Added IAU rotation elements for Martian and Jovian satellites.

Chris Laurel 2008-03-11 02:26:52 +00:00
parent 8895e95a88
commit dc1093c352
1 changed files with 242 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ static bool CustomRotationModelsInitialized = false;
/*! Base class for IAU rotation models. All IAU rotation models are in the
* J2000.0 Earth equatorial frame.
class IAURotationModel : public RotationModel
class IAURotationModel : public CachingRotationModel
IAURotationModel(double _period) :
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public:
bool isPeriodic() const { return true; }
double getPeriod() const { return period; }
virtual Quatd spin(double t) const
virtual Quatd computeSpin(double t) const
// Time argument of IAU rotation models is actually day since J2000.0 TT, but
// Celestia uses TDB. The difference should be so minute as to be irrelevant.
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public:
return Quatd::yrotation(-degToRad(180.0 + meridian(t)));
virtual Quatd equatorOrientationAtTime(double t) const
virtual Quatd computeEquatorOrientation(double t) const
double poleRA = 0.0;
double poleDec = 0.0;
@ -286,6 +286,210 @@ public:
// Rotations of Martian, Jovian, and Uranian satellites from IAU/IAG Working group
// on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements (Corrected for known errata
// as of 17 Feb 2006)
// See:
class IAUPhobosRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
IAUPhobosRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 1128.8445850) {}
void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
double T = t / 36525.0;
double M1 = degToRad(169.51 - 0.04357640 * t);
ra = 317.68 - 0.108 * T + 1.79 * sin(M1);
dec = 52.90 - 0.061 * T - 1.08 * cos(M1);
double meridian(double t) const
double T = t / 36525.0;
double M1 = degToRad(169.51 - 0.04357640 * t);
double M2 = degToRad(192.93 + 1128.4096700 * t + 8.864 * T * T);
return 35.06 + 1128.8445850 * t + 8.864 * T * T - 1.42 * sin(M1) - 0.78 * sin(M2);
class IAUDeimosRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
IAUDeimosRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 285.1618970) {}
void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
// Note: negative coefficient of T^2 term for meridian angle indicates faster
// rotation as Phobos's orbit evolves inward toward Mars
double T = t / 36525.0;
double M3 = degToRad(53.47 - 0.0181510 * t);
ra = 316.65 - 0.108 * T + 2.98 * sin(M3);
dec = 53.52 - 0.061 * T - 1.78 * cos(M3);
double meridian(double t) const
// Note: positive coefficient of T^2 term for meridian angle indicates slowing
// rotation as Deimos's orbit evolves outward from Mars
double T = t / 36525.0;
double M3 = degToRad(53.47 - 0.0181510 * t);
return 79.41 + 285.1618970 * t + 0.520 * T * T - 2.58 * sin(M3) + 0.19 * cos(M3);
/****** Satellites of Jupiter ******/
class IAUAmaltheaRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
IAUAmaltheaRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 722.6314560) {}
void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
double T = t / 36525.0;
double J1 = degToRad(73.32 + 91472.9 * T);
ra = 268.05 - 0.009 * T - 0.84 * sin(J1) + 0.01 * sin(2.0 * J1);
dec = 64.49 + 0.003 * T - 0.36 * cos(J1);
double meridian(double t) const
double T = t / 36525.0;
double J1 = degToRad(73.32 + 91472.9 * T);
return 231.67 + 722.6314560 * t + 0.76 * sin(J1) - 0.01 * sin(2.0 * J1);
class IAUThebeRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
IAUThebeRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 533.7004100) {}
void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
double T = t / 36525.0;
double J2 = degToRad(24.62 + 45137.2 * T);
ra = 268.05 - 0.009 * T - 2.11 * sin(J2) + 0.04 * sin(2.0 * J2);
dec = 64.49 + 0.003 * T - 0.91 * cos(J2) + 0.01 * cos(2.0 * J2);
double meridian(double t) const
double T = t / 36525.0;
double J2 = degToRad(24.62 + 45137.2 * T);
return 8.56 + 533.7004100 * t + 1.91 * sin(J2) - 0.04 * sin(2.0 * J2);
class IAUIoRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
IAUIoRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 203.4889538) {}
void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
double T = t / 36525.0;
double J3 = degToRad(283.90 + 4850.7 * T);
double J4 = degToRad(355.80 + 1191.3 * T);
ra = 268.05 - 0.009 * T + 0.094 * sin(J3) + 0.024 * sin(J4);
dec = 64.49 + 0.003 * T + 0.040 * cos(J3) + 0.011 * cos(J4);
double meridian(double t) const
double T = t / 36525.0;
double J3 = degToRad(283.90 + 4850.7 * T);
double J4 = degToRad(355.80 + 1191.3 * T);
return 200.39 + 203.4889538 * t - 0.085 * sin(J3) - 0.022 * sin(J4);
class IAUEuropaRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
IAUEuropaRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 101.3747235) {}
void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
double T = t / 36525.0;
double J4 = degToRad(355.80 + 1191.3 * T);
double J5 = degToRad(119.90 + 262.1 * T);
double J6 = degToRad(229.80 + 64.3 * T);
double J7 = degToRad(352.35 + 2382.6 * T);
ra = 268.05 - 0.009 * T + 1.086 * sin(J4) + 0.060 * sin(J5) + 0.015 * sin(J6) + 0.009 * sin(J7);
dec = 64.49 + 0.003 * T + 0.486 * cos(J4) + 0.026 * cos(J5) + 0.007 * cos(J6) + 0.002 * cos(J7);
double meridian(double t) const
double T = t / 36525.0;
double J4 = degToRad(355.80 + 1191.3 * T);
double J5 = degToRad(119.90 + 262.1 * T);
double J6 = degToRad(229.80 + 64.3 * T);
double J7 = degToRad(352.35 + 2382.6 * T);
return 36.022 + 101.3747235 * t - 0.980 * sin(J4) - 0.054 * sin(J5) - 0.014 * sin(J6) - 0.008 * sin(J7);
class IAUGanymedeRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
IAUGanymedeRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 50.3176081) {}
void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
double T = t / 36525.0;
double J4 = degToRad(355.80 + 1191.3 * T);
double J5 = degToRad(119.90 + 262.1 * T);
double J6 = degToRad(229.80 + 64.3 * T);
ra = 268.05 - 0.009 * T - 0.037 * sin(J4) + 0.431 * sin(J5) + 0.091 * sin(J6);
dec = 64.49 + 0.003 * T - 0.016 * cos(J4) + 0.186 * cos(J5) + 0.039 * cos(J6);
double meridian(double t) const
double T = t / 36525.0;
double J4 = degToRad(355.80 + 1191.3 * T);
double J5 = degToRad(119.90 + 262.1 * T);
double J6 = degToRad(229.80 + 64.3 * T);
return 44.064 + 50.3176081 * t + 0.033 * sin(J4) - 0.389 * sin(J5) - 0.082 * sin(J6);
class IAUCallistoRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
IAUCallistoRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 21.5710715) {}
void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
double T = t / 36525.0;
double J5 = degToRad(119.90 + 262.1 * T);
double J6 = degToRad(229.80 + 64.3 * T);
double J8 = degToRad(113.35 + 6070.0 * T);
ra = 268.05 - 0.009 * T - 0.068 * sin(J5) + 0.590 * sin(J6) + 0.010 * sin(J8);
