
1907 lines
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// parseobject.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2004-2009, the Celestia Development Team
// Original version by Chris Laurel <claurel@gmail.com>
// Functions for parsing objects common to star, solar system, and
// deep sky catalogs.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include "parseobject.h"
#include "frame.h"
#include "trajmanager.h"
#include "rotationmanager.h"
#include "universe.h"
#include <celephem/customorbit.h>
#include <celephem/customrotation.h>
#ifdef USE_SPICE
#include <celephem/spiceorbit.h>
#include <celephem/spicerotation.h>
#include <celephem/scriptorbit.h>
#include <celephem/scriptrotation.h>
#include <celmath/geomutil.h>
#include <celutil/debug.h>
#include <cassert>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
using namespace celmath;
* Returns the default units scale for orbits.
* If the usePlanetUnits flag is set, this returns a distance scale of AU and a
* time scale of years. Otherwise the distace scale is kilometers and the time
* scale is days.
* @param[in] usePlanetUnits Controls whether to return planet units or satellite units.
* @param[out] distanceScale The default distance scale in kilometers.
* @param[out] timeScale The default time scale in days.
static void
GetDefaultUnits(bool usePlanetUnits, double& distanceScale, double& timeScale)
distanceScale = KM_PER_AU;
timeScale = DAYS_PER_YEAR;
distanceScale = 1.0;
timeScale = 1.0;
* Returns the default distance scale for orbits.
* If the usePlanetUnits flag is set, this returns AU, otherwise it returns
* kilometers.
* @param[in] usePlanetUnits Controls whether to return planet units or satellite units.
* @param[out] distanceScale The default distance scale in kilometers.
static void
GetDefaultUnits(bool usePlanetUnits, double& distanceScale)
distanceScale = (usePlanetUnits) ? KM_PER_AU : 1.0;
ParseDate(Hash* hash, const string& name, double& jd)
// Check first for a number value representing a Julian date
if (hash->getNumber(name, jd))
return true;
string dateString;
if (hash->getString(name, dateString))
astro::Date date(1, 1, 1);
if (astro::parseDate(dateString, date))
jd = (double) date;
return true;
return false;
* Create a new Keplerian orbit from an ssc property table:
* \code EllipticalOrbit
* {
* # One of the following is required to specify orbit size:
* SemiMajorAxis <number>
* PericenterDistance <number>
* # Required
* Period <number>
* Eccentricity <number> (default: 0.0)
* Inclination <degrees> (default: 0.0)
* AscendingNode <degrees> (default: 0.0)
* # One or none of the following:
* ArgOfPericenter <degrees> (default: 0.0)
* LongOfPericenter <degrees> (default: 0.0)
* Epoch <date> (default J2000.0)
* # One or none of the following:
* MeanAnomaly <degrees> (default: 0.0)
* MeanLongitude <degrees> (default: 0.0)
* } \endcode
* If usePlanetUnits is true:
* Period is in Julian years
* SemiMajorAxis or PericenterDistance is in AU
* Otherwise:
* Period is in Julian days
* SemiMajorAxis or PericenterDistance is in kilometers.
static EllipticalOrbit*
CreateEllipticalOrbit(Hash* orbitData,
bool usePlanetUnits)
// default units for planets are AU and years, otherwise km and days
double distanceScale;
double timeScale;
GetDefaultUnits(usePlanetUnits, distanceScale, timeScale);
// SemiMajorAxis and Period are absolutely required; everything
// else has a reasonable default.
double pericenterDistance = 0.0;
double semiMajorAxis = 0.0;
if (!orbitData->getLength("SemiMajorAxis", semiMajorAxis, 1.0, distanceScale))
if (!orbitData->getLength("PericenterDistance", pericenterDistance, 1.0, distanceScale))
clog << "SemiMajorAxis/PericenterDistance missing! Skipping planet . . .\n";
return nullptr;
double period = 0.0;
if (!orbitData->getTime("Period", period, 1.0, timeScale))
clog << "Period missing! Skipping planet . . .\n";
return nullptr;
double eccentricity = 0.0;
orbitData->getNumber("Eccentricity", eccentricity);
double inclination = 0.0;
orbitData->getAngle("Inclination", inclination);
double ascendingNode = 0.0;
orbitData->getAngle("AscendingNode", ascendingNode);
double argOfPericenter = 0.0;
if (!orbitData->getAngle("ArgOfPericenter", argOfPericenter))
double longOfPericenter = 0.0;
if (orbitData->getAngle("LongOfPericenter", longOfPericenter))
argOfPericenter = longOfPericenter - ascendingNode;
double epoch = astro::J2000;
ParseDate(orbitData, "Epoch", epoch);
// Accept either the mean anomaly or mean longitude--use mean anomaly
// if both are specified.
double anomalyAtEpoch = 0.0;
if (!orbitData->getAngle("MeanAnomaly", anomalyAtEpoch))
double longAtEpoch = 0.0;
if (orbitData->getAngle("MeanLongitude", longAtEpoch))
anomalyAtEpoch = longAtEpoch - (argOfPericenter + ascendingNode);
// If we read the semi-major axis, use it to compute the pericenter
// distance.
if (semiMajorAxis != 0.0)
pericenterDistance = semiMajorAxis * (1.0 - eccentricity);
return new EllipticalOrbit(pericenterDistance,
* Create a new sampled orbit from an ssc property table:
* \code SampledTrajectory
* {
* Source <string>
* Interpolation "Cubic" | "Linear"
* DoublePrecision <boolean>
* } \endcode
* Source is the only required field. Interpolation defaults to cubic, and
* DoublePrecision defaults to true.
