
375 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

# builds charm2.stc from charm2.dat and the result of the SIMBATCH query
# the SIMBATCH query should be located in a file 'simbad.txt' in the current
# directory. The file 'idlist.txt' (generated by charm2simbatch.pl) should also
# be located in the current directory.
# This script requires as a parameter the path to the Celestia directory.
# The charm2.stc file is output into the current directory.
use File::Spec::Functions;
use Math::Trig;
$KM_PER_LY = 9460730472580.8;
$MAS_PER_RAD = 648000000 / pi;
die "Syntax: perl charm2.pl <path-to-celestia>\n" if($#ARGV != 0);
$SIMBATCH_RESULT_FILE = 'simbad.txt';
$IDLIST_FILE = 'idlist.txt';
$CHARM2_FILE = 'charm2.dat';
$STC_FILE = 'charm2.stc';
# build a table of HIP identifiers for each ID
%HIPids = (); # key = id, value = HIP
%distances = (); # distances in light years
open SIMBAD, '<', $SIMBATCH_RESULT_FILE or die "Cannot open file $SIMBATCH_RESULT_FILE for reading.\n";
# skip SIMBATCH file header to the data section
while($curLine = <SIMBAD>) {
chomp $curLine;
last if($curLine =~ m/^::data:*$/);
$curLine = <SIMBAD>;
open IDLIST, '<', $IDLIST_FILE or die "Cannot open file $IDLIST_FILE for reading.\n";
while($curLine = <SIMBAD>) {
chomp $curLine;
last if(!($curID = <IDLIST>)); # end if we've run out of IDs
next if($curLine eq ''); # skip if there is not HIP for this ID
chomp $curID;
if($curLine =~ m/^HIP ([0-9]+)$/) {
$HIPids{$curID} = $1;
$distances{$1} = 0;
close SIMBAD;
close IDLIST;
%baryDistance = (); # barycenter distances
%nameAlias = (); # list of aliases
%orbitSize = (); # list of orbit semimajor axes
$fileName = catfile($PATH_TO_CELESTIA, 'data', 'starnames.dat');
open NAMES, '<', $fileName or die "Cannot open file $fileName for reading.\n";
while($curLine = <NAMES>) {
chomp $curLine;
if($curLine =~ m/^([0-9]+):(.*)$/) {
$HIP = $1; # prevent the regular expression matching in split
$nL = $2; # from destroying these values
@nameList = split(/:/, $nL);
for($i = 0; $i <= $#nameList; $i++) {
$nameAlias{uc($nameList[$i])} = "HIP $HIP";
close NAMES;
# load stars.dat to get distances
$fileName = catfile($PATH_TO_CELESTIA, 'data', 'stars.dat');
open STARS, '<', $fileName or die "Cannot open file $fileName for reading.\n";
binmode STARS;
# read file header: test whether this is a star database and get number of stars
read(STARS, $buf, 14);
($fileType, $version, $nRecords) = unpack('A8SL', $buf);
die "Bad stars.dat format" if(($fileType ne 'CELSTARS') || ($version != 0x0100));
for($i = 0; $i < $nRecords; $i++) {
read(STARS, $buf, 20);
($HIP, $x, $y, $z) = unpack('Lfffx4', $buf); # don't need magnitude or spectral type
if(exists $distances{$HIP}) {
$distances{$HIP} = sqrt($x * $x + $y * $y + $z * $z);
close STARS;
# parse stc files to update distances
# list of datafiles in the order that is specified in celestia.cfg
# TODO: could load this from celestia.cfg
@fileList = ('revised.stc', 'extrasolar.stc', 'nearstars.stc', 'visualbins.stc', 'spectbins.stc');
for($i = 0; $i <= $#fileList; $i++) {
$fileName = catfile($PATH_TO_CELESTIA, 'data', $fileList[$i]);
open STC, '<', $fileName or die "Cannot open file $fileName for reading.\n";
@stcFile = <STC>;
close STC;
for($j = 0; $j <= $#stcFile; $j++) {
chomp $stcFile[$j]; # remove newlines
$stcFile[$j] =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading spaces
$stcFile[$j] =~ s/\s*(?:#.*)?$//; # remove trailing spaces & comments
$stc = join(' ', @stcFile);
@stcFile = ();
$stc =~ s/\s+/ /g;
# set up states
$name = '';
$HIP = '';
$isModify = 0;
$isBarycenter = 0;
$blockLevel = 0;
$curItem = 0;
while(1) {
# get next token
$stc =~ s/^\s+//; # skip whitespace
last if($stc eq '');
$tok = substr($stc, 0, 1);
$stc = substr($stc, 1);
