slnečnými sústavami. Alpha Cen A je veľmi podobná nášmu Slnku, akurát je o niečo staršia a jasnejšia. B menej jasná a červená a Proxima je tak málo jasná, že nie je viditeľná voľným okom, hoci je to hviezda najbližšia k nášmu Slnku."
Name "Plejády"
Target "Alcyone"
Distance 35
DistanceUnits "ly"
Description "Otvorená hviezdokopa Plejády je skupinou jasných len nedávno zoskupených hviezd. Plejády sú pomenované po 7 sestrách z gréckej mytológie, avšak ďalekohľady odhalili, že táto otvorená hviezdokopa pozostáva dokázateľne z viac než siedmich hviezd."
Name "Hyády"
Target "63 Tau"
Distance 25
DistanceUnits "ly"
Description "Pomenovaná po piatich sestrách Atlanta a Aitry, Hyády sú jednou z najvýraznejších otvorených hviezdokôp na oblohe. Odhaduje sa, že hviezdy Hyád majú asi 660 miliónov rokov -- teda sú asi šesťkrát staršie ako horúcejšie a modrejšie hviezdy Plejád, ktoré sa na našej nočnej oblohe objavujú neďaleko nich."
Name "Gliese 876 b"
Target "Gliese 876/b"
Description "Gliese 876 b je obrovská planéta obiehajúca okolo hviezdy jasnosti červeného trpaslíka. Jej dráha je v rezonancii 2:1 s druhou planétou ich slnečnej sústavy."
Name "Ida a Daktyl"
Target "Sol/Ida"
Distance 200
DistanceUnits "km"
Description "Sonda Galileo odfotografovala asteroid 243 Ida v roku 1993 na svojej ceste k Jupiteru. Tieto snímky dokazujú, že Ida má malý satelit, ktorý bol neskôr pomenovaný ako Dactyl. Odvtedy bolo objavených niekoľko ďalších asteroidov, ktoré tiež majú svoje satelity."
Name "51 Peg b"
Target "51 Peg/b"
Description "51 Pegasi b bola prvou objavenou planétou, ktorá obieha okolo hviezdy inej ako naše Slnko. Je to planéta plynný obor a obieha veľmi blízko okolo svojej rodičovskej hviezdy -- menej ako jednu pätinu vzdialenosti medzi Merkúrom a našim Slnkom. Fakt, že plynný obor môže existovať tak blízko nejakej hviezdy prinútila astronómov vážne prehodnotiť teórie o utváraní slnečnej sústavy."
Name "Albireo"
Target "Albireo"
Distance 0.6
Description "Vďaka kontrastným farbám svojich hviezd -- oranžovej a modrobielej je dvojhviezda Albireo považovaná za jeden z najkrajších párov na oblohe. Oranžová hviezda je obor typu K, a jej 'partnerom' je B trpaslík."
Name "Kométa Borrelly"
Target "Sol/Borrelly"
Description "22. septembra 2001, sa stala kométa Borrelly druhou kométou, ktorá bola zosnímaná z tak blízkej vzdialenosti od sondy. Napriek tomu, že Deep Space 1 nebola zostrojená na prelet popri kométe, dostala sa do vzdialenosti 2200 km od jadra kométy Borrelly, aby sa vrátila so snímkami v najvyššom rozlíšení aké máme z jadra kométy."