static Orbit*
CreateSampledTrajectory(Hash* trajData, const fs::path& path)
string sourceName;
if (!trajData->getString("Source", sourceName))
clog << "SampledTrajectory is missing a source.\n";
return nullptr;
// Read interpolation type; string value must be either "Linear" or "Cubic"
// Default interpolation type is cubic.
string interpolationString;
TrajectoryInterpolation interpolation = TrajectoryInterpolationCubic;
if (trajData->getString("Interpolation", interpolationString))
if (!compareIgnoringCase(interpolationString, "linear"))
interpolation = TrajectoryInterpolationLinear;
else if (!compareIgnoringCase(interpolationString, "cubic"))
interpolation = TrajectoryInterpolationCubic;
clog << "Unknown interpolation type " << interpolationString << endl; // non-fatal error
// Double precision is true by default
bool useDoublePrecision = true;
trajData->getBoolean("DoublePrecision", useDoublePrecision);
TrajectoryPrecision precision = useDoublePrecision ? TrajectoryPrecisionDouble : TrajectoryPrecisionSingle;
DPRINTF(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Attempting to load sampled trajectory from source '%s'\n", sourceName.c_str());
ResourceHandle orbitHandle = GetTrajectoryManager()->getHandle(TrajectoryInfo(sourceName, path, interpolation, precision));
Orbit* orbit = GetTrajectoryManager()->find(orbitHandle);
if (orbit == nullptr)
clog << "Could not load sampled trajectory from '" << sourceName << "'\n";
return orbit;
/** Create a new FixedPosition trajectory.
* A FixedPosition is a property list with one of the following 3-vector properties:
* - \c Rectangular
* - \c Planetographic
* - \c Planetocentric
* Planetographic and planetocentric coordinates are given in the order longitude,
* latitude, altitude. Units of altitude are kilometers. Planetographic and
* and planetocentric coordinates are only practical when the coordinate system
* is BodyFixed.
static Orbit*
CreateFixedPosition(Hash* trajData, const Selection& centralObject, bool usePlanetUnits)
double distanceScale;
GetDefaultUnits(usePlanetUnits, distanceScale);
Vector3d position = Vector3d::Zero();
Vector3d v = Vector3d::Zero();
if (trajData->getLengthVector("Rectangular", v, 1.0, distanceScale))
// Convert to Celestia's coordinate system
position = Vector3d(v.x(), v.z(), -v.y());
else if (trajData->getSphericalTuple("Planetographic", v))
if (centralObject.getType() != Selection::Type_Body)
clog << "FixedPosition planetographic coordinates aren't valid for stars.\n";
return nullptr;
// TODO: Need function to calculate planetographic coordinates
// TODO: Change planetocentricToCartesian so that 180 degree offset isn't required
position = centralObject.body()->planetocentricToCartesian(180.0 + v.x(), v.y(), v.z());
else if (trajData->getSphericalTuple("Planetocentric", v))
if (centralObject.getType() != Selection::Type_Body)
clog << "FixedPosition planetocentric coordinates aren't valid for stars.\n";
return nullptr;
// TODO: Change planetocentricToCartesian so that 180 degree offset isn't required
position = centralObject.body()->planetocentricToCartesian(180.0 + v.x(), v.y(), v.z());
clog << "Missing coordinates for FixedPosition\n";
return nullptr;
return new FixedOrbit(position);
#ifdef USE_SPICE
* Parse a string list--either a single string or an array of strings is permitted.
static bool
ParseStringList(Hash* table,
const string& propertyName,
list<string>& stringList)
Value* v = table->getValue(propertyName);
if (v == nullptr)
return false;
// Check for a single string first.
if (v->getType() == Value::StringType)
return true;
if (v->getType() == Value::ArrayType)
ValueArray* array = v->getArray();
ValueArray::const_iterator iter;
// Verify that all array entries are strings
for (iter = array->begin(); iter != array->end(); iter++)
if ((*iter)->getType() != Value::StringType)
return false;
// Add strings to stringList
for (iter = array->begin(); iter != array->end(); iter++)
return true;
return false;
/*! Create a new SPICE orbit. This is just a Celestia wrapper for a trajectory specified
* in a SPICE SPK file.
* \code SpiceOrbit
* {
* Kernel <string|string array> # optional
* Target <string>
* Origin <string>
* BoundingRadius <number>
* Period <number> # optional
* Beginning <number> # optional
* Ending <number> # optional
* } \endcode
* The Kernel property specifies one or more SPK files that must be loaded. Any
* already loaded kernels will also be used if they contain trajectories for
* the target or origin.
* Target and origin are strings that give NAIF IDs for the target and origin
* objects. Either names or integer IDs are valid, but integer IDs still must
* be quoted.
* BoundingRadius gives a conservative estimate of the maximum distance between
* the target and origin objects. It is required by Celestia for visibility
* culling when rendering.
* Beginning and Ending specify the valid time range of the SPICE orbit. It is
* an error to specify Beginning without Ending, and vice versa. If neither is
* specified, the valid range is computed from the coverage window in the SPICE
* kernel pool. If the coverage window is noncontiguous, the first interval is
* used.
static SpiceOrbit*
CreateSpiceOrbit(Hash* orbitData,
const fs::path& path,
bool usePlanetUnits)
string targetBodyName;
string originName;
list<string> kernelList;
double distanceScale;
double timeScale;
GetDefaultUnits(usePlanetUnits, distanceScale, timeScale);
if (orbitData->getValue("Kernel") != nullptr)
// Kernel list is optional; a SPICE orbit may rely on kernels already loaded into
// the kernel pool.
if (!ParseStringList(orbitData, "Kernel", kernelList))
clog << "Kernel list for SPICE orbit is neither a string nor array of strings\n";
return nullptr;
if (!orbitData->getString("Target", targetBodyName))
clog << "Target name missing from SPICE orbit\n";
return nullptr;
if (!orbitData->getString("Origin", originName))
clog << "Origin name missing from SPICE orbit\n";
return nullptr;
// A bounding radius for culling is required for SPICE orbits
double boundingRadius = 0.0;
if (!orbitData->getLength("BoundingRadius", boundingRadius, 1.0, distanceScale))
clog << "Bounding Radius missing from SPICE orbit\n";
return nullptr;
// The period of the orbit may be specified if appropriate; a value
// of zero for the period (the default), means that the orbit will
// be considered aperiodic.
double period = 0.0;
orbitData->getTime("Period", period, 1.0, timeScale);
// Either a complete time interval must be specified with Beginning/Ending, or
// else neither field can be present.