if($tok eq '"') {
# we have a quoted token, extract it and handle escapes.
# there's probably a way to do this with regular expressions
# but I can't figure it out, so we do it this way
while(substr($stc, 0, 1) ne '"') {
if(substr($stc, 0, 1) eq '\\') {
# handle character escapes
$tok .= substr($stc, 0, 2);
$stc = substr($stc, 2);
} else {
$tok .= substr($stc, 0, 1);
$stc = substr($stc, 1);
$tok .= substr($stc, 0, 1);
$stc = substr($stc, 1);
} elsif($tok eq '[') {
# we have a vector
$stc =~ s/^(.*?)\]//;
$tok .= $1;
} else {
# unquoted token
$stc =~ s/^(.*?)\s//;
$tok .= $1;
# parse token
if($tok eq '{') {
# increase block level
$curItem = 0;
if($blockLevel > 0) {
$curProperty = '';
if($blockLevel == 1) {
$distance = '';
$baryRef = '';
} elsif($tok eq '}') {
# decrease block level
$curItem = 0;
if($blockLevel == 0) {
# process previously-parsed star
if($isBarycenter) {
# add barycenter to names list
$name = uc((($HIP ne '') ? ('HIP ' . $HIP . ':') : '') . $name);
$baryRef = uc($baryRef);
@nameList = split(/:/, $name);
if($baryRef eq '') {
$baryDistance{$nameList[0]} = $distance;
for($j = 0; $j <= $#nameList; $j++) {
$nameAlias{$nameList[$j]} = $nameList[0];
} elsif(exists $nameAlias{$baryRef}) {
for($j = 0; $j <= $#nameList; $j++) {
$nameAlias{$nameList[$j]} = $nameAlias{$baryRef};
} else {
print "Unresolvable barycenter name: $baryRef\n";
if(($HIP ne '') && (exists $distances{$HIP})) {
if($isBarycenter) {
# if a CHARM2 star gets replaced by a barycenter,
# we drop it from the lists
# TODO: handle modify on barycenters
delete $distances{$HIP};
@idList = keys %HIPids;
for($j = 0; $j <= $#idList; $j++) {
if($HIPids{$idList[$j]} == $HIP) {
delete $HIPids{$idList[$j]};
@idList = ();
} elsif($baryRef eq '') {
$distances{$HIP} = $distance if($distance ne '');
} else {
$distances{$HIP} = $baryDistance{$nameAlias{uc($baryRef)}};
# reset tokenizer
$name = '';
$HIP = '';
$isModify = 0;
$isBarycenter = 0;
} elsif($blockLevel == 0) {
# get star identifiers
# TODO: check whether terms appear in the right order and
# that they don't appear multiple times
if($tok =~ m/^Barycent(?:er|re)$/) {
$isBarycenter = 1;
} elsif($tok eq 'Modify') {
$isModify = 1;
} elsif($tok =~ m/^[0-9]+$/) {
$HIP = $tok;
} elsif(substr($tok, 0, 1) eq '"') {
$name = substr($tok, 1, length($tok) - 2);
} else {
print "BAD FORMAT IN FILE $fileName\n";
} elsif($blockLevel == 1) {
# read name or value
if($curItem == 0) {
$curProperty = $tok;
} else {
if($curProperty eq 'Distance') {
if($tok =~ m/^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$/) {
$distance = $tok;
} else {
die "BAD FORMAT IN FILE $fileName\n";
} elsif($curProperty =~ m/^OrbitBarycent(?:er|re)$/) {
if(substr($tok, 0, 1) eq '"') {
$baryRef = substr($tok, 1, length($tok) - 2);
} else {
die "BAD FORMAT IN FILE $fileName\n";
$curItem = $curItem^1;
# release memory
%nameAlias = ();
%baryDistance = ();
# set up UD, LD totals
%UD_total = ();
%UD_weight = ();
%LD_total = ();
