2001-09-28 01:38:24 +00:00

59 lines
1.5 KiB

# c[0]..c[3] contains the concatenation of the modelview and projection matrices.
# c[4]..c[7] contains the inverse transpose of the modelview
# c[15] contains the eye position in object space
# c[16] contains the light direction in object space
# c[17] contains H, the normalized sum of the eye and light direction
# c[20] contains the light color * object color
# c[32] contains the ambient light color * object color
# c[33] contains the haze color
# c[40] contains (0, 1, 0, specPower)
# v[OPOS] contains the per-vertex position
# v[NRML] contains the per-vertex normal
# v[TEX0] contains the per-vertex texture coordinate 0
# o[HPOS] output register for homogeneous position
# o[TEX0] output register for texture coordinate 0
# o[COL0] output register for primary color
# R0...R11 temporary registers
# Transform the vertex by the modelview matrix
DP4 R1.x, c[0], v[OPOS];
DP4 R1.y, c[1], v[OPOS];
DP4 R1.z, c[2], v[OPOS];
DP4 R1.w, c[3], v[OPOS];
# Compute the diffuse light component
DP3 R2, v[NRML], c[16];
# Clamp the diffuse component to zero
MAX R2.x, R2, c[40].xxxx;
# Get the vector from the eye to the vertex
ADD R4, c[15], -v[OPOS];
# Normalize it
DP3 R0.w, R4, R4;
RSQ R0.w, R0.w;
MUL R4.xyz, R4, R0.w;
# Haze
DP3 R2.y, v[NRML], R4;
ADD R2.y, c[40].y, -R2.y;
# MUL R2.y, R2.x, R2.y;
MUL o[FOGC].x, R2.x, R2.y;
# Output the texture
MOV o[TEX0], v[TEX0];
# Output the primary color
MOV R0, c[32];
MAD o[COL0], c[20], R2.xxxx, R0;
# MUL o[COL1], R2.y, c[33];
# Output the vertex
MOV o[HPOS], R1;