Value* beginningDate = orbitData->getValue("Beginning");
Value* endingDate = orbitData->getValue("Ending");
if (beginningDate != nullptr && endingDate == nullptr)
clog << "Beginning specified for SPICE orbit, but ending is missing.\n";
return nullptr;
if (endingDate != nullptr && beginningDate == nullptr)
clog << "Ending specified for SPICE orbit, but beginning is missing.\n";
return nullptr;
SpiceOrbit* orbit = nullptr;
if (beginningDate != nullptr && endingDate != nullptr)
double beginningTDBJD = 0.0;
if (!ParseDate(orbitData, "Beginning", beginningTDBJD))
clog << "Invalid beginning date specified for SPICE orbit.\n";
return nullptr;
double endingTDBJD = 0.0;
if (!ParseDate(orbitData, "Ending", endingTDBJD))
clog << "Invalid ending date specified for SPICE orbit.\n";
return nullptr;
orbit = new SpiceOrbit(targetBodyName,
// No time interval given; we'll use whatever coverage window is given
// in the SPICE kernel.
orbit = new SpiceOrbit(targetBodyName,
if (!orbit->init(path, &kernelList))
// Error using SPICE library; destroy the orbit; hopefully a
// fallback is defined in the SSC file.
delete orbit;
orbit = nullptr;
return orbit;
/*! Create a new rotation model based on a SPICE frame.
* \code SpiceRotation
* {
* Kernel <string|string array> # optional
* Frame <string>
* BaseFrame <string> # optional (defaults to ecliptic)
* Period <number> # optional (units are hours)
* Beginning <number> # optional
* Ending <number> # optional
* } \endcode
* The Kernel property specifies one or more SPICE kernel files that must be
* loaded in order for the frame to be defined over the required range. Any
* already loaded kernels will be used if they contain information relevant
* for defining the frame.
* Frame and base name are strings that give SPICE names for the frames. The
* orientation of the SpiceRotation is the orientation of the frame relative to
* the base frame. By default, the base frame is eclipj2000.
* Beginning and Ending specify the valid time range of the SPICE rotation.
* If the Beginning and Ending are omitted, the rotation model is assumed to
* be valid at any time. It is an error to specify Beginning without Ending,
* and vice versa.
* Period specifies the principal rotation period; it defaults to 0 indicating
* that the rotation is aperiodic. It is not essential to provide the rotation
* period; it is only used by Celestia for displaying object information such
* as sidereal day length.
static SpiceRotation*
CreateSpiceRotation(Hash* rotationData,
const fs::path& path)
string frameName;
string baseFrameName = "eclipj2000";
list<string> kernelList;
if (rotationData->getValue("Kernel") != nullptr)
// Kernel list is optional; a SPICE rotation may rely on kernels already loaded into
// the kernel pool.
if (!ParseStringList(rotationData, "Kernel", kernelList))
clog << "Kernel list for SPICE rotation is neither a string nor array of strings\n";
return nullptr;
if (!rotationData->getString("Frame", frameName))
clog << "Frame name missing from SPICE rotation\n";
return nullptr;
rotationData->getString("BaseFrame", baseFrameName);
// The period of the rotation may be specified if appropriate; a value
// of zero for the period (the default), means that the rotation will
// be considered aperiodic.
double period = 0.0;
rotationData->getTime("Period", period, 1.0, 1.0 / HOURS_PER_DAY);
// Either a complete time interval must be specified with Beginning/Ending, or
// else neither field can be present.
Value* beginningDate = rotationData->getValue("Beginning");
Value* endingDate = rotationData->getValue("Ending");
if (beginningDate != nullptr && endingDate == nullptr)
clog << "Beginning specified for SPICE rotation, but ending is missing.\n";
return nullptr;
if (endingDate != nullptr && beginningDate == nullptr)
clog << "Ending specified for SPICE rotation, but beginning is missing.\n";
return nullptr;
SpiceRotation* rotation = nullptr;
if (beginningDate != nullptr && endingDate != nullptr)
double beginningTDBJD = 0.0;
if (!ParseDate(rotationData, "Beginning", beginningTDBJD))
clog << "Invalid beginning date specified for SPICE rotation.\n";
return nullptr;
double endingTDBJD = 0.0;
if (!ParseDate(rotationData, "Ending", endingTDBJD))
clog << "Invalid ending date specified for SPICE rotation.\n";
return nullptr;
rotation = new SpiceRotation(frameName,
// No time interval given; rotation is valid at any time.
rotation = new SpiceRotation(frameName,
if (!rotation->init(path, &kernelList))
// Error using SPICE library; destroy the rotation.