%LD_weight = ();
%Dtypes = ();
# parse CHARM2
open CHARM2, '<', $CHARM2_FILE or die "Cannot open file $CHARM2_FILE for reading.\n";
while($curLine = <CHARM2>) {
chomp $curLine;
next if($curLine eq '');
$Source = substr($curLine, 30, 24);
$Source =~ s/\s//g;
next if(!exists $HIPids{$Source});
$HIP = $HIPids{$Source};
next if($distances{$HIP} == 0); # if there's no distance measurement, skip
$Type = Trim(substr($curLine, 25, 4));
next if($Type eq 'UR'); # unresolved diameter, so skip
$UD = Trim(substr($curLine, 143, 6));
$e_UD = Trim(substr($curLine, 150, 5));
$LD = Trim(substr($curLine, 162, 6));
$e_LD = Trim(substr($curLine, 169, 4));
next if(($UD eq '') && ($LD eq '')); # no diameters in record, skip
$e_UD = 100 if(($UD ne '') && ($e_UD <= 0));
$e_LD = 100 if(($LD ne '') && ($e_LD <= 0));
if($UD ne '') {
if(!exists $UD_total{$HIP}) {
$UD_total{$HIP} = 0;
$UD_weight{$HIP} = 0;
$Dtypes{$HIP} = 1 if(!exists $Dtypes{$HIP});
$UD_total{$HIP} += $UD / ($e_UD * $e_UD);
$UD_weight{$HIP} += 1 / ($e_UD * $e_UD);
$Dtypes{$HIP} |= 1;
if($LD ne '') {
if(!exists $LD_total{$HIP}) {
$LD_total{$HIP} = 0;
$LD_weight{$HIP} = 0;
$Dtypes{$HIP} = 2 if(!exists $Dtypes{$HIP});
$LD_total{$HIP} += $LD / ($e_LD * $e_LD);
$LD_weight{$HIP} += 1 / ($e_LD * $e_LD);
$Dtypes{$HIP} |= 2;
close CHARM2;
# select diameter type with smallest error
foreach $HIP (keys %Dtypes) {
if($Dtypes{$HIP} == 3) {
if($UD_weight{$HIP} > $LD_weight{$HIP}) {
delete $LD_total{$HIP};
delete $LD_weight{$HIP};
$Dtypes{$HIP} = 1;
} else {
delete $UD_total{$HIP};
delete $UD_weight{$HIP};
$Dtypes{$HIP} = 2;
open STC, '>', $STC_FILE or die "Cannot open file $STC_FILE for writing.\n";
print STC <<END;
# Celestia star radii version 1.2 (21/09/2008)
# Generated by Andrew Tribick from:
# CHARM2: an updated Catalog of High Angular Resolution Measurements
# Richichi A., Percheron I., Khristoforva M., A&A 431, 773 (2005)
# Celestia datafiles:
# revised.stc, extrasolar.stc, nearstars.stc, visualbins.stc, spectbins.stc
# Radii generated from weighted averages of multiple entries in the CHARM2
# catalog. Where uncertainties on the angular values were not supplied, the
# error is assumed to be 100 mas. In cases where both limb darkened and uniform
# disk radii are available, the one with the lowest error is chosen.
# output .stc file
foreach $HIP (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %Dtypes) {
if($Dtypes{$HIP} == 1) {
$angDiam = $UD_total{$HIP} / $UD_weight{$HIP};
} else {
$angDiam = $LD_total{$HIP} / $LD_weight{$HIP};
$radius = $angDiam / 2 * $distances{$HIP};
$radius = $radius * ($KM_PER_LY / $MAS_PER_RAD);
print STC "\nModify $HIP\n";
print STC "{\n";
print STC "\tRadius " . sprintf('%.0f', sprintf('%.4g', $radius));
print STC " # " . (($Dtypes{$HIP} == 1) ? 'Uniform disk' : 'Limb darkened') . " angular diameter = ";
print STC sprintf("%.2f mas\n", $angDiam);
print STC "}\n";
close STC;
sub Trim {
$st = shift;
$st =~ s/^\s+//;
$st =~ s/\s+$//;
return $st;