locale/start_sk.cel 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
# ... Začiatok skriptu
# *
# START.CEL - Spúšťací skript pre Celestiu *
# (verzia 2.1) *
# *
# *
# This script is run automatically, every time you run Celestia. *
# *
# NOTE: Do not remove the curly braces located as the first and last *
# characters of this file. They define this file as a CEL script. *
# *
# You can modify this script in many ways, to suit your specific needs. *
# Simply uncomment one or more of the lines below, as noted. Each line or *
# section of code contains comments describing what it does. To UNcomment *
# a line of code, simply remove the "#" character from the beginning of *
# that line. *
# *
# If you decide to modify this script, please copy it to a safe place *
# BEFORE you begin, so you will have it to refer to at a later date. *
# *
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth" }
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth/Moon" }
select {object "Sol"}
goto {time 3.0 distance 30}
wait {duration 3.0}
select {object "Sol/Earth"}
follow {}
goto {time 3.0 distance 6.0}
wait {duration 2.0}
print {text "Víta Vás Celestia!" row -3 column 1 duration 3}
wait {duration 3.0}
# The lines of code above are the entire start.cel script. Below, is a *
# description of what each command does. We go to Sol first, so that when *
# we go to Earth, it will be displaying it's sunny side, regardless of *
# what your local time might be... *
# *
# preloadtex: Tells Celestia to load the textures for the named object. *
# Otherwise Celestia would load the texture when the object *
# comes into view, which would be noticeable as a small delay. *
# *
# select: Tells Celestia what object (planet, moon, spacecraft, etc.) to *
# define as the currently selected object. Sol defines our solar *
# system, the "/" character is merely a hierarchy divider, Earth *
# is the object we want to select. If you wanted to select our *
# Moon, the select command would look like the following: *
# select {object "Sol/Earth/Moon"} *
# *
# goto: Tells Celestia to travel to the currently selected object, just *
# like pressing the "G" key on the keyboard. The time parameter *
# defines how many seconds it should take to travel there. The *
# distance parameter defines how far away from the object to be *
# positioned, in units of the object's radius, plus 1. For *
# example, if the object's radius is 10000 km, and you specify *
# 6.0 for distance, you will be positioned 50000 km from the *
# center of the object. *
# *
# wait: Since the goto command is telling Celestia to take some time to *
# do something, we need to give Celestia that same amount of time *
# to actually DO it. When going to Sol, the wait command tells *
# Celestia to wait for 3 seconds while the goto takes place (for *
# 3 seconds). The duration parameter value is normally the same *
# as the time parameter in the goto command. However, there are *
# always exceptions (grin). *
# *
# When we are going to Earth, the wait command after the goto, *
# waits for only 2 seconds. The next command is a print command, *
# which displays some text on the screen and has another wait *
# command after it, that waits for another 3 seconds. It's all *
# just a matter of timing. The goto command allows us to display *
# some text on-screen WHILE it is executing. So, we simply make *
# sure that the total number of wait duration values, listed *
# after a goto, adds up to AT LEAST the time value specified in *
# the goto command. It can be longer, if desired. *
# *
# follow: Tells Celestia to follow the selected object through space, *
# just like pressing the "F" key on the keyboard. You could *
# replace the follow {} command with synchronous {}, which allows *
# you to remain in a stationary, or geosynchronous orbit above *
# the selected object. *
# *
# print: Tells Celestia to display (print) some text on the screen. The *
# text parameter defines the text to be displayed. The row *
# parameter defines how many rows from the bottom of the window to *
# start displaying the text at. The column parameter defines how *
# many columns from the left edge of the window to start *
# displaying the text. The duration parameter defines how