
168 lines
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// favorites.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2001-2009, the Celestia Development Team
// Original version by Chris Laurel <claurel@gmail.com>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <celengine/parser.h>
#include <celutil/tokenizer.h>
#include <celutil/logger.h>
#include "favorites.h"
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
using celestia::util::GetLogger;
FavoritesList* ReadFavoritesList(istream& in)
auto* favorites = new FavoritesList();
Tokenizer tokenizer(&in);
Parser parser(&tokenizer);
while (tokenizer.nextToken() != Tokenizer::TokenEnd)
if (tokenizer.getTokenType() != Tokenizer::TokenString)
GetLogger()->error("Error parsing favorites file.\n");
for_each(favorites->begin(), favorites->end(), [](FavoritesEntry* fav) { delete fav; });
delete favorites;
return nullptr;
FavoritesEntry* fav = new FavoritesEntry(); // FIXME: check
fav->name = tokenizer.getStringValue();
Value* favParamsValue = parser.readValue();
if (favParamsValue == nullptr || favParamsValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
GetLogger()->error("Error parsing favorites entry {}\n", fav->name);
for_each(favorites->begin(), favorites->end(), [](FavoritesEntry* fav) { delete fav; });
delete favorites;
if (favParamsValue != nullptr)
delete favParamsValue;
delete fav;
return nullptr;
Hash* favParams = favParamsValue->getHash();
//If this is a folder, don't get any other params.
if(!favParams->getBoolean("isFolder", fav->isFolder))
fav->isFolder = false;
// Get parentFolder
favParams->getString("parentFolder", fav->parentFolder);
// Get position. It is stored as a base in light years with an offset
// in microlight years. Bad idea, but we need to stay compatible.
Vector3d base(Vector3d::Zero());
Vector3d offset(Vector3d::Zero());
favParams->getVector("base", base);
favParams->getVector("offset", offset);
fav->position = UniversalCoord::CreateLy(base) + UniversalCoord::CreateLy(offset * 1.0e-6);
// Get orientation
Vector3d axis = Vector3d::UnitX();
double angle = 0.0;
favParams->getVector("axis", axis);
favParams->getNumber("angle", angle);
fav->orientation = Quaternionf(AngleAxisf((float) angle, axis.cast<float>()));
// Get time
fav->jd = 0.0;
favParams->getNumber("time", fav->jd);
// Get the selected object
favParams->getString("selection", fav->selectionName);
string coordSysName;
favParams->getString("coordsys", coordSysName);
if (coordSysName == "ecliptical")
fav->coordSys = ObserverFrame::Ecliptical;
else if (coordSysName == "equatorial")
fav->coordSys = ObserverFrame::Equatorial;
else if (coordSysName == "geographic")
fav->coordSys = ObserverFrame::BodyFixed;
fav->coordSys = ObserverFrame::Universal;
return favorites;
void WriteFavoritesList(FavoritesList& favorites, ostream& out)
for (const auto fav : favorites)
AngleAxisf aa(fav->orientation);
Vector3f axis = aa.axis();
float angle = aa.angle();
// Ugly conversion from a universal coordinate to base+offset, with base
// in light years and offset in microlight years. This is a bad way to
// store position, but we need to maintain compatibility with older version
// of Celestia (for now...)
Vector3d baseUly((double) fav->position.x, (double) fav->position.y, (double) fav->position.z);
Vector3d offset((double) (fav->position.x - (BigFix) baseUly.x()),
(double) (fav->position.y - (BigFix) baseUly.y()),
(double) (fav->position.z - (BigFix) baseUly.z()));
Vector3d base = baseUly * 1e-6; // Base is in micro-light years
out << '"' << fav->name << "\" {\n";
out << "\tisFolder " << "true\n";
out << "\tisFolder " << "false\n";
out << "\tparentFolder \"" << fav->parentFolder << "\"\n";
out << setprecision(16);
out << "\tbase [ " << base.x() << ' ' << base.y() << ' ' << base.z() << " ]\n";
out << "\toffset [ " << offset.x() << ' ' << offset.y() << ' ' << offset.z() << " ]\n";
out << setprecision(6);
out << "\taxis [ " << axis.x() << ' ' << axis.y() << ' ' << axis.z() << " ]\n";
out << "\tangle " << angle << '\n';
out << setprecision(16);
out << "\ttime " << fav->jd << '\n';
out << "\tselection \"" << fav->selectionName << "\"\n";
out << "\tcoordsys \"";
switch (fav->coordSys)
case ObserverFrame::Universal:
out << "universal"; break;
case ObserverFrame::Ecliptical:
out << "ecliptical"; break;
case ObserverFrame::Equatorial:
out << "equatorial"; break;
case ObserverFrame::BodyFixed:
out << "geographic"; break;
case ObserverFrame::ObserverLocal:
out << "local"; break;
case ObserverFrame::PhaseLock:
out << "phaselock"; break;
case ObserverFrame::Chase:
out << "chase"; break;
out << "universal"; break;
out << "\"\n";
out << "}\n\n";