delete rotation;
rotation = nullptr;
return rotation;
static ScriptedOrbit*
CreateScriptedOrbit(Hash* orbitData,
const fs::path& path)
#if !defined(CELX)
clog << "ScriptedOrbit not usable without scripting support.\n";
return nullptr;
// Function name is required
string funcName;
if (!orbitData->getString("Function", funcName))
clog << "Function name missing from script orbit definition.\n";
return nullptr;
// Module name is optional
string moduleName;
orbitData->getString("Module", moduleName);
Value* pathValue = new Value(path.string());
orbitData->addValue("AddonPath", *pathValue);
ScriptedOrbit* scriptedOrbit = new ScriptedOrbit();
if (!scriptedOrbit->initialize(moduleName, funcName, orbitData))
delete scriptedOrbit;
scriptedOrbit = nullptr;
return scriptedOrbit;
CreateOrbit(const Selection& centralObject,
Hash* planetData,
const fs::path& path,
bool usePlanetUnits)
Orbit* orbit = nullptr;
string customOrbitName;
if (planetData->getString("CustomOrbit", customOrbitName))
orbit = GetCustomOrbit(customOrbitName);
if (orbit != nullptr)
return orbit;
clog << "Could not find custom orbit named '" << customOrbitName <<
#ifdef USE_SPICE
Value* spiceOrbitDataValue = planetData->getValue("SpiceOrbit");
if (spiceOrbitDataValue != nullptr)
if (spiceOrbitDataValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect spice orbit syntax.\n";
return nullptr;
orbit = CreateSpiceOrbit(spiceOrbitDataValue->getHash(), path, usePlanetUnits);
if (orbit != nullptr)
return orbit;
clog << "Bad spice orbit\n";
DPRINTF(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not load SPICE orbit\n");
// Trajectory calculated by Lua script
Value* scriptedOrbitValue = planetData->getValue("ScriptedOrbit");
if (scriptedOrbitValue != nullptr)
if (scriptedOrbitValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect scripted orbit syntax.\n";
return nullptr;
orbit = CreateScriptedOrbit(scriptedOrbitValue->getHash(), path);
if (orbit != nullptr)
return orbit;
// New 1.5.0 style for sampled trajectories. Permits specification of
// precision and interpolation type.
Value* sampledTrajDataValue = planetData->getValue("SampledTrajectory");
if (sampledTrajDataValue != nullptr)
if (sampledTrajDataValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect syntax for SampledTrajectory.\n";
return nullptr;
return CreateSampledTrajectory(sampledTrajDataValue->getHash(), path);
// Old style for sampled trajectories. Assumes cubic interpolation and
// single precision.
string sampOrbitFile;
if (planetData->getString("SampledOrbit", sampOrbitFile))
DPRINTF(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Attempting to load sampled orbit file '%s'\n",
ResourceHandle orbitHandle =
orbit = GetTrajectoryManager()->find(orbitHandle);
if (orbit != nullptr)
return orbit;
clog << "Could not load sampled orbit file '" << sampOrbitFile << "'\n";
Value* orbitDataValue = planetData->getValue("EllipticalOrbit");
if (orbitDataValue != nullptr)
if (orbitDataValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect elliptical orbit syntax.\n";
return nullptr;
return CreateEllipticalOrbit(orbitDataValue->getHash(),
// Create an 'orbit' that places the object at a fixed point in its
// reference frame. There are two forms for FixedPosition: a simple
// form with an 3-vector value, and complex form with a properlist
// value. The simple form:
// FixedPosition [ x y z ]
// is a shorthand for:
// FixedPosition { Rectangular [ x y z ] }
// In addition to Rectangular, other coordinate types for fixed position are
// Planetographic and Planetocentric.
Value* fixedPositionValue = planetData->getValue("FixedPosition");
if (fixedPositionValue != nullptr)
Vector3d fixedPosition = Vector3d::Zero();
double distanceScale;
GetDefaultUnits(usePlanetUnits, distanceScale);
if (planetData->getLengthVector("FixedPosition", fixedPosition, 1.0, distanceScale))
// Convert to Celestia's coordinate system
fixedPosition = Vector3d(fixedPosition.x(),
return new FixedOrbit(fixedPosition);
if (fixedPositionValue->getType() == Value::HashType)
return CreateFixedPosition(fixedPositionValue->getHash(), centralObject, usePlanetUnits);
clog << "Object has incorrect FixedPosition syntax.\n";
// LongLat will make an object fixed relative to the surface of its center
// object. This is done by creating an orbit with a period equal to the
// rotation rate of the parent object. A body-fixed reference frame is a
// much better way to accomplish this.
Vector3d longlat = Vector3d::Zero();
if (planetData->getSphericalTuple("LongLat", longlat))
Body* centralBody = centralObject.body();
if (centralBody != nullptr)
Vector3d pos = centralBody->planetocentricToCartesian(longlat.x(), longlat.y(), longlat.z());
return new SynchronousOrbit(*centralBody, pos);
// TODO: Allow fixing objects to the surface of stars.
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
static ConstantOrientation*
CreateFixedRotationModel(double offset,
double inclination,
double ascendingNode)
Quaterniond q = YRotation(-PI - offset) *
XRotation(-inclination) *
return new ConstantOrientation(q);
static RotationModel*
CreateUniformRotationModel(Hash* rotationData,
double syncRotationPeriod)
// Default to synchronous rotation
double period = syncRotationPeriod;
rotationData->getTime("Period", period, 1.0, 1.0 / HOURS_PER_DAY);
float offset = 0.0f;
if (rotationData->getAngle("MeridianAngle", offset))
offset = degToRad(offset);
double epoch = astro::J2000;
ParseDate(rotationData, "Epoch", epoch);
float inclination = 0.0f;
if (rotationData->getAngle("Inclination", inclination))
inclination = degToRad(inclination);
float ascendingNode = 0.0f;
if (rotationData->getAngle("AscendingNode", ascendingNode))
ascendingNode = degToRad(ascendingNode);
// No period was specified, and the default synchronous
// rotation period is zero, indicating that the object
// doesn't have a periodic orbit. Default to a constant
// orientation instead.