many *
# seconds the text should be displayed on the screen. Which is *
# then followed by the wait command, as described above. *
# If you want to be positioned above YOUR specific location on Earth, use *
# the gotolonglat command shown below. Step-by-step instructions... *
# *
# * Copy the entire line of code. *
# *
# * Paste it below the "goto" command above. *
# *
# * Remove the "#" character at the beginning of the line. This UNcomments *
# the line of code so it will be executed. *
# *
# * Add a "#" character to the beginning of the original goto command. *
# This turns the line of code into a comment, so it will NOT be run. *
# *
# * Change the longitude and latitude values to those of your location. *
# *
# * Since you are going to a specific position on the Earth, it might not *
# be daytime there, so you could comment-out the following lines of *
# code by adding a "#" character to the beginning of each line... *
# select {object "Sol"} *
# goto {time 3.0 distance 30} *
# wait {duration 3.0} *
# If you WANT to display your location in the daytime, use the time *
# command described next. *
# gotolonglat {time 5.0 distance 4.0 longitude 0.0 latitude 0.0}
# If you would like Celestia to always start at a specific date/time, use *
# the time command, as shown below. *
# *
# WARNING: Starting Celestia with a pre-determined date/time requires that *
# you physically press the "!" (exclamation mark) key in order to *
# RESET the time to "current time", whenever you want to do some *
# exploring -- IF the actual time makes a difference. *
# *
# Step-by-step instructions... *
# *
# * Determine if you want to set the date via a calendar UTC date/time *
# string, or a Julian day (see below). *
# *
# * Copy the one line of code with the time command you want to use. *
# *
# * Paste it above the "goto" command above (top of file). *
# *
# * Remove the "#" character at the beginning of the line. This UNcomments *
# the line of code so it will be executed. *
# *
# * Change the date/time value to YOUR required date/time. *
# Set the time via a calendar UTC date/time string...
# time { utc "2003-08-11T09:29:24.0000" }
# Note the "T" .........^ ... (this is required)
# Set the time via a Julian day value...
# time { jd JulianDate }
# U.S. Navy Calendar Date/Time to Julian Date/Time converter:
# http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/JulianDate.html
# The commands listed below allow you to define several of Celestia's *
# settings, that will be set every time you start Celestia. Modify any of *
# the settings you want to. *
# Field of View (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# Default is 25 degrees, at a screen resolution of 1024 x 768
# set {name "FOV" value 25.0}
# Ambient light level (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# 0.0 to 0.5 is a good Lo-Hi range
# set {name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.1}
# Faintest visible star magnitude (brightness)...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# Celestia UI: 0.8 to 15.2, default is 6.0
# setvisibilitylimit {magnitude 6.0}
# Faintest auto-magnitude brightness, at 45 degrees, Default is 8.5...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# setfaintestautomag45deg {magnitude 8.5}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# Do NOT render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {clear "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {clear "automag"}
# renderflags {clear "boundaries"}
# renderflags {clear "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "comettails"}
# renderflags {clear "constellations"}
# renderflags {clear "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "galaxies"}
# renderflags {clear "grid"}
# renderflags {clear "markers"}
# renderflags {clear "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "orbits"}
# renderflags {clear "planets"}
# renderflags {clear "pointstars"}
# renderflags {clear "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "stars"}
# renderflags {clear "partialtrajectories"}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# DO render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {set "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {set "automag"}