dec = 64.49 + 0.003 * T - 0.029 * cos(J5) + 0.254 * cos(J6) - 0.004 * cos(J8);
double meridian(double t) const
double T = t / 36525.0;
double J5 = degToRad(119.90 + 262.1 * T);
double J6 = degToRad(229.80 + 64.3 * T);
double J8 = degToRad(113.35 + 6070.0 * T);
return 259.51 + 21.5710715 * t + 0.061 * sin(J5) - 0.533 * sin(J6) - 0.009 * sin(J8);
S1 = 353.32 + 75706.7 * T
S2 = 28.72 + 75706.7 * T
@ -541,6 +745,7 @@ GetCustomRotationModel(const std::string& name)
CustomRotationModels["earth-p03lp"] = new EarthRotationModel();
// IAU rotation elements for the planets
CustomRotationModels["iau-mercury"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(281.01, -0.033,
61.45, -0.005,
329.548, 6.1385025);
@ -566,7 +771,41 @@ GetCustomRotationModel(const std::string& name)
CustomRotationModels["iau-pluto"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(313.02, 0.0,
9.09, 0.0,
236.77, -56.3623195);
// IAU elements for satellite of Earth
CustomRotationModels["iau-moon"] = new IAULunarRotationModel();
// IAU elements for satellites of Mars
CustomRotationModels["iau-phobos"] = new IAUPhobosRotationModel();
CustomRotationModels["iau-deimos"] = new IAUDeimosRotationModel();
// IAU elements for satellites of Jupiter
CustomRotationModels["iau-metis"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(268.05, -0.009,
64.49, 0.003,
346.09, 1221.2547301);
CustomRotationModels["iau-adrastea"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(268.05, -0.009,
64.49, 0.003,
33.29, 1206.9986602);
CustomRotationModels["iau-amalthea"] = new IAUAmaltheaRotationModel();
CustomRotationModels["iau-thebe"] = new IAUThebeRotationModel();
CustomRotationModels["iau-io"] = new IAUIoRotationModel();
CustomRotationModels["iau-europa"] = new IAUEuropaRotationModel();
CustomRotationModels["iau-ganymede"] = new IAUGanymedeRotationModel();
CustomRotationModels["iau-callisto"] = new IAUCallistoRotationModel();
// IAU elements for satellites of Saturn
CustomRotationModels["iau-pan"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(40.6, -0.036,
83.5, -0.004,
48.8, 626.0440000);
CustomRotationModels["iau-atlas"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(40.6, -0.036,
83.5, -0.004,
137.88, 598.3060000);
CustomRotationModels["iau-prometheus"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(40.6, -0.036,
83.5, -0.004,
296.14, 587.289000);
CustomRotationModels["iau-pandora"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(40.6, -0.036,
83.5, -0.004,
162.92, 572.7891000);
CustomRotationModels["iau-mimas"] = new IAUMimasRotationModel();
CustomRotationModels["iau-enceladus"] = new IAUEnceladusRotationModel();
CustomRotationModels["iau-tethys"] = new IAUTethysRotationModel();
@ -587,34 +826,3 @@ GetCustomRotationModel(const std::string& name)
#if 0
// Mercury
a = 280.01 - 0.033 * T;
d = 61.45 - 0.005 * T;
W = 329.71 + 6.1385025 * t;
// Venus
a = 272.72;
d = 67.15;
W = 160.26 - 1.4813596 * t;
// Mars
a = 317.681 - 0.108 * T;
d = 52.886 - 0.061 * T;
W = 176.868 + 250.8919830 * t;
// Phobos
a = 317.68 - 0.108 * T + 1.79 * sin M1;
d = 52.90 - 0.061 * T - 1.08 * cos M1;
W = 35.06 + 1128.8445850 * t + 0.6644e-9 * t*t - 1.42 * sin M1 - 0.78 * sin M2;
// Deimos
a = 316.65 - 0.108 * T + 2.98 * sin M3;
d = 53.52 - 0.061 * T - 1.78 * cos M3;
W = 79.41 + 285.1618970 * t - 0.390e-10 * t*t - 2.58 * sin M3 + 0.19 * cos M3;
M1 = 169.51 - 0.4357640 * t;
M2 = 192.93 + 1128.4096700 * t + 0.6644e-9*t*t;
M3 = 53.47 - 0.0181510*t;