if (period == 0.0)
return CreateFixedRotationModel(offset, inclination, ascendingNode);
return new UniformRotationModel(period,
static ConstantOrientation*
CreateFixedRotationModel(Hash* rotationData)
double offset = 0.0;
if (rotationData->getAngle("MeridianAngle", offset))
offset = degToRad(offset);
double inclination = 0.0;
if (rotationData->getAngle("Inclination", inclination))
inclination = degToRad(inclination);
double ascendingNode = 0.0;
if (rotationData->getAngle("AscendingNode", ascendingNode))
ascendingNode = degToRad(ascendingNode);
Quaterniond q = YRotation(-PI - offset) *
XRotation(-inclination) *
return new ConstantOrientation(q);
static ConstantOrientation*
CreateFixedAttitudeRotationModel(Hash* rotationData)
double heading = 0.0;
if (rotationData->getAngle("Heading", heading))
heading = degToRad(heading);
double tilt = 0.0;
if (rotationData->getAngle("Tilt", tilt))
tilt = degToRad(tilt);
double roll = 0.0;
if (rotationData->getAngle("Roll", roll))
roll = degToRad(roll);
Quaterniond q = YRotation(-PI - heading) *
XRotation(-tilt) *
return new ConstantOrientation(q);
static RotationModel*
CreatePrecessingRotationModel(Hash* rotationData,
double syncRotationPeriod)
// Default to synchronous rotation
double period = syncRotationPeriod;
rotationData->getTime("Period", period, 1.0, 1.0 / HOURS_PER_DAY);
float offset = 0.0f;
if (rotationData->getAngle("MeridianAngle", offset))
offset = degToRad(offset);
double epoch = astro::J2000;
ParseDate(rotationData, "Epoch", epoch);
float inclination = 0.0f;
if (rotationData->getAngle("Inclination", inclination))
inclination = degToRad(inclination);
float ascendingNode = 0.0f;
if (rotationData->getAngle("AscendingNode", ascendingNode))
ascendingNode = degToRad(ascendingNode);
// The default value of 0 is handled specially, interpreted to indicate
// that there's no precession.
double precessionPeriod = 0.0;
rotationData->getTime("PrecessionPeriod", precessionPeriod, 1.0, DAYS_PER_YEAR);
// No period was specified, and the default synchronous
// rotation period is zero, indicating that the object
// doesn't have a periodic orbit. Default to a constant
// orientation instead.
if (period == 0.0)
return CreateFixedRotationModel(offset, inclination, ascendingNode);
return new PrecessingRotationModel(period,
static ScriptedRotation*
CreateScriptedRotation(Hash* rotationData,
const fs::path& path)
#if !defined(CELX)
clog << "ScriptedRotation not usable without scripting support.\n";
return nullptr;
// Function name is required
string funcName;
if (!rotationData->getString("Function", funcName))
clog << "Function name missing from scripted rotation definition.\n";
return nullptr;
// Module name is optional
string moduleName;
rotationData->getString("Module", moduleName);
Value* pathValue = new Value(path.string());
rotationData->addValue("AddonPath", *pathValue);
ScriptedRotation* scriptedRotation = new ScriptedRotation();
if (!scriptedRotation->initialize(moduleName, funcName, rotationData))
delete scriptedRotation;
scriptedRotation = nullptr;
return scriptedRotation;
* Parse rotation information. Unfortunately, Celestia didn't originally have
* RotationModel objects, so information about the rotation of the object isn't
* grouped into a single subobject--the ssc fields relevant for rotation just
* appear in the top level structure.
CreateRotationModel(Hash* planetData,
const fs::path& path,
double syncRotationPeriod)
RotationModel* rotationModel = nullptr;
// If more than one rotation model is specified, the following precedence
// is used to determine which one should be used:
// CustomRotation
// SPICE C-Kernel
// SampledOrientation
// PrecessingRotation
// UniformRotation
// legacy rotation parameters
string customRotationModelName;
if (planetData->getString("CustomRotation", customRotationModelName))
rotationModel = GetCustomRotationModel(customRotationModelName);
if (rotationModel != nullptr)
return rotationModel;
clog << "Could not find custom rotation model named '" <<
customRotationModelName << "'\n";
#ifdef USE_SPICE
Value* spiceRotationDataValue = planetData->getValue("SpiceRotation");
if (spiceRotationDataValue != nullptr)
if (spiceRotationDataValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect spice rotation syntax.\n";
return nullptr;
rotationModel = CreateSpiceRotation(spiceRotationDataValue->getHash(), path);
if (rotationModel != nullptr)
return rotationModel;
clog << "Bad spice rotation model\n";
DPRINTF(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not load SPICE rotation model\n");
Value* scriptedRotationValue = planetData->getValue("ScriptedRotation");
if (scriptedRotationValue != nullptr)
if (scriptedRotationValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect scripted rotation syntax.\n";
return nullptr;
rotationModel = CreateScriptedRotation(scriptedRotationValue->getHash(), path);
if (rotationModel != nullptr)
return rotationModel;
string sampOrientationFile;
if (planetData->getString("SampledOrientation", sampOrientationFile))
DPRINTF(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Attempting to load orientation file '%s'\n",
ResourceHandle orientationHandle =
GetRotationModelManager()->getHandle(RotationModelInfo(sampOrientationFile, path));
rotationModel = GetRotationModelManager()->find(orientationHandle);
if (rotationModel != nullptr)
return rotationModel;
clog << "Could not load rotation model file '" <<
sampOrientationFile << "'\n";
Value* precessingRotationValue = planetData->getValue("PrecessingRotation");
if (precessingRotationValue != nullptr)
if (precessingRotationValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect syntax for precessing rotation.\n";
return nullptr;
return CreatePrecessingRotationModel(precessingRotationValue->getHash(),
Value* uniformRotationValue = planetData->getValue("UniformRotation");
if (uniformRotationValue != nullptr)
if (uniformRotationValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect UniformRotation syntax.\n";
return nullptr;
return CreateUniformRotationModel(uniformRotationValue->getHash(),
Value* fixedRotationValue = planetData->getValue("FixedRotation");
if (fixedRotationValue != nullptr)
if (fixedRotationValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect FixedRotation syntax.\n";
return nullptr;
return CreateFixedRotationModel(fixedRotationValue->getHash());
Value* fixedAttitudeValue = planetData->getValue("FixedAttitude");
if (fixedAttitudeValue != nullptr)
if (fixedAttitudeValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect FixedAttitude syntax.\n";
return nullptr;
return CreateFixedAttitudeRotationModel(fixedAttitudeValue->getHash());
// For backward compatibility we need to support rotation parameters
// that appear in the main block of the object definition.
// Default to synchronous rotation
bool specified = false;
double period = syncRotationPeriod;
if (planetData->getNumber("RotationPeriod", period))
specified = true;
period = period / 24.0f;
float offset = 0.0f;
if (planetData->getNumber("RotationOffset", offset))
specified = true;
offset = degToRad(offset);
double epoch = astro::J2000;
if (ParseDate(planetData, "RotationEpoch", epoch))
specified = true;
float inclination = 0.0f;
if (planetData->getNumber("Obliquity", inclination))
specified = true;
inclination = degToRad(inclination);
float ascendingNode = 0.0f;
if (planetData->getNumber("EquatorAscendingNode", ascendingNode))
specified = true;
ascendingNode = degToRad(ascendingNode);
double precessionRate = 0.0f;
if (planetData->getNumber("PrecessionRate", precessionRate))
specified = true;
if (specified)
RotationModel* rm = nullptr;
if (period == 0.0)
// No period was specified, and the default synchronous
// rotation period is zero, indicating that the object
// doesn't have a periodic orbit. Default to a constant
// orientation instead.
rm = CreateFixedRotationModel(offset, inclination, ascendingNode);
else if (precessionRate == 0.0)
rm = new UniformRotationModel(period,
rm = new PrecessingRotationModel(period,
-360.0 / precessionRate);
return rm;
// No rotation fields specified
return nullptr;
RotationModel* CreateDefaultRotationModel(double syncRotationPeriod)
if (syncRotationPeriod == 0.0)
// If syncRotationPeriod is 0, the orbit of the object is
// aperiodic and we'll just return a FixedRotation.
return new ConstantOrientation(Quaterniond::Identity());
return new UniformRotationModel(syncRotationPeriod,
* Get the center object of a frame definition. Return an empty selection
* if it's missing or refers to an object that doesn't exist.
static Selection
getFrameCenter(const Universe& universe, Hash* frameData, const Selection& defaultCenter)
string centerName;
if (!frameData->getString("Center", centerName))
if (defaultCenter.empty())
cerr << "No center specified for reference frame.\n";
return defaultCenter;
Selection centerObject = universe.findPath(centerName, nullptr, 0);
if (centerObject.empty())
cerr << "Center object '" << centerName << "' of reference frame not found.\n";
return Selection();
// Should verify that center object is a star or planet, and
// that it is a member of the same star system as the body in which
// the frame will be used.
return centerObject;
static BodyFixedFrame::SharedConstPtr
CreateBodyFixedFrame(const Universe& universe,
Hash* frameData,
const Selection& defaultCenter)
Selection center = getFrameCenter(universe, frameData, defaultCenter);
if (center.empty())
return nullptr;
return shared_ptr<BodyFixedFrame>(new BodyFixedFrame(center, center));
static BodyMeanEquatorFrame::SharedConstPtr
CreateMeanEquatorFrame(const Universe& universe,
Hash* frameData,
const Selection& defaultCenter)
Selection center = getFrameCenter(universe, frameData, defaultCenter);
if (center.empty())
return nullptr;
Selection obj = center;
string objName;
if (frameData->getString("Object", objName))
obj = universe.findPath(objName, nullptr, 0);
if (obj.empty())
clog << "Object '" << objName << "' for mean equator frame not found.\n";
return nullptr;
clog << "CreateMeanEquatorFrame " << center.getName() << ", " << obj.getName() << "\n";
double freezeEpoch = 0.0;
BodyMeanEquatorFrame *ptr;
if (ParseDate(frameData, "Freeze", freezeEpoch))
ptr = new BodyMeanEquatorFrame(center, obj, freezeEpoch);
ptr = new BodyMeanEquatorFrame(center, obj);
return shared_ptr<BodyMeanEquatorFrame>(ptr);
* Convert a string to an axis label. Permitted axis labels are
* x, y, z, -x, -y, and -z. +x, +y, and +z are allowed as synonyms for
* x, y, z. Case is ignored.
static int
parseAxisLabel(const std::string& label)
if (compareIgnoringCase(label, "x") == 0 ||
compareIgnoringCase(label, "+x") == 0)
return 1;
if (compareIgnoringCase(label, "y") == 0 ||
compareIgnoringCase(label, "+y") == 0)
return 2;
if (compareIgnoringCase(label, "z") == 0 ||
compareIgnoringCase(label, "+z") == 0)
return 3;
if (compareIgnoringCase(label, "-x") == 0)
return -1;
if (compareIgnoringCase(label, "-y") == 0)
return -2;
if (compareIgnoringCase(label, "-z") == 0)
return -3;
return 0;
static int
getAxis(Hash* vectorData)
string axisLabel;
if (!vectorData->getString("Axis", axisLabel))
DPRINTF(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Bad two-vector frame: missing axis label for vector.\n");
return 0;
int axis = parseAxisLabel(axisLabel);
if (axis == 0)
DPRINTF(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Bad two-vector frame: vector has invalid axis label.\n");
// Permute axis labels to match non-standard Celestia coordinate
// conventions: y <- z, z <- -y
switch (axis)
case 2:
return -3;
case -2:
return 3;
case 3:
return 2;
case -3:
return -2;
return axis;
return axis;
* Get the target object of a direction vector definition. Return an
* empty selection if it's missing or refers to an object that doesn't exist.
static Selection
getVectorTarget(const Universe& universe, Hash* vectorData)
string targetName;
if (!vectorData->getString("Target", targetName))
clog << "Bad two-vector frame: no target specified for vector.\n";
return Selection();
Selection targetObject = universe.findPath(targetName, nullptr, 0);
if (targetObject.empty())
clog << "Bad two-vector frame: target object '" << targetName << "' of vector not found.\n";
return Selection();
return targetObject;
* Get the observer object of a direction vector definition. Return an
* empty selection if it's missing or refers to an object that doesn't exist.
static Selection
getVectorObserver(const Universe& universe, Hash* vectorData)
string obsName;
if (!vectorData->getString("Observer", obsName))
// Omission of observer is permitted; it will default to the
// frame center.
return Selection();
Selection obsObject = universe.findPath(obsName, nullptr, 0);
if (obsObject.empty())
clog << "Bad two-vector frame: observer object '" << obsObject.getName() << "' of vector not found.\n";
return Selection();
return obsObject;
static FrameVector*
CreateFrameVector(const Universe& universe,
const Selection& center,
Hash* vectorData)
Value* value = nullptr;
value = vectorData->getValue("RelativePosition");
if (value != nullptr && value->getHash() != nullptr)
Hash* relPosData = value->getHash();
Selection observer = getVectorObserver(universe, relPosData);
Selection target = getVectorTarget(universe, relPosData);
// Default observer is the frame center
if (observer.empty())
observer = center;
if (observer.empty() || target.empty())
return nullptr;
return new FrameVector(FrameVector::createRelativePositionVector(observer, target));
value = vectorData->getValue("RelativeVelocity");
if (value != nullptr && value->getHash() != nullptr)
Hash* relVData = value->getHash();
Selection observer = getVectorObserver(universe, relVData);
Selection target = getVectorTarget(universe, relVData);
// Default observer is the frame center
if (observer.empty())
observer = center;
if (observer.empty() || target.empty())
return nullptr;
return new FrameVector(FrameVector::createRelativeVelocityVector(observer, target));
value = vectorData->getValue("ConstantVector");
if (value != nullptr && value->getHash() != nullptr)
Hash* constVecData = value->getHash();
Vector3d vec = Vector3d::UnitZ();
constVecData->getVector("Vector", vec);
if (vec.norm() == 0.0)
clog << "Bad two-vector frame: constant vector has length zero\n";
return nullptr;
vec = Vector3d(vec.x(), vec.z(), -vec.y());
// The frame for the vector is optional; a nullptr frame indicates
// J2000 ecliptic.
ReferenceFrame::SharedConstPtr f;
Value* frameValue = constVecData->getValue("Frame");
if (frameValue != nullptr)
f = CreateReferenceFrame(universe, frameValue, center, nullptr);
if (f == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return new FrameVector(FrameVector::createConstantVector(vec, f));
clog << "Bad two-vector frame: unknown vector type\n";
return nullptr;
static shared_ptr<const TwoVectorFrame>
CreateTwoVectorFrame(const Universe& universe,
Hash* frameData,
const Selection& defaultCenter)
Selection center = getFrameCenter(universe, frameData, defaultCenter);
if (center.empty())
return nullptr;
// Primary and secondary vector definitions are required
Value* primaryValue = frameData->getValue("Primary");
if (primaryValue == nullptr)
clog << "Primary axis missing from two-vector frame.\n";
return nullptr;
Hash* primaryData = primaryValue->getHash();
if (primaryData == nullptr)
clog << "Bad syntax for primary axis of two-vector frame.\n";
return nullptr;
Value* secondaryValue = frameData->getValue("Secondary");
if (secondaryValue == nullptr)
clog << "Secondary axis missing from two-vector frame.\n";
return nullptr;
Hash* secondaryData = secondaryValue->getHash();
if (secondaryData == nullptr)
clog << "Bad syntax for secondary axis of two-vector frame.\n";
return nullptr;
// Get and validate the axes for the direction vectors
int primaryAxis = getAxis(primaryData);
int secondaryAxis = getAxis(secondaryData);
assert(abs(primaryAxis) <= 3);
assert(abs(secondaryAxis) <= 3);
if (primaryAxis == 0 || secondaryAxis == 0)
return nullptr;
if (abs(primaryAxis) == abs(secondaryAxis))
clog << "Bad two-vector frame: axes for vectors are collinear.\n";
return nullptr;
FrameVector* primaryVector = CreateFrameVector(universe,
FrameVector* secondaryVector = CreateFrameVector(universe,
TwoVectorFrame *frame = nullptr;
if (primaryVector != nullptr && secondaryVector != nullptr)
frame = new TwoVectorFrame(center,
*primaryVector, primaryAxis,
*secondaryVector, secondaryAxis);
return shared_ptr<const TwoVectorFrame>(frame);
static shared_ptr<const J2000EclipticFrame>
CreateJ2000EclipticFrame(const Universe& universe,
Hash* frameData,
const Selection& defaultCenter)
Selection center = getFrameCenter(universe, frameData, defaultCenter);
if (center.empty())
return nullptr;
return shared_ptr<J2000EclipticFrame>(new J2000EclipticFrame(center));
static shared_ptr<const J2000EquatorFrame>
CreateJ2000EquatorFrame(const Universe& universe,
Hash* frameData,
const Selection& defaultCenter)
Selection center = getFrameCenter(universe, frameData, defaultCenter);
if (center.empty())
return nullptr;
return shared_ptr<J2000EquatorFrame>(new J2000EquatorFrame(center));
* Helper function for CreateTopocentricFrame().
* Creates a two-vector frame with the specified center, target, and observer.
shared_ptr<const TwoVectorFrame>
CreateTopocentricFrame(const Selection& center,
const Selection& target,
const Selection& observer)
auto eqFrame = shared_ptr<BodyMeanEquatorFrame>(new BodyMeanEquatorFrame(target, target));
FrameVector north = FrameVector::createConstantVector(Vector3d::UnitY(), eqFrame);
FrameVector up = FrameVector::createRelativePositionVector(observer, target);
return shared_ptr<TwoVectorFrame>(new TwoVectorFrame(center, up, -2, north, -3));
* Create a new Topocentric frame. The topocentric frame is designed to make it easy
* to place objects on the surface of a planet or moon. The z-axis will point toward
* the observer's zenith (which here is the direction away from the center of the
* planet.) The x-axis will point in the local north direction. The equivalent
* two-vector frame is:
* \code TwoVector
* {
* Center <center>
* Primary
* {
* Axis "z"
* RelativePosition { Target <target> Observer <observer> }
* }
* Secondary
* {
* Axis "x"
* ConstantVector
* {
* Vector [ 0 0 1]
* Frame { BodyFixed { Center <target> } }
* }
* }
* } \endcode
* Typically, the topocentric frame is used as a BodyFrame to orient an
* object on the surface of a planet. In this situation, the observer is
* object itself and the target object is the planet. In fact, these are
* the defaults: when no target, observer, or center is specified, the
* observer and center are both 'self' and the target is the parent
* object. Thus, for a Mars rover, using a topocentric frame is as simple
* as:
* <pre> "Rover" "Sol/Mars"
* {
* BodyFrame { Topocentric { } }
* ...
* } </pre>
static shared_ptr<const TwoVectorFrame>
CreateTopocentricFrame(const Universe& universe,
Hash* frameData,
const Selection& defaultTarget,
const Selection& defaultObserver)
Selection target;
Selection observer;
Selection center;
string centerName;
if (frameData->getString("Center", centerName))
// If a center is provided, the default observer is the center and
// the default target is the center's parent. This gives sensible results
// when a topocentric frame is used as an orbit frame.
center = universe.findPath(centerName, nullptr, 0);
if (center.empty())
cerr << "Center object '" << centerName << "' for topocentric frame not found.\n";
return nullptr;
observer = center;
target = center.parent();
// When no center is provided, use the default observer as the center. This
// is typical when a topocentric frame is the body frame. The default observer
// is usually the object itself.
target = defaultTarget;
observer = defaultObserver;
center = defaultObserver;
string targetName;
if (!frameData->getString("Target", targetName))
if (target.empty())
cerr << "No target specified for topocentric frame.\n";
return nullptr;
target = universe.findPath(targetName, nullptr, 0);
if (target.empty())
cerr << "Target object '" << targetName << "' for topocentric frame not found.\n";
return nullptr;
// Should verify that center object is a star or planet, and
// that it is a member of the same star system as the body in which
// the frame will be used.
string observerName;
if (!frameData->getString("Observer", observerName))
if (observer.empty())
cerr << "No observer specified for topocentric frame.\n";
return nullptr;
observer = universe.findPath(observerName, nullptr, 0);
if (observer.empty())
cerr << "Observer object '" << observerName << "' for topocentric frame not found.\n";
return nullptr;
return CreateTopocentricFrame(center, target, observer);
static ReferenceFrame::SharedConstPtr
CreateComplexFrame(const Universe& universe, Hash* frameData, const Selection& defaultCenter, Body* defaultObserver)
Value* value = frameData->getValue("BodyFixed");
if (value != nullptr)
if (value->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect body-fixed frame syntax.\n";
return nullptr;
return CreateBodyFixedFrame(universe, value->getHash(), defaultCenter);
value = frameData->getValue("MeanEquator");
if (value != nullptr)
if (value->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect mean equator frame syntax.\n";
return nullptr;
return CreateMeanEquatorFrame(universe, value->getHash(), defaultCenter);
value = frameData->getValue("TwoVector");
if (value != nullptr)
if (value->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect two-vector frame syntax.\n";
return nullptr;
return CreateTwoVectorFrame(universe, value->getHash(), defaultCenter);
value = frameData->getValue("Topocentric");
if (value != nullptr)
if (value->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect topocentric frame syntax.\n";
return nullptr;
return CreateTopocentricFrame(universe, value->getHash(), defaultCenter, Selection(defaultObserver));
value = frameData->getValue("EclipticJ2000");
if (value != nullptr)
if (value->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect J2000 ecliptic frame syntax.\n";
return nullptr;
return CreateJ2000EclipticFrame(universe, value->getHash(), defaultCenter);
value = frameData->getValue("EquatorJ2000");
if (value != nullptr)
if (value->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Object has incorrect J2000 equator frame syntax.\n";
return nullptr;
return CreateJ2000EquatorFrame(universe, value->getHash(), defaultCenter);
clog << "Frame definition does not have a valid frame type.\n";
return nullptr;
ReferenceFrame::SharedConstPtr CreateReferenceFrame(const Universe& universe,
Value* frameValue,
const Selection& defaultCenter,
Body* defaultObserver)
if (frameValue->getType() == Value::StringType)
// TODO: handle named frames
clog << "Invalid syntax for frame definition.\n";
return nullptr;
if (frameValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
clog << "Invalid syntax for frame definition.\n";
return nullptr;
return CreateComplexFrame(universe, frameValue->getHash(), defaultCenter, defaultObserver);