# renderflags {set "boundaries"}
# renderflags {set "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {set "comettails"}
# renderflags {set "constellations"}
# renderflags {set "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {set "galaxies"}
# renderflags {set "grid"}
# renderflags {set "markers"}
# renderflags {set "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {set "orbits"}
# renderflags {set "planets"}
# renderflags {set "pointstars"}
# renderflags {set "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {set "stars"}
# renderflags {set "partialtrajectories"}
# Text labels:
# Do NOT label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {clear "asteroids"}
# labels {clear "constellations"}
# labels {clear "galaxies"}
# labels {clear "moons"}
# labels {clear "planets"}
# labels {clear "spacecraft"}
# labels {clear "stars"}
# Text labels:
# DO label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {set "asteroids"}
# labels {set "constellations"}
# labels {set "galaxies"}
# labels {set "moons"}
# labels {set "planets"}
# labels {set "spacecraft"}
# labels {set "stars"}
# Marker control:
# Unmark any objects that are currently Marked and disable Marker display...
# (UNcomment to suit your needs)
# unmarkall { }
# Minimum orbit diameter to be rendered (in pixels)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "MinOrbitSize" value 1.0}
# Furthest visible star distance, default is 1000000...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "StarDistanceLimit" value 1000000}
# Time rate (1x, 100x, 1000x, etc.)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# Negative value = Reverse Time
# 0 = Pause Time
# 1.0 = Real Time (default)
# 1000.0 = Good moon orbit motion
# timerate {rate 1.0}
# If you are using large textures, you can have Celestia pre-load them *
# into your graphics card memory by listing them below. *
# Examples...
# preloadtex {object "earth.*"}
# preloadtex {object "earth.png"}
# orbit is a fun command to play with. The axis is specified in [X Y Z] *
# order, and each axis can be either 0 or 1. rate = how fast, duration = *
# number of seconds. Just make sure you have an object selected. *
# orbit {axis [0 1 0] rate 10.0 duration 7.0}
# To learn more about scripting in Celestia, visit: *
# *
# * Scripting forum: (http://www.shatters.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=9) *
# * Don G's Celestia page: (http://www.donandcarla.com/Celestia/) *
# * Harald's Celestia page: (http://www.h-schmidt.net/celestia/) *
# *
# Don G's page includes a guide for CEL scripting. Harald's page includes *
# a guide for CELX (Lua) scripting. Both also have example scripts and *
# other goodies. *
# End of script...

View File

@ -8,365 +8,365 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: chris@teyssier.org\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: chris@teyssier.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-02-18 16:09+0100\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2006-02-18 16:09+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Lubos Balazovic <lubos.balazovic@gmail.com>\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Language-Team: Slovenský <kde-i18n-doc@kde.org>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
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#: data/constellations.cpp:1 #: data/constellations.cpp:1
msgid "Andromeda" msgid "Andromeda"
msgstr "" msgstr "Andromeda"
#: data/constellations.cpp:2 #: data/constellations.cpp:2
msgid "Antlia" msgid "Antlia"
msgstr "" msgstr "Výveva"
#: data/constellations.cpp:3 #: data/constellations.cpp:3
msgid "Apus" msgid "Apus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Rajka"
