
179 lines
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// C++ Implementation: starname
// Description:
// Author: Toti <root@totibox>, (C) 2005
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include <celengine/constellation.h>
#include <celengine/starname.h>
using namespace std;
uint32_t StarNameDatabase::findCatalogNumberByName(const string& name, bool i18n) const
auto catalogNumber = getCatalogNumberByName(name, i18n);
if (catalogNumber != AstroCatalog::InvalidIndex)
return catalogNumber;
string priName(name);
string altName;
bool isOrbitingStar = false; // star is an orbiting one if it looks like `Barycenter A`
// See if the name is a Bayer or Flamsteed designation
auto pos = name.find(' ');
auto nameLength = name.length();
if (pos != 0 && pos != string::npos && pos < nameLength - 1)
auto pos1 = name.rfind(' ');
char starLetter = '\0';
if (pos1 != string::npos && pos1 > pos && pos1 < nameLength - 1 && isalpha(name[pos1 + 1]))
starLetter = name[pos1 + 1];
isOrbitingStar = true;
do { --pos1; } while (isspace(name[pos1]));
string prefix(name, 0, pos);
string conName(name, pos + 1, isOrbitingStar ? pos1 - pos : string::npos);
Constellation* con = Constellation::getConstellation(conName);
if (con != nullptr)
char digit = ' ';
int len = prefix.length();
// If the first character of the prefix is a letter
// and the last character is a digit, we may have
// something like 'Alpha2 Cen' . . . Extract the digit
// before trying to match a Greek letter.
if (len > 2 && isalpha(prefix[0]) && isdigit(prefix[len - 1]))
digit = prefix[len];
// We have a valid constellation as the last part
// of the name. Next, we see if the first part of
// the name is a greek letter.
const string& letter = Greek::canonicalAbbreviation(string(prefix, 0, len));
if (!letter.empty())
// Matched . . . this is a Bayer designation
if (digit == ' ')
priName = letter + ' ' + con->getAbbreviation();
// If 'let con' doesn't match, try using
// 'let1 con' instead.
altName = letter + '1' + ' ' + con->getAbbreviation();
priName = letter + digit + ' ' + con->getAbbreviation();
// Something other than a Bayer designation
priName = prefix + ' ' + con->getAbbreviation();
if (isOrbitingStar)
char star[3] = {' ', starLetter, '\0'};
catalogNumber = getCatalogNumberByName(priName, i18n);
if (catalogNumber != AstroCatalog::InvalidIndex)
return catalogNumber;
if (!isOrbitingStar)
priName.append(" A"); // try by appending an A
catalogNumber = getCatalogNumberByName(priName, i18n);
if (catalogNumber != AstroCatalog::InvalidIndex)
return catalogNumber;
// If the first search failed, try using the alternate name
if (!altName.empty())
catalogNumber = getCatalogNumberByName(altName, i18n);
if (catalogNumber == AstroCatalog::InvalidIndex && !isOrbitingStar)
altName.append(" A");
catalogNumber = getCatalogNumberByName(altName, i18n);
} // Intentional fallthrough.
return catalogNumber;
StarNameDatabase* StarNameDatabase::readNames(istream& in)
StarNameDatabase* db = new StarNameDatabase();
bool failed = false;
string s;
while (!failed)
auto catalogNumber = AstroCatalog::InvalidIndex;
in >> catalogNumber;
if (in.eof())
if (in.bad())
failed = true;
// in.get(); // skip a space (or colon);
string name;
getline(in, name);
if (in.bad())
failed = true;
// Iterate through the string for names delimited
// by ':', and insert them into the star database. Note that
// db->add() will skip empty names.
string::size_type startPos = 0;
while (startPos != string::npos)
string::size_type next = name.find(':', startPos);
string::size_type length = string::npos;
if (next != string::npos)
length = next - startPos;
db->add(catalogNumber, name.substr(startPos, length));
startPos = next;
if (failed)
delete db;
return nullptr;
return db;