#: data/constellations.cpp:4 #: data/constellations.cpp:4
msgid "Aquarius" msgid "Aquarius"
msgstr "" msgstr "Vodnár"
#: data/constellations.cpp:5 #: data/constellations.cpp:5
msgid "Aquila" msgid "Aquila"
msgstr "" msgstr "Orol"
#: data/constellations.cpp:6 #: data/constellations.cpp:6
msgid "Ara" msgid "Ara"
msgstr "" msgstr "Oltár"
#: data/constellations.cpp:7 #: data/constellations.cpp:7
msgid "Aries" msgid "Aries"
msgstr "" msgstr "Baran"
#: data/constellations.cpp:8 #: data/constellations.cpp:8
msgid "Auriga" msgid "Auriga"
msgstr "" msgstr "Povozník"
#: data/constellations.cpp:9 #: data/constellations.cpp:9
msgid "Boötes" msgid "Boötes"
msgstr "" msgstr "Pastier"
#: data/constellations.cpp:10 #: data/constellations.cpp:10
msgid "Caelum" msgid "Caelum"
msgstr "" msgstr "Rydlo"
#: data/constellations.cpp:11 #: data/constellations.cpp:11
msgid "Camelopardalis" msgid "Camelopardalis"
msgstr "" msgstr "Žirafa"
#: data/constellations.cpp:12 #: data/constellations.cpp:12
msgid "Cancer" msgid "Cancer"
msgstr "" msgstr "Rak"
#: data/constellations.cpp:13 #: data/constellations.cpp:13
msgid "Canes Venatici" msgid "Canes Venatici"
msgstr "" msgstr "Poľovné psy"
#: data/constellations.cpp:14 #: data/constellations.cpp:14
msgid "Canis Major" msgid "Canis Major"
msgstr "" msgstr "Veľký pes"
#: data/constellations.cpp:15 #: data/constellations.cpp:15
msgid "Canis Minor" msgid "Canis Minor"
msgstr "" msgstr "Malý pes"
#: data/constellations.cpp:16 #: data/constellations.cpp:16
msgid "Capricornus" msgid "Capricornus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kozorožec"
#: data/constellations.cpp:17 #: data/constellations.cpp:17
msgid "Carina" msgid "Carina"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kýl"
#: data/constellations.cpp:18 #: data/constellations.cpp:18
msgid "Cassiopeia" msgid "Cassiopeia"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kasiopeja"
#: data/constellations.cpp:19 #: data/constellations.cpp:19
msgid "Centaurus" msgid "Centaurus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kentaurus"
#: data/constellations.cpp:20 #: data/constellations.cpp:20
msgid "Cepheus" msgid "Cepheus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Cefeus"
#: data/constellations.cpp:21 #: data/constellations.cpp:21
msgid "Cetus" msgid "Cetus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Veľryba"
#: data/constellations.cpp:22 #: data/constellations.cpp:22
msgid "Chamaeleon" msgid "Chamaeleon"
msgstr "" msgstr "Chameleón"
#: data/constellations.cpp:23 #: data/constellations.cpp:23
msgid "Circinus" msgid "Circinus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kružidlo"
#: data/constellations.cpp:24 #: data/constellations.cpp:24
msgid "Columba" msgid "Columba"
msgstr "" msgstr "Holubica"
#: data/constellations.cpp:25 #: data/constellations.cpp:25
msgid "Coma Berenices" msgid "Coma Berenices"
msgstr "" msgstr "Vlasy Bereniky"
#: data/constellations.cpp:26 #: data/constellations.cpp:26
msgid "Corona Australis" msgid "Corona Australis"
msgstr "" msgstr "Južná koruna"
#: data/constellations.cpp:27 #: data/constellations.cpp:27
msgid "Corona Borealis" msgid "Corona Borealis"
msgstr "" msgstr "Severná koruna"
#: data/constellations.cpp:28 #: data/constellations.cpp:28
msgid "Corvus" msgid "Corvus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Havran"
#: data/constellations.cpp:29 #: data/constellations.cpp:29
msgid "Crater" msgid "Crater"
msgstr "" msgstr "Pohár"
#: data/constellations.cpp:30 #: data/constellations.cpp:30
msgid "Crux" msgid "Crux"
msgstr "" msgstr "Južný kríž"
#: data/constellations.cpp:31 #: data/constellations.cpp:31
msgid "Cygnus" msgid "Cygnus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Labuť"
#: data/constellations.cpp:32 #: data/constellations.cpp:32
msgid "Delphinus" msgid "Delphinus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Delfín"
#: data/constellations.cpp:33 #: data/constellations.cpp:33
msgid "Dorado" msgid "Dorado"
msgstr "" msgstr "Mečiar"
#: data/constellations.cpp:34 #: data/constellations.cpp:34
msgid "Draco" msgid "Draco"
msgstr "" msgstr "Drak"
#: data/constellations.cpp:35 #: data/constellations.cpp:35
msgid "Equuleus" msgid "Equuleus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Koník"
#: data/constellations.cpp:36 #: data/constellations.cpp:36
msgid "Eridanus" msgid "Eridanus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Eridanus"
#: data/constellations.cpp:37 #: data/constellations.cpp:37
msgid "Fornax" msgid "Fornax"
msgstr "" msgstr "Pec"
#: data/constellations.cpp:38 #: data/constellations.cpp:38
msgid "Gemini" msgid "Gemini"
msgstr "" msgstr "Blíženci"
#: data/constellations.cpp:39 #: data/constellations.cpp:39
msgid "Grus" msgid "Grus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Žeriav"
#: data/constellations.cpp:40 #: data/constellations.cpp:40
msgid "Hercules" msgid "Hercules"
msgstr "" msgstr "Herkules"
#: data/constellations.cpp:41 #: data/constellations.cpp:41
msgid "Horologium" msgid "Horologium"
msgstr "" msgstr "Hodiny"
#: data/constellations.cpp:42 #: data/constellations.cpp:42
msgid "Hydra" msgid "Hydra"
msgstr "" msgstr "Hydra"
#: data/constellations.cpp:43 #: data/constellations.cpp:43
msgid "Hydrus" msgid "Hydrus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Vodný had"
#: data/constellations.cpp:44 #: data/constellations.cpp:44
msgid "Indus" msgid "Indus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Indián"
#: data/constellations.cpp:45 #: data/constellations.cpp:45
msgid "Lacerta" msgid "Lacerta"
msgstr "" msgstr "Jašterica"
#: data/constellations.cpp:46 #: data/constellations.cpp:46
msgid "Leo" msgid "Leo"
msgstr "" msgstr "Lev"
#: data/constellations.cpp:47 #: data/constellations.cpp:47
msgid "Leo Minor" msgid "Leo Minor"
msgstr "" msgstr "Malý lev"
#: data/constellations.cpp:48 #: data/constellations.cpp:48
msgid "Lepus" msgid "Lepus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Zajac"
#: data/constellations.cpp:49 #: data/constellations.cpp:49
msgid "Libra" msgid "Libra"
msgstr "" msgstr "Váhy"
#: data/constellations.cpp:50 #: data/constellations.cpp:50
msgid "Lupus" msgid "Lupus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Vlk"
#: data/constellations.cpp:51 #: data/constellations.cpp:51
msgid "Lynx" msgid "Lynx"
msgstr "" msgstr "Rys"
#: data/constellations.cpp:52 #: data/constellations.cpp:52
msgid "Lyra" msgid "Lyra"
msgstr "" msgstr "Lýra"
#: data/constellations.cpp:53 #: data/constellations.cpp:53
msgid "Mensa" msgid "Mensa"
msgstr "" msgstr "Stolový vrch"
#: data/constellations.cpp:54 #: data/constellations.cpp:54
msgid "Microscopium" msgid "Microscopium"
msgstr "" msgstr "Mikroskop"
#: data/constellations.cpp:55 #: data/constellations.cpp:55
msgid "Monoceros" msgid "Monoceros"
msgstr "" msgstr "Jednorožec"
#: data/constellations.cpp:56 #: data/constellations.cpp:56
msgid "Musca" msgid "Musca"
msgstr "" msgstr "Mucha"
#: data/constellations.cpp:57 #: data/constellations.cpp:57
msgid "Norma" msgid "Norma"
msgstr "" msgstr "Pravítko"
#: data/constellations.cpp:58 #: data/constellations.cpp:58
msgid "Octans" msgid "Octans"
msgstr "" msgstr "Oktant"
#: data/constellations.cpp:59 #: data/constellations.cpp:59
msgid "Ophiuchus" msgid "Ophiuchus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Hadonos"
#: data/constellations.cpp:60 #: data/constellations.cpp:60
msgid "Orion" msgid "Orion"
msgstr "" msgstr "Orión"
#: data/constellations.cpp:61 #: data/constellations.cpp:61
msgid "Pavo" msgid "Pavo"
msgstr "" msgstr "Páv"
#: data/constellations.cpp:62 #: data/constellations.cpp:62
msgid "Pegasus" msgid "Pegasus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Pegas"
#: data/constellations.cpp:63 #: data/constellations.cpp:63
msgid "Perseus" msgid "Perseus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Perzeus"
#: data/constellations.cpp:64 #: data/constellations.cpp:64
msgid "Phoenix" msgid "Phoenix"
msgstr "" msgstr "Fénix"
#: data/constellations.cpp:65 #: data/constellations.cpp:65
msgid "Pictor" msgid "Pictor"
msgstr "" msgstr "Maliar"
#: data/constellations.cpp:66 #: data/constellations.cpp:66
msgid "Pisces" msgid "Pisces"
msgstr "" msgstr "Ryby"
#: data/constellations.cpp:67 #: data/constellations.cpp:67
msgid "Piscis Austrinus" msgid "Piscis Austrinus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Južná ryba"
#: data/constellations.cpp:68 #: data/constellations.cpp:68
msgid "Puppis" msgid "Puppis"
msgstr "" msgstr "Korma"
#: data/constellations.cpp:69 #: data/constellations.cpp:69
msgid "Pyxis" msgid "Pyxis"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kompas"
#: data/constellations.cpp:70 #: data/constellations.cpp:70
msgid "Reticulum" msgid "Reticulum"
msgstr "" msgstr "Sieť"
#: data/constellations.cpp:71 #: data/constellations.cpp:71
msgid "Sagitta" msgid "Sagitta"
msgstr "" msgstr "Šíp"
#: data/constellations.cpp:72 #: data/constellations.cpp:72
msgid "Sagittarius" msgid "Sagittarius"
msgstr "" msgstr "Strelec"
#: data/constellations.cpp:73 #: data/constellations.cpp:73
msgid "Scorpius" msgid "Scorpius"
msgstr "" msgstr "Škorpión"
#: data/constellations.cpp:74 #: data/constellations.cpp:74
msgid "Sculptor" msgid "Sculptor"
msgstr "" msgstr "Sochár"
#: data/constellations.cpp:75 #: data/constellations.cpp:75
msgid "Scutum" msgid "Scutum"
msgstr "" msgstr "Štít"
#: data/constellations.cpp:76 #: data/constellations.cpp:76
msgid "Serpens Caput" msgid "Serpens Caput"
msgstr "" msgstr "Hlava hada"
#: data/constellations.cpp:77 #: data/constellations.cpp:77
msgid "Serpens Cauda" msgid "Serpens Cauda"
msgstr "" msgstr "Chvost hada"
#: data/constellations.cpp:78 #: data/constellations.cpp:78
msgid "Sextans" msgid "Sextans"
msgstr "" msgstr "Sextant"
#: data/constellations.cpp:79 #: data/constellations.cpp:79
msgid "Taurus" msgid "Taurus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Býk"
#: data/constellations.cpp:80 #: data/constellations.cpp:80
msgid "Telescopium" msgid "Telescopium"
msgstr "" msgstr "Ďalekohľad"
#: data/constellations.cpp:81 #: data/constellations.cpp:81
msgid "Triangulum" msgid "Triangulum"
msgstr "" msgstr "Trojuholník"
#: data/constellations.cpp:82 #: data/constellations.cpp:82
msgid "Triangulum Australe" msgid "Triangulum Australe"
msgstr "" msgstr "Južný trojuholník"
#: data/constellations.cpp:83 #: data/constellations.cpp:83
msgid "Tucana" msgid "Tucana"
msgstr "" msgstr "Tukan"
#: data/constellations.cpp:84 #: data/constellations.cpp:84
msgid "Ursa Major" msgid "Ursa Major"
msgstr "" msgstr "Veľká medvedica (Veľký voz)"
#: data/constellations.cpp:85 #: data/constellations.cpp:85
msgid "Ursa Minor" msgid "Ursa Minor"
msgstr "" msgstr "Malá medvedica (Malý voz)"
#: data/constellations.cpp:86 #: data/constellations.cpp:86
msgid "Vela" msgid "Vela"
msgstr "" msgstr "Plachty"
#: data/constellations.cpp:87 #: data/constellations.cpp:87
msgid "Virgo" msgid "Virgo"
msgstr "" msgstr "Panna"
#: data/constellations.cpp:88 #: data/constellations.cpp:88
msgid "Volans" msgid "Volans"
msgstr "" msgstr "Lietajúca ryba"
#: data/constellations.cpp:89 #: data/constellations.cpp:89
msgid "Vulpecula" msgid "Vulpecula"
msgstr "" msgstr